Job Transfer For All People: Bind The Son Of Luck And Return Ten Thousand Times

Chapter 67 Comprehended A Powerful Skill Again, The Attribute Of Level 20 Exploded, Went To Appraise

【Dark Thunder Blazing Helmet】

[Equipment Grade: Immortal Artifact (Growth Level: Level 1 0%)]

[Equipment attributes: strength +100, agility +100, spirit +100, physical strength +100]

[Additional attributes: Lightning resistance increased by 5%, with 500 lightning damage when attacking, and a 10 chance of paralyzing the opponent when attacking. 】

[Equipment Skill: Dark Lightning Corrosion (Passive): When attacking, there is a 10% chance to trigger dark attribute lightning corrosion, causing continuous physical and mental damage to the opponent. 】

[Hell Thunder Backlash (Passive): When attacked, there is a 10% chance to reflect 10% of the enemy's physical damage, and if it is magic damage, the rebound will be doubled. 】

Cool, it can rebound damage.

Qin Feng can even imagine that his strength will increase in the future.

Just standing still and letting someone hit him can kill him.

The combination of darkness and thunder is strong!

【Dark Thunder Blazing Armor】

[Equipment Grade: Immortal Artifact (Growth Level: Level 1 0%)]

[Equipment attributes: strength +100, agility +100, spirit +100, physical strength +100]

[Additional attributes: soil resistance increased by 5%, with 500 soil damage when attacking, and a 10% chance to stun the opponent when attacking. 】

[Equipment skill: Dark Thunder Seal (Passive): When attacked, there is a 10 chance to summon a wall of earth to resist this damage. 】

[Dark Thunder Wings (Active): With the power of thunder and lightning, a pair of thunder wings are formed, which can fly in the low sky. 】

"I'm going? Flying skills!"

Seeing this, Qin Feng felt a little pleasantly surprised.

This armguard actually has flying skills, which he did not expect.

Although it is only a low-altitude flight, as long as it can be used well, this is a great advantage.


It was just too much for him.

[Dark Thunder Blazing Leggings]

[Equipment Grade: Immortal Artifact (Growth Level: Level 1 0%)]

[Equipment attributes: strength +100, agility +100, spirit +100, physical strength +100]

[Additional attributes: Metal resistance increased by 5%, and the attack comes with 500 gold damage. When attacking, there is a 10% chance to cause armor-piercing effect. 】

【Equipment Skill: Blazing Sky Walk (Passive): In battle, there is a 10% chance to increase agility by 200 points, which can be triggered continuously. 】

[Golden Suge (Active): Release the mixed power of gold and thunder attributes, and let a burst of thunder and lightning attack 01 blows fall in the sky. 】

[Dark Thunder Blazing Boots]

[Equipment Grade: Immortal Artifact (Growth Level: Level 1 0%)]

[Equipment attributes: strength +100, agility +100, spirit +100, physical strength +100]

[Additional attribute: Water resistance increased by 5%, 500 water damage is attached to the attack, and there is a 10 chance of causing drowning effect when attacking. 】

[Equipment Skill: Rising Dark Tide (Passive): In battle, there is a 10% chance to summon a large turbulent wave to attack the enemy. 】

【Like Water Without Trace (Passive): You can walk freely on water or in water, and you can exert 100% of your strength when you enter the water. 】

"Huh? This skill is a little bit!"

Qin Feng was surprised by the last skill.

It can walk freely on and in the water.

The waters and seas of this world are still quite vast.

After people enter the water, their actions will be greatly restricted.

As the time in water prolongs, the attributes will continue to decline.

But the emergence of this skill has solved a big problem.

If you want to enter the sea in the future, it will come in handy.

Qin Feng put on a set of equipment neatly, and a burst of dark thunder emerged.


In a flash of brilliance, a complete suit was formed.

Luxurious black brings a calm and heavy feeling.

But the light and elegant pattern made him look very elegant.


This set of equipment is gorgeous, mighty, and noble when worn on the body.

It makes Qin Feng even more attractive.

After a burst of light, the set attribute of this set of fairy equipment is also activated.

Qin Feng immediately checked the attributes of the suit.

[Set attributes: The four basic attributes are increased by 200, which greatly improves the charm, increases the critical strike damage by 20%, and increases the attack damage by 20%. 】

[Suit skill: Thunderbolt Extermination (Active): Burst out the dark thunder energy fused from various departments, covering a range of 100 meters in front of you, and carry out a devastating blow. 】

[Dark Lightning Possession (Active): You can use the dual elements of darkness and thunder to increase all attributes by 20%, and the duration is related to the elements stored in the suit.

Storage: 10000/10000. 】

[Thunder Dragon Manta (Active): Summon the immortal beast Thunder Dragon Manta to fight. Thunder Dragon Manta is a combination of thunder, water and darkness. It has dragon blood and is extremely powerful. It can be summoned once a day. 】

"The attributes of this suit are absolutely amazing."

