Job Transfer For All: What? My Skills Are Blackened?

Chapter 85 Supreme Leader, Dragon Yuzhan Zun!

The nebula circulates, and the thunderstorm follows.

The Xuan 10 series of small airships are extremely fast.

along the way.

The sky is clear, and the moon and stars are rare.

Overcast clouds and thunderstorms also occur.

However, under the protection of the formation shield outside the flying boat, all winds, thunderstorms, and even flying monsters outside the flying boat will affect the inside of the flying boat.

Looking at the strange and magnificent scene outside, Luo Xin's expression was extremely excited.

After asking Xuanyang Fasheng and getting his permission,

She began to run on the boat continuously, watching the magnificent scene along the way.

the other side.

Luo Cheng was called to his side by Xuanyang Dharma Sage and chatted with Luo Cheng himself.

"Skill variation..."

"This is indeed the first time I've heard of such a thing."

Because the word 'blackening' doesn't sound very nice.

Therefore, no matter when communicating with Yin Fengnian or Xuanyang Dharma Sage, Luo Cheng would blacken his own skills and describe them as skill mutations.

"The ones you just listed are all the mutation skills you have now?"



In the communication with Zhang Lingxiao.

Luo Cheng didn't deliberately hide anything.

In the previous battles with demon cultists and aliens, most of his blackening skills have been revealed in front of people.


No matter how much he concealed it, it was impossible to completely hide it.

It's better to admit it openly.

In the hearts of Zhang Lingxiao, and even the top officials of Yanlong Kingdom, it is really worthwhile to increase their social status.

"The strength of these skills of yours is indeed a bit super.

Even after that, your other skills will no longer mutate, and your future achievements and combat power will certainly not be too bad.


The aptitude potential you are showing now is far beyond the scope of my ability to make decisions.

So, after arriving in Kyoto, I will report your news to Yulong Zhanzun.

He will personally decide what kind of training regulations he will give you.

"Yu, Yulong Warlord?!"

Hearing the words 'War Master Yulong'.

Luo Cheng's expression was slightly startled.


The meaning of these four characters is...

The contemporary supreme leader of Yanlong Kingdom!

It can be said.

In the past few decades, all the important military and political affairs of Yanlong Kingdom have been decided by Yulong Zhanzun.

It is precisely because of his helm that the morale and national quality of the entire Yanlong country have risen to a higher level.

The cohesion of the entire country has also improved a lot.


Luo Cheng, who was far away in Tianhai City, had never seen Dragon Yuzhan Zun with his own eyes.

However, the "social subsidy for orphans, widows, old and young" system established by Yulong Zhanzun has supported him and his sister Luo Xin for twelve years!


During the period of Yulong Zhanzun at the helm, he also implemented many excellent policies that benefited the country and the people.

It won the hearts of the people of Yanlong Kingdom.

Seeing Luo Cheng's surprised expression, Zhang Lingxiao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and said with a chuckle: "In addition to being the supreme leader of our Yanlong Kingdom, Zhan Zunyu is also the honorary principal of the First War Academy of Yanlong Kingdom.

All young geniuses with outstanding potential who entered the Zhanzheng Academy can get the attention of the Dragon Yuzhan Zhanzun.

And your potential, in my opinion.

It has completely surpassed those SSS-level geniuses who are one in tens of thousands.

Therefore, regarding your training regulations, it must be personally decided by Yulong Zhanzun.

However, Yulong Zhanzun is busy with things. Under normal circumstances, he should not have time to meet you. When the time comes, you can just wait for my news. "

Hear Zhang Lingxiao's explanation.

In Luo Cheng's eyes, a look of bewilderment also appeared.

This was the first time he had heard that Long Zhanzun was concurrently the honorary principal of the First War Academy of Yanlong Kingdom.

However, this situation is considered normal.

after all.

According to rumors, there are S-level professionals everywhere in Yanlong National War Academy.

There are thousands of SS-level professionals.

It is the rarest SSS-level genius known as one in millions, or even one in ten million. There are hundreds of people in the First War College.

Such a huge group of geniuses of the new generation can be regarded as the reserve base for the future powerhouses of Yanlong Kingdom.

It is completely reasonable and reasonable for such a place to receive special care from the Dragon Yu Zhan Zun.


Just when Luo Cheng and Xuanyang Fasheng got to know each other about Jing's relationship.

On the other side of the flying boat, Yin Xue's sharp cry suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards.

A huge bird's beak suddenly pierced through the thick clouds, and hit directly on the shield of the flying boat, which was only a dozen meters long.


A dull crash sounded from the side of the flying boat.

However, this is a small flying boat named Xuan 10.

The shield looks flimsy though.

But its defensive ability is exceptionally good.

Under the impact of the big bird with a wingspan of 50 to 60 meters outside..

However, there was no vibration inside the flying boat.

Not even a slight shaking sensation appeared.

"What a beast!"

Seeing that Luo Xin was frightened by this huge bird monster with gray fur.

Zhang Lingxiao stood up from the futon with a "shua".

Immediately afterwards.

The giant bird monster outside felt the irresistible terrifying aura emanating from Zhang Lingxiao's body.



At the moment when I felt this ray of terror.

This giant bird monster couldn't help flapping its wings, wanting to escape from this place as quickly as possible.



Accompanied by Zhang Lingxiao's angry shout.

This giant strange bird retreated to the side of the flying boat in a very strange posture.

Under the coercion of this terrifying force.

It doesn't even have the strength to sing aloud to express fear.

"The seventh-level Heiyunxiao is a good ingredient."

Look at this gray-black strange bird hanging in the air.

Zhang Lingxiao suddenly reached out and threw a ball of golden flames.


The moment the golden flame touched the gray-black strange bird.

A group of golden flames suddenly exploded.

...... R

"Zi La~!!"

Vaguely, Luo Cheng suddenly heard a sound like roasting meat.

"Luoxin, can you eat spicy food?"

"The meat of this bird is good, and I roasted it to impress you.

5.7 For wild monsters like Heiyunxiao who don't have eyes.

Zhang Lingxiao is not used to it at all.

Under the continuous burning of the golden flame.

The black cloud owl inside quickly emitted an extremely strong meaty aroma.

"If it's spicy, if it's spicy, I can eat a...a little bit."

Looking at the golden fireball like the sun in the sky, Luo Xin's speech became a little unnatural.

"Slightly spicy, how about you?"

Zhang Lingxiao didn't pay too much attention to Luo Xin's shocking senses.

Instead, he turned his head to look at Luo Cheng.

"I... also want slightly spicy..."

Looking at the seventh-order creature 'Heiyunxiao' that is dripping oil in the fire ball

In Luo Cheng's mind, a sense of trance suddenly appeared inexplicably.

Seventh-order creature.......

Only for food??!

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