Job Transfer For All People: Bind The Son Of Luck And Return Ten Thousand Times

Chapter 93 The Hidden Dragon Assessment Task Is Actually Related To The Japanese Pirates In Fuji Cou

The paper order in Qin Feng's hand clearly recorded his assessment tasks.

[Anomaly in Bloodfire Village: The monsters around Bloodfire Village in the north outside Tianyuan City have mutated. Some people say that they have heard the words of Japanese pirates nearby. You need to investigate the cause of this incident and resolve the crisis in Bloodfire Village. 】

"A Japanese pirate from the Fuji country?"

After Qin Feng read the content of this task, he felt that it was not difficult.

It seems to be just helping the villagers of Bloodfire Village to solve their problems.

However, if it has a relationship with Fuji Country, it will not be a simple problem.

Moreover, this is the assessment task given by Yinlong, and it will definitely not be easy.

"Five days, it seems that we have to hurry up!"

Qin Feng didn't waste any time and sorted out the things in his backpack.

Went to the market to purchase some necessary items.

After checking the map of Xuehuo Village, they headed towards the Lingshan Mountain area in the north of Tianyuan City through the teleportation array.

Tianyuan City is a huge city.

But not alone.

It is surrounded by abundant resources.

To the south is the Shiraishi Gobi, and to the east is the Eudemons Forest.

To the west is an Ice Moon Grassland, and to the west, passing through the Ice Moon Grassland, is the range of the Wailing Moon Mountain Range.

The Magic Moon Mountain Range was exactly where Qin Feng had been before.

Full of all kinds of undead monsters, the battlefield of undead natural disasters a long time ago.

For the super ghost weapon of the undead monarch and the tower of death, Qin Feng has not forgotten at all.

Just wait and find a suitable opportunity.

Xiao Yu will guide the past.

In the north of Tianyuan City, there is a mountain range full of fire elements.

Known as the Spirit Fire Mountain Range, it is a leveling area that many water mages love to come to.

The fringe area is the area for level 30 monsters.

Deeper is the lava volcano, which is inhabited by giant dragons. The previous lava dragons came from here.

The red trees and landforms are a major feature here.

Apart from Tianyuan City itself, there are many towns and villages surrounding Tianyuan.

The Blood Fire Village that Qin Feng is going to now is a remote village located in the Spirit Fire Mountain Range.

Riding Xiaobai, he entered the Spirit Fire Mountain Range.

Surrounded by fiery trees.

The soil on the ground and the weird rocks all showed a bright red color.

There are also some red slimes.

【Fire Slime】

【Level: 40】

[Attributes: strength: 310, stamina: 280, spirit: 405, agility: 231]

[Skill: Fireball Attack: Condenses the flame element in the body, sends out a fireball to attack the enemy, and has a 5% chance of causing a burning effect. 】

[Slime Jump: The soft body is elastic, and the slime is carried in the jump, covering the enemy's body, with a 10% chance of causing a burning effect. 】

[Weakness: Water resistance -50%. 】

[Introduction: Slime living in the Spirit Fire Mountain Range is full of fire elements, has a very violent temper, and will take the initiative to attack when it sees people. 】

As soon as he entered the Spirit Fire Mountain Range, Qin Feng saw dozens of fiery red slimes jumping towards him.

With red mucus on his body.

It looked like some kind of fudge he had once eaten.

Soft, translucent red body, people can't help but sigh, if it can be eaten, it should taste very good.

It's a pity that the slime on slime's body is daunting.

"Xiaobai, solve them" [!"

There was no one here, and Qin Feng didn't want to move the floor by himself.

The main reason is that these guys, with their sticky appearance, really make it difficult for him to have the idea of ​​contact.

Xiaobai is also very active, a high-level magic of the water system goes down.

The flame slimes rushing over all around turned into a pile of corpses.

As if he had lost his strength, he fell limply to the ground.

The slime's body began to melt into the ground little by little.

"Beautiful job, Xiaobai!"

Qin Feng praised without hesitation, and Xiao Bai also neighed in response.

Along the way, I don't know if the road to Bloodfire Village is abnormally remote, and I didn't find anyone.

There are quite a few monsters around.

