As Sue also made a choice.

5000 mission points are instantly consumed.

The colorful roulette wheel in front of you began to turn rapidly.


As soon as the mind moves, the colorful roulette wheel stops turning.

The roulette wheel needle slowly stops in a foggy area.

The fog dissipated!

Reveal a big word!

Thank you for your patronage!

Su Yi: ???

"Accident, first time - it should be an accident!"

Thinking of killing [alien creatures] before. Destroyer], two silver-level quality items burst out in one shot.

A trace of firmness flashed on Su Yi's face.

"Go on!"

This time, Su also directly consumed 10,000 mission points.

Two consecutive draws!

As the quest points are consumed, the colorful roulette wheel of the draw continues to spin rapidly.


When the wheel stops.

After the fog dissipated, the four big words revealed made Su Ye fall into a confusion like doubting life!

Thank you for your patronage!

Thank you for your patronage!

Thank you for your patronage twice in a row, 10,000 mission points consumed.

Su Yi couldn't help but glance at his hand!

Is he really a non-chieftain!


When pigs fly!

It was definitely a surprise!

Su Yi's face has gradually become hideous!

Look at the remaining two thousand mission points.

Su Ye's face was fierce.

Open the page for the Low-Level Draw.

"I don't believe that nothing will hit today!"

"Give me on!"

[Dingtone, do you confirm that you will consume 2,000 mission points and conduct two low-level draws?] 】

[Yes], [No]!

"Yes, smoke me!!"

Su Yi gritted his teeth.

As he makes his choice.

The next moment, the colorful roulette wheel began to turn rapidly again.

A moment later, under Su Yi's control, the roulette wheel stopped spinning!

The black fog in the area where the pointer rests begins to slowly dissipate.

Su Yi's face was delighted, this time, it was finally no longer a thank you for your patronage.

[Dingdong, congratulations on getting the equipment - ordinary watermelon knife (not in the flow)...]

Su Yi: ???

How else to play this Nima?

1,000 mission points, actually drew a watermelon knife that was useless.

Looking at the watermelon knife that appeared in front of him out of thin air, Su Ye seriously suspected that this thing might not even be able to cut the skin of a level 1 monster.

"Whew, phew~"

"It's better than thanking you for your patronage!"

"Go on!"

Su Yiqiang suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at the only 1,000 remaining task points, and decisively chose to continue.

Next time, when the colorful roulette wheel stops spinning.

He couldn't help but hold his breath!

The fog slowly dissipated!

Shine with a golden glow!


Su Yi's face was delighted!

He really is not a non-chief!

[Dingdong, congratulations on getting the equipment - Godspeed Combat Boots (Gold Level)...]

A pair of black combat boots appeared in front of Su Yi's eyes.

These boots look ordinary on the outside.

But it is a gold-level quality equipment.

Open to view its specific property information.

【Godspeed Combat Boots】

[Level: Level 10.] 】

[Quality Grade: Gold. 】

[Wearing requirements: None.] 】

[Movement speed: +20%.] 】

[Dodge rate: +3%.] 】

[Special effect bonus: 1, when you chase enemies, the movement speed is increased by an additional 20%.

2. Godspeed (Active Effect): Activate this skill, your movement speed will increase by 100% in the next 3 seconds, and after 3 seconds, your next normal attack damage will receive an additional 15% bonus. 】

[Introduction: I often chase the wind and compete with time...]

Very good!

This equipment has a large bonus to movement speed.

In particular, the second item in the special effect bonus also provides an additional 15% damage bonus,

After checking its specific attribute information, Su Yi also directly put it on.

After doing all this.

Su Yi glanced at the time, and then casually took out the [Large Recovery Elixir] material.

Under the effect of [Large-scale Recovery Elixir Crafting Recipe], the production began.

A moment later, 50 bottles of [Large Recovery Elixir] were made.

And Su Ye only felt a dizziness in his head.

Forced this discomfort to come to bed, and fell asleep at the end.

One night without words!

Early the next morning.

Su Ye slowly opened her eyes in a burst of sunshine.

After a simple wash, he did not go to the field map to brush the monster upgrade at the first time.

Instead, after cleaning up a little, I came to the trading block again.

During yesterday's trip to Cave Rift, he harvested a lot of boss materials and equipment. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This kind of thing is of no use in his hands.