Ultra-wide-range trick strike.

All attributes increased by 20%.

It can also summon beasts of the same level to fight.

What Qin Feng saw was that his eyes glowed, it was like a magic weapon.

I really don't know how powerful the attributes of the artifact set should be.

such a pity.

Right now, this set of equipment is still level 1, and it needs to be upgraded in the future, and experience needs to be absorbed.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng also had a headache.

Why are there more and more people who eat experience now?

His profession, a god-level hidden profession, a top-level hidden profession, requires a lot of experience.

And Xiaobai, the experience required by the beast is even more terrifying.

Now there is another set of fairy equipment.

It's over, if the Holy Snow Ice Dragon hatches again, the scene is too beautiful, I dare not think about it.

Fortunately, he is powerful.

Otherwise, you really have to worry about upgrading.

Simply relying on the experience returned by Xiao Yu is not enough at all.

shook his head.

After putting on the equipment, Qin Feng took out the source of life again.

It exudes a strong vitality, holding it in the hand, there is an extremely masculine breath.

But it is very contradictory, there is an extremely primitive devilish energy in it.

"How do you swallow this thing?"

Qin Feng looked at the fist-sized source of life, hesitant.

The introduction mentioned above is to be swallowed into the body.

But with such a big group, why not choke him to death?

Picking up the source of life and putting it near his mouth, Qin Feng has not yet reacted.

It was discovered that the source of life directly turned into a stream of light and entered his mouth.

A warm current surged and spread to his limbs in an instant.

It seems to be shrouded in the holy light, full of vitality and warmth.

[You have taken the anode source of life, and your physical strength has increased by 1000. 】

[You have taken the source of life of the anode, and comprehended the dark skill: magic tooth hook moon. 】

[Magic Tooth Hooking the Moon (Active): Summons a powerful dark mist to cover 10 meters around itself. Targets outside the black mist, with detection skills below the god level, cannot see through the black mist. Dark element blades will condense in the black mist. Targets in the fog to strike. 】

[As your ability grows, you will gradually integrate the source of life of the anode and comprehend more skills. 】

[Note: You have already taken the source of life, and there is a possibility of being discovered by high-level demons. 】

Take the source of life.

The stamina attribute surges by 1000 points.

Qin Feng's current stamina attribute has directly become the highest among all attributes.

And also comprehend a dark skill, both support and attack.

Really cool.

"It's clearly the source of life, but it comprehends dark skills."

Qin Feng sighed a little, this thing is really amazing.

He couldn't wait to open his professional mark.

View your current properties.

【Name: Qin Feng】

【Level: 20】

[First job: Five Elements Holy Dragon Knight]

[Second Occupation: Elf Dragon Knight]

[Professional level: first-order trainee knight]

[Basic attributes: strength: 1890, stamina: 2890, spirit: 1870, agility: 1870]

[Hidden attribute: Luck: 3, Charm: 28]

【Gift of Resurrection: 3/3】

【Backpack space: 50】

[Talent Skills: Blood Boiling (A-level), True Eye (SSS-level), Absolute Defense (SSS-level). 】

[The first professional skills: five-element dragon claw, five-element dragon scale, five-element dragon body, five-element burst slash, five-element swift blade slash, five-direction star array, two-handed proficiency, holy impact. 】

[Second professional skills: body of life, light of elves, affinity with all spirits, recovery of all things, seven-star seal, elegy of elves. 】

【Other skills: space teleportation, magic tooth hooking the moon!】

[Exclusive magical skills: Holy Dragon's Wrath, Dragon Emperor's Domineering, Emperor Dragon Transformation! 】

[Unique Skill: Weaving Ten Gods Forbidden!]

[Equipment: Dark Thunder Blazing Spear, Dark Thunder Blazing Armor, Dark Thunder Blazing Helmet, Dark Thunder Blazing Armguards, Dark Thunder Blazing Leggings, Dark Thunder Blazing War Boots, Dark Shadow Phantom . 】

[Pet: Five Elements Little White Dragon (Xiaobai). 】

[Resistance: Gold resistance 25%, Wood resistance 20%, Water resistance 45%, Fire resistance 25%, Earth resistance 25%, Light resistance 20%, Dark resistance 70 %, 30% resistance to death, and 25% resistance to lightning. 】

This attribute is simply abnormal!

Qin Feng nodded in satisfaction, if this attribute is released.

No one else would believe that this is a level 20 first-tier professional.

And he hasn't equipped the Tianji Evil Dragon Sword yet.

If this ghost weapon long sword is equipped again, the attribute will increase a little bit.

However, it is enough to use the Dark Thunder Blazing Spear first.

Otherwise, it is a bit difficult to use a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, and it is not easy to use.

I also have to say that the Og suit is powerful.

A single piece can increase the four basic attributes by 100 points.

Six pieces of equipment, plus the attributes of the set, is an attribute of 800 points.

Moreover, this set of fairy equipment requires the Elf Hidden Dragon Knight profession to equip it.