Flame slimes, fiery red stone monsters, some dryads, some flame beetles, and tongue-killing lizards.

The monsters living here seem to be moving faster than Sang.

All levels are above level 40.

Seeing Qin Feng, they were constantly attacking actively, and they all died under Xiaobai's water magic.

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to harvest, so I have to give up many things."

Qin Feng looked at the monster's corpse on the ground and could only shake his head.

It's not good to have no collection skills.

Although he can collect it himself, he can only collect it by hand.

There is no way to say yes, just like a collector, collect directly into the backpack after using the skills.

This decided that he had no choice but to give up the corpse materials of these monsters.

After all, if you follow Xiaobai's speed of killing monsters.

Even if he is collecting, it is fundamental.

Moreover, his backpack space does not allow him to do so.

After running around for more than three hours, Qin Feng finally approached the Blood Fire Village.

The location here is too remote, and there are still some level 50 monsters around.

The closer you get, the weirder the surrounding colors become.

From bright red, it gradually changed to blood-like red.

The water droplets on the surrounding trees were as solemn as blood.

"Ahead, there is Bloodfire Village..."

"This place really fits its name."

"Huh? Is there anyone still guarding?"

Qin Feng rode Xiaobai and walked over. There was a small valley in front of him, and two standing figures could be seen at the entrance of the valley.

Seeing this situation, he was also taken aback for a moment.

Didn't expect that there were still people stationed here?

"The Eye of Truth!"

Within the sight range, Qin Feng directly hit the past with a skill.

【Fei Congning】

【Character level: 40】

[Character Occupation: Warrior]

[Professional Level: Tier 2 Bronze Warrior]

[Character attributes: strength: 550, stamina: 380, spirit: 260 [agility: 342]

[Character skills: cross slash, mallet, armor-piercing attack, impact slash, aerial slash, halberd dance. 】

[Hidden attribute: initial luck value is 3 points, charisma value is 2 points. 】

The people stationed at Taniguchi are two level 40 second-level professionals.

One is a warrior and the other is a knight.

It's just an ordinary job.

Looking at the equipment on his body, it is also garbage equipment.

The best ones were only bronze equipment, with a few pieces of refined iron equipment mixed in.

Why are these people here?"

"Or, do they have anything to do with Japanese pirates?"

Qin Feng felt a little puzzled, and rode Xiaobai over.

"Stop, who are you?"

Seeing Qin Feng approaching, the soldier named Fei Conning hurriedly spoke.

The two became wary and looked at Qin Feng.

Even when he saw Qin Feng's attire and the flawless white horse, there was a hint of greed in his eyes, as if he really wanted to take these things for himself.

"Who am I? What does it have to do with you?"

"I really want to ask, who are you?"

Qin Feng saw the look of these two people in his eyes, and smiled disdainfully, with a haughty tone.

One look at these two guys, it's not a good thing.

His eyes are erratic, he is sneaky, and he still appears in Bloodfire Village, so it's hard for him not to think about it.

The two people on the opposite side didn't seem to have expected that Qin Feng's tone would be so arrogant.

Using the probing skills, I want to see Qin Feng's attributes.

But (Liao Nuo's) just saw a string of question marks.

"Damn it, why do high-level professionals come here?"

The two looked at each other, feeling a little scared in their hearts, and directly regarded Qin Feng as a high-level professional.

Feeling anxious, Fei Conning gritted his teeth and said, "We are members of the kelp mercenary group, and our mercenary group went out to upgrade and stationed here.

"My friend, this is already our residence, please leave here forever."

Rules must be followed in the wild. If a force chooses a location first, in order to avoid conflicts, most of the other forces will choose other places.

Unless it is a force with a good relationship, it will choose to be stationed together.

When Fei Congning said this, she hoped that Qin Feng would retreat despite difficulties.


Qin Feng heard the words, and asked back: "This is the village of Bloodfire Village, right? When did it become the residence of your kelp mercenary group?"

"Also, what is the kelp mercenary group? I've never heard of it."

"Let me go, you are not qualified!"

Qin Feng's words directly embarrass and secretly hate these two people.

But with the fear in his heart, he could only watch Qin Feng pass by on a white horse, not daring to make a move at all.

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