Only selling them for gold coins is the best deal.

Just arrived at the trading district.

Looked for a stall in the corner, after paying the deposit.

Su also took out all the things he was going to sell.

The first is the [Dragon Pattern Blood Bow] obtained from the archer of the Vulture Hunting Group.

This is a silver-level quality equipment, but it has a certain chance of advancing to the dark gold level.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Su Yi directly set it into the bidding mode, with a reserve price of 150w coins, and each price increase must not be less than 10w coins.

After that, there is the [Flame Stone] and [Flame Scepter].

These two items are also prepared for sale in a package, with a total price of 100w coins.

As for the boss material.

Just like last time, all of them were 10,000 gold coins a piece.

As for the end, there are some bronze-level equipment that has been plundered from other members of the vulture hunting group before.

The price of all is 20,000 gold coins.

After doing all this, Su Yi named the stall a boutique stall, and began to wait quietly.

As the so-called wine aroma is not afraid of the deep alley.

Although it was early morning.

But there are not too few people in this trading block.

But in a moment, many professionals were attracted by the things in Su Yi's booth.

"Lying groove, what kind of immortal booth is this, I actually saw a gold-level quality equipment!"

"Made, this is also too fierce, this longbow actually has a certain chance of advancing to the dark gold level!"

"I'm a good girl, and the other things are also very good, the [Flame Stone] and [Flame Scepter] are too fragrant!"

"This stall owner is awesome, boutique stalls, really all boutiques!"

Everyone looked at the things on Su Yi's booth, and they couldn't help but be surprised.

Of course, it's more the sound of swallowing saliva than surprise.

Many professionals looked at the things on Su Yi's booth, and they couldn't help but redden their eyes.

"Let Jean, a group of people don't sell, why block the way!"

A voice like a flood bell sounded, and a figure pushed away the crowd and walked out.

At first, some people still complained.

However, after seeing the two-meter height of the visitor and the strong muscles on his body, they all chose to shut up in amusement.

"It's him!"

Su Yi looked at the person who came and instantly had an impression.

The person who came was the same man who left him a business card last time, from the Tiangong Forging Room.

"Hey, brother, meet again!"

After the man saw Su Yi, he smiled cheekily, and his eyes looked at the boss materials on the ground stall a little hotly.

"Or the same old price as last time?"


Su Ye nodded.

"Okay, deal, I'm going to have it all!"

The muscular man said decisively.

Then pick up all the boss materials in the booth.

At the same time, Su also received a transfer from him.

[Dingtone, your account has received gold coins x45w, please pay attention to check...]

The first transaction is completed!

A smile appeared at the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

"Brother, next time there is this kind of boss material for me to keep, I have my business card, contact me directly and it's over!"

His muscular young man smiled.

Then he left with a group of materials.

In the following time.

As time went by, the number of people in the trading block increased.

In front of Su Yi's booth, just like last time, a large number of professionals gathered.

In the middle, many professionals came up to inquire about the price of [Dragon Pattern Blood Bow], [Flame Scepter] and [Flame Stone].

Indicates whether it can be cheaper.

Su Yi naturally would not agree.

These few things, worth the price.

In addition, during this time, some other equipment was stocked on his stall, which was also sold piecemeal.

At this time, the gold coins on Su Yi's body had reached 300w.

Seeing this, Su Ye couldn't help but nod with satisfaction.

This amount of gold coins is enough for his strength to be further improved.

"Boss, can the price of your [Flame Stone] and [Flame Scepter] be cheaper!!"

At this moment, a delicate voice came.

Su Yi frowned.

He has already indicated that he does not bargain, why does someone still come to ask every time!

Turn your head and look.

However, at this look, Su Yi was stunned for a moment.

Because this time, it turned out to be an acquaintance.

Dressed in a pure white gauze skirt, long hair and waist, her appearance can score more than 8 points, but it gives people the feeling of a in a.

It is Su Yi's classmate and one of the school flowers of his class - Chen Rong!

And next to her, it was Wang Cheng, who lost a black iron level equipment in a bet with Su Yi last time!

"It's you, Su Yi!"

Not only Su was stunned for a moment.

Chen Rong and Wang Cheng couldn't help but be stunned when they saw Su Yi.

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