Job Transfer For All: What? My Skills Are Blackened?

Chapter 95: Treasure Protector Beetle, Mysterious Treasure!

Unlike the human race, after reaching the upper limit of the level of the succubus clan, they don't need to go to the Tongtian Tower to complete the advanced task.

in their bloodline memory.

It is capable of self-improvement.

Just, as Xiao Hei said.

If the Nightmare Clan wants to have a greater strength improvement after advancing.

It is necessary to store the fifth of the dream in one's own body first.

As for the source of the power of dreams.

One is to absorb the treasures that contain the power of illusion.

For example, rare items such as 'dream source stone' and 'dream grass'.

This method is the simplest and the fastest.


Luo Cheng can still find ways to find low-level items such as fantasy grass.

However, such as the dream source stone, it is a rare and rare material for demigod level powerhouses.

He really can't get it.

"Eight fifty" but.

Compared with the first method which is quite expensive.

The second method that Xiao Hei mentioned to absorb the power of dreams is obviously much more reliable.

"Absorbing the power of dreams born naturally from the human shouldn't be difficult.

When I get out of the secret realm, I will go to Xuanyang Dharma Sage to discuss it. "

"Thank you, master!"

Hearing Luo Cheng's promise, Xiao Hei, who was still small in size, waved his front hooves excitedly.

Remember decades ago.

When it broke through the realm for the first time and reached the second level.

The dream energy in its body was not fully charged.

This time, with the help of Luo Cheng, it will definitely grow to the greatest extent!

Looking at the darkening sky, Luo Cheng also lost the desire to continue staying in the secret realm.

after all.

His current upgrade speed is not fast.

Even if you continue to farm monsters and upgrade in the secret realm, it is difficult to quickly increase the level.

It's better to go out first and let Xiao Hei complete the advanced stage.

like that.

With advanced riding skills, Xiao Hei's attribute bonus is 60%.

He can go to the higher-level monster area to hunt and kill third-tier monsters.

For professionals.

Killing monsters at higher ranks gives far more experience than killing monsters at the same rank.

However, just as he took out the secret locator, recorded his current location, and was about to leave Xiashimi.

Next to his ears, the sound of'rumble' was suddenly heard again.

Immediately afterwards.


A muffled beast roar came from deep underground.

An extremely sharp thorn protruded from Luo Cheng's feet without warning.



A four-digit damage value floated out from the top of Luo Cheng's head.

The severe pain from the sole of his left foot made him even more unstable and almost fell to the ground.

"Master beware!"

Xiao Hei, who has reached level 30, already has a certain combat power.

The moment Luo Cheng was hurt.

It took the initiative to apply a light black energy shield to Luo Cheng.

This is the newly learned racial skill after it was promoted to a fairy beast, folding mirror shield!

After it is turned on, 70% of the energy can be refracted into the illusion space.

In other words, it can attenuate the enemy's attack strength by 70%.

For this skill.

It was also the first time seeing Luo Cheng.


Now is not the time to scrutinize skill information.

Luo Cheng had just stabilized his figure.

On the ground under his feet, there was another burst of strong earth element energy fluctuations.



This time, although Luo Cheng was on guard.

However, his calf was still stabbed hard by the ground thorn that contained the majestic earth energy.

Were it not for the armor on his legs,

The attack of this ground thorn will definitely greatly damage his mobility.


Luo Cheng couldn't help frowning at another monster sneak attack.

After avoiding the third ground thorn, he gained a little respite.

He activated the skill without hesitation, 'eat the consequences'.

Put on a layer of evil fruit vestment for yourself.

With the protection of the Evil Fruit Vestment, even if a monster sneaks up next, he will not suffer any harm.


"What the hell is this monster hiding underground!

In the information about the secret realm that Senior Black Dragon gave me, there are no monsters hiding in the ground, right?"

Before entering the secret realm.

In fact, the black dragon gave Luo Cheng a small booklet, which recorded all kinds of monsters in the thick earth secret territory.

And the trigger points of some special terrain traps......

With the experience in the booklet.

He didn't step on any terrain traps along the way.

However, these two waves of sneak attacks from underground monsters really made him a little annoyed.

But now the key question is.

Facing these monsters hiding in the ground, he really has no good way.

In addition to the counterattack effect attached to the Evil Fruit Vestment, which can cause damage to the monsters below.

Other skills cannot penetrate the ground and go deep into the ground.

Just when Luo Cheng stood there, frowning and thinking.

Under his feet, there was a burst of soil element fluctuations that were more intense than before.

Immediately afterwards.


A large piece of sand and gravel rose into the sky.

Numerous small stone fragments directly wrapped Luo Cheng's body in it.

Although all the earth energy contained in it was blocked by the evil fruit robe.

However, the terrifying force brought by the countless sand and gravel soaring into the sky still made Luo Cheng a little unsteady.

He could only stab the ground with the divine soldier-black sword to stabilize his body.


Just when he was relying on the evil fruit vestment to resist the pillar of sand and stone.

Under a depression about twenty or thirty meters away from him.

Suddenly, there was a more violent noise.


I see.

Huge yellow-brown sand pillars rose into the sky like a sandstorm.

A huge 0.8 monster was directly pushed up by the terrifying force contained in the sand pillar.

When the gravel surrounding Luo Cheng dissipated.

This huge monster was still surrounded by sand and stones in the low air, circling crazily.

"This monster..."

Look at this strange monster that is huge and looks like a multi-horned beetle.

In Luo Cheng's mind, its information panel appeared in an instant.

【Treasure Beetle】(Special)

Grade: 60



Defense: 300

Magic resistance: 300

Skills: Ground Spike, Sand Rain, Sand Storm, Mystic Armor, Berserk

Description: A special monster guarding a mysterious treasure. According to legend, only those who are favored by the heavens and have great luck have the chance to encounter them.

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