And only he can use it.

Even if someone else took it, it would be useless.

After tidying up the harvest this time, Qin Feng took a shower and fell into a deep sleep.

the next day.

Qin Feng came to Yinjian District, which is the largest market trading center in Tianyuan City.

There are numerous auction houses, a large number of living and strengthening occupations.

Many professionals will come here to replenish and sell items.

Qin Feng came here just to get rid of the equipment he fought earlier.

The direction he was headed to was the Appraisal Shop in the Silver Sword District.

Of course, in order not to attract too much attention, he didn't wear any equipment and changed into ordinary casual clothes.

The identification shop in the Silver Sword District is at the end of Lingyin Street.

Qin Feng just came to Lingyin Street.

Just see the surrounding streets, or squat, or stand, or lean.


with many people.

Seeing Qin Feng approaching, several people greeted him.

"Little brother, do you need to identify equipment?"

"We are also appraisers, let us come, the appraisal fee only needs 70% of the appraisal shop.

"Come on, you're only at the elementary level of appraisal. If you come to me, brother, I'll be at the intermediate level soon."

In addition to combat professions, there are all kinds of other professions in this world.

Dancers, merchants, miners, gatherers, cooks, designers, blacksmiths, tailors.

Alchemists, bartenders, fortifiers, enchanters, appraisers, etc.

It can be said that it includes all aspects of occupations.

Life occupations, and enhanced occupations, although there is no danger of fighting.

You don't need potions, you don't need equipment, as long as your skill proficiency increases, you can easily make money.

However, it is quite difficult to improve the proficiency of skills.

For example, a chef needs to constantly cook.

If you want to make a breakthrough, you must make better dishes.

This is why haute cuisine ingredients are very expensive.

And the same goes for appraisers.

If you want to improve your skill proficiency, you need a lot of appraisal equipment.

The more equipment you identify and the higher the grade of equipment, you can always upgrade, almost fast.

Moreover, there is no cost for appraisers to use appraisal techniques.

No need for any props.

Complete cost, no effort even required, no hard work at all.

Compared to those blacksmiths sweating profusely by the stove.

Those miners who dig in the mines, and the herbalists who look for herbs everywhere.

It's much easier.

As long as the equipment is identified, you can earn income.

Fees are charged according to the grade of equipment.

However, the disadvantage of this profession is also here.

Because a piece of equipment can be identified according to its grade, the number of times it can be identified is limited.

The more identification times, the greater the possibility of equipment damage.

All, generally speaking, for appraising equipment, they are found by relatively high-level appraisers.

Although the appraiser has a lower awakening rate than other life-related occupations.

But it is not without.

Under the huge population base, the number of appraisers is also quite large.

This has led to a situation where there are too many monks and too little porridge.

The appraisers in the appraisal store are at least senior appraisers, and there are even fairy-level appraisers sitting in the town.

So everyone appraises the equipment and goes to the appraisal shop.

Even if the appraisal shop charges more expensive, but it is safe.

Life and enhanced occupations are divided according to skill level.

Divided from low to high: elementary, intermediate, advanced, master, master, fairy, god.

For a life profession, if you can enter the master level, then you will not have to worry about food and clothing in this life.

"Sorry, I'm going to the appraiser!"

Qin Feng politely rejected these people and went directly to the appraisal shop.


"Please select the partition to identify the equipment!"

The employees of the appraisal store warmly greeted Qin Feng, and every customer who entered may bring a certain amount of income.

And most importantly, "Get skill proficiency all the way.

This is something no appraiser wants to miss.

Whiteboard equipment does not require identification.

Therefore, the divisions in the Appraisal Store are divided into the following: "Fine Iron District", "Bronze District", "Silver District", "Golden District", and "Dark Gold District".

There are five areas in total.

For equipment such as Immortal Artifacts and Divine Artifacts above Dark Gold, an appraiser of at least the Immortal Level is required.

Qin Feng has not seen it here for the time being.

However, this appraisal shop is officially owned by Tianyuan City.

Qin Feng had no doubts at all, there must be an appraiser at the immortal level.

It was also the first time for him to come here, and under the guidance of the staff, he came to the identification area of ​​the dark gold equipment.

Among the equipment that exploded from the tower of death before, there were a few pieces of dark gold equipment.

After all, he killed the tenth floor.

After clearing the front nine floors, there are no more equipment that exploded.

Now in his backpack, the worst is silver equipment.

There are more than ten pieces of gold equipment, and several pieces of dark gold equipment.

"Hello, I want to identify the equipment.

Qin Feng came to the identification room of the dark gold equipment.

In front of him was a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties.

Wearing a pair of old pedantic wide-brimmed glasses, and wearing a professional black and white robe issued by the Appraiser Guild.

Seeing Qin Feng coming, he seemed a little happy.

"The young man is very good, he actually came to my dark gold area.

"Hey, old man, I have too few patrons."

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