Job Transfer For All: What? My Skills Are Blackened?

Chapter 1 Change Job, Holy Light Knight!

Yanlong Kingdom, Jiangzhou City.

Temple of Awakening.

Thousands of teenagers over the age of 18 lined up neatly, waiting for the sentence of fate.

Since 619 years ago, the world has changed dramatically and the world has been digitized.

Blue Star humans have entered the 'age of professionals'.

All human beings who have reached the age of eighteen have a chance to obtain an 'extraordinary occupation' when they touch the professional monument for the first time.

Open the extraordinary road of infinite upgrades and infinite evolution.


The sky is cloudy and sunny, and the moon is waxing and waning.

Extraordinary professions are also good and bad.

From the weakest D-level, to the stronger A-level, to the S-level known as one in a million, and even the one in a million SSS-level profession.

Every other gear, its intensity is vastly different.

"B-level, B-level! It must be a career above B-level!"

"Please, fire magic, give me a fire-type mage class!"

"The omnipotent Jade Emperor, the merciful and compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, please bless me and let me awaken to a fighting profession."


In the winding queue.

Some people are begging for the way of heaven, some people are worshiping the gods.

There are also people with a straight face, trying to make an appearance of being indifferent to fame and fortune, unmoved by the world.


More people are looking forward to and nervously watching the professional monument located in the center of the hall!

At this time, the transfer ceremony has been started for a long time.

The formation master who is in charge of presiding over the job transfer ceremony is broadcasting everyone's job information one after another.

"Wang Kui, D-level occupation, thief."

"Zhang Xiaoling, C-level occupation, illusionist."

"Liu Kuanren, a C-level professional, a heavy shield fighter."

"Zhang Chaoqun, D-level occupation, boxer."

"Wu Yun, B-level occupation, Barbarian Warrior!"


Human joys and sorrows are not the same.

Wu Yun, who had awakened to a B-level profession, was naturally joyful and his steps were light.

But other teenagers who only awakened C and D-level professions.

But he walked heavily, with a sad face.

A girl with a narrow mind and unable to accept the reality directly fell to her knees on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably while covering her mouth and nose.


People like her are not alone.

The temple staff who were waiting beside the stele walked up to her without any surprise, and lifted her out with one hand.

Looking at this girl who was devastated and burst into tears.

The already dull atmosphere in the hall suddenly became even more dull.

However, the transfer ceremony will not be suspended because of the dull atmosphere.

"Next, Luo Cheng."

Accompanied by the call of the Array Master.

A handsome young man with a height of about 1.85 meters left the queue, and walked to the dark career stele with steady eyes.

"I'm finally going to change jobs, and I don't know what my job will be..."

"I hope... it's not just a support."

While thinking about it, Luo Cheng stretched out his right hand and printed it on the professional stele.

He had waited too long for this day.

Travel through eighteen years.

He is always eager to obtain an extraordinary career and control extraordinary power.

For him who had had enough of the dull and boring life in his previous life, where the head could be seen at a glance.

Unlimited upgrades, infinite evolution, a professional life full of hope, unknown, and adventure, has an unparalleled allure.


He has a strong nature.

Compared to 'priest, illusionist, shaman, bard' and other auxiliary combat occupations that need to hide behind others.

He even hopes to obtain the main battle class in the warrior and knight system, which can confront demons and monsters head-on.


The moment Luo Cheng's palm fit perfectly with the career monument.

On the professional stele, a bright golden brilliance suddenly lit up.

Immediately afterwards.

A phantom of a knight in golden armor appeared in the sky above the professional stele.

at the same time.

In Luo Cheng's mind, the cold reminder sound from the 'Evolution of Heaven' also sounded.

[Occupational awakening is complete, your occupation is—Holy Light Knight. 】

[[Holy Light Knight-Skill Tree] has been unlocked. 】

[Consuming skill points, you can learn professional-specific skills. 】

[Your information has been included in the Evolution Heavenly Dao, I wish you an early ascension to the gods and break free from the cage. 】


"B-rank Holy Light Knight..."

"It's okay."

Feel the professional information coming from my mind.

Luo Cheng couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Although the Holy Light Knight is a B-level profession, it is a typical 'auxiliary combat profession'.

Most of the exclusive skills of this class are healing, defense, and team buffs.

There are few output skills.

Therefore, the single combat capability of the Holy Light Knight is very weak.

Without the company of his teammates, the Holy Light Knight could only be beaten passively.

However, from a team perspective.

Holy Light Knight is a rare good teammate.

Many elite teams composed of A-level professionals will specially invite Holy Light Knights to serve as the team's support and front row.


"Luo Cheng, Class B occupation, Holy Light Knight!"

The vision of job transfer dissipated, and the formation master broadcast Luo Cheng's job information expressionlessly.


The clerk responsible for registering the information of the professional,

After writing down Luo Cheng's occupational information, he handed Luo Cheng a 'temporary professional certificate'.

this document.

is Luo Cheng's identification,

It is also a necessary certificate for him to enter the "Monster Secret Realm" to experience and upgrade.

Since 619 years ago, the world has undergone tremendous changes.

A large area of ​​Blue Star was occupied by monsters from different time and space.

Under the ravages of demons, the human beings who were originally ruled by Blue Star could only hide in the strong city protected by the prohibition formation, struggling to survive.

Even after more than six hundred years of development, this situation has not changed much.

All human beings whose level is lower than 100 and whose rank is below the third rank,

Once you break away from the protection of the strong city, you will inevitably be attacked by demons and monsters and die!


Like Luo Cheng, a professional who has just completed a job change and is only level 1.

You can only enter the city, fight monsters and upgrade in the "monster secret realm" controlled by humans, and improve your strength.

Luo Cheng put away the documents, turned and walked out of the Temple of Awakening.

Then, with a slight movement of his mind, he called out a light blue attribute panel.

【Name】: Luo Cheng

【Grade 1

[Occupation]: Holy Light Knight (Level 1)

【Life】: 330/330

[Energy]: 160/160

【Attack】: 10-12

[Material Defense]: 4

[Magic Resistance]: 3

[Attributes]: Constitution 11, Strength 10, Spirit 8, Dexterity 5

[Skills]: None

[Skill Points]: 2

[Professional Features]: Holy Light Blessing

(Physical strength and vitality recovery speed increased by 100%; healing and gaining skills released on oneself increased by 20%.)

【Experience value】: 0/1000


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