Murong Qin glared at him, stepped forward to remove the two puppets from combat readiness, and with a wave of his hand, they were put into the space.

Looking at the black bear on the ground, which had long since disappeared, she was surprised and delighted.

To be honest, since she got these two puppets, she didn't actually know their combat effectiveness, she just knew their role in Shangguan Yunque's book, and today she just tried it on a whim, who knew that it would bring her an unexpected surprise.

Although the speed of the two golems is not as perfect as that of the real person, their movements are quite direct, and they seem to be extremely good at melee combat, and they may be useful at critical moments in the future.

"Cousin, are those two really not people?" Seeing Murong Qin take them away, Rong Shaoyu reacted.

"They're just puppets.

Although Rong Shaoyu still had palpitations, a trace of excitement flashed inexplicably in his eyes, "Cousin, that... Can you borrow me to play for two days?"

"You think beautifully!" Murong Qin directly refused.

The puppet is also a very lethal weapon, and if it is not controlled well, it may even hurt itself, so how can it be given to others?

This thing is too dangerous, and if you can not use it, you can not use it, and it is okay to keep it as a killer weapon.


Rong Shaoyu was a little disappointed, but he didn't dare to refute.

"Let you go and collect firewood, why are you going to provoke it?If there is a next time, see who can save you?" Murong Qin hated the Tao of iron not steel.

"I was just careless..."Rong Shaoyu knew that he was wrong, and lowered his head weakly.

"Alright, hurry up and pack it up, if the smell of blood gets out, we'll be in danger.

Murong Qin said angrily, bent down and took out a sharp blade.

Looking at the motionless black bear in front of her, she sighed in her heart, she actually hunted a real, after all, the bear is a protected animal in the future life, which one has the courage to kill it?

But since it was sent to her, of course she would not let go, as we all know, the bear has four treasures, bear bile, bear paw, bear skin, and bear meat.

Bear bile has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, calming the liver and brightening the eyes, killing insects and stopping bleeding; bear paw

has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, replenishing qi and blood, dispelling rheumatism and other deficiency diseases, and is also one of the eight treasures

of the mountain; although the bear skin has no medicinal value, its effect of keeping out the cold is very good, and it can be made into clothes and hats, so it is very precious;

bear meat replenishes weakness, strengthens muscles and bones, the main wind is paralyzed, and the tendons are slow and slow, and it is also a very good thing to enter medicine.

These are hard to find, and they are worth a lot of money, of course, they can't be wasted, but the bear skin seems to have been damaged a lot by the sharp thorns of the two puppets, which makes her feel a little distressed.

After dealing with the black bear, Murong Qin stood up and looked at this gloomy forest with a slight glint in his eyes, he didn't expect that there would be such a behemoth as a bear in this place, no wonder he heard Zhao Xun say that there are often hunters here, maybe there will be other things besides bears.

This place already smelled of blood, and they had to change places.

Putting all the cooking guys into the space, Murong Qin took Rong Shaoyu and galloped away in the opposite direction without hesitation.

Shortly after the two of them left, a low whining sound suddenly sounded nearby, and with it, the bushes shook, and a pair of glowing eyes flashed in the woods.

It first lowered its head and sniffed, and when it noticed the smell of blood on the ground, it instantly became excited, its bright red tongue sticking out of its mouth, and a pair of wolf eyes flashed with hunger and greed, and after half a sound, it raised its head and looked at the place where the two had left.


As night fell, after some searching, Murong Qin and the others finally found a suitable flat place, picked up some firewood nearby and lit it, and took dry food and snacks to cushion their stomachs.

Time passed little by little, and when it was almost time, neither of them was sleepy, and could only watch the bonfire in front of them in a daze.

Rong Shaoyu was bored and drew randomly on the ground with a wooden stick, sighing sadly while painting:

"Alas, I don't know if my mother will remember me after she knows that I am missing, if I am not by my side, she will definitely not be used to it."

Murong Qin glanced at him, it was rare that he didn't say anything to hit him, and nodded, "Yes." "

It's been several hours since they fell off the cliff, I'm afraid it's not just Zhao Cairou, it's estimated that all the Rong family will have sleepless nights tonight, as well as her mother and father...

"What if we really can't get out?" Rong Shaoyu, who had always been optimistic, was a little frustrated.

"No, where there are mountains, there will be roads, and they should be looking for them soon. "

She doesn't know about the others, but Shadow One and Shadow Two will definitely find her as soon as they find out that she is missing, although the mountain road is high, but the martial arts of the two of them in the dark guard are also among the best, they should come relatively quickly, she just needs to wait.

"Who are they? But they don't know where we are, how do they find us?"

Murong Qin was immediately blessed with a blessing to his heart.


, she was so confused

! They didn't know where she was, and she told them that she wouldn't have it?"

"You're right! I almost forgot!" Murong Qin stood up suddenly, flipped his wrist, and immediately took out a flare from the space, loaded it with a flare, and pulled the trigger in the direction of the night sky.

"Bang bang bang!"

Afraid that they wouldn't see it, Murong Qin deliberately used several colors, and soon, three dazzling firelights of red, white, and yellow exploded in the night, lighting up the entire night sky.

She smiled on her lips, Qingyao and Ying Yiying knew about fireworks, and the signal flare was similar to it, if they saw this, they would definitely know that it was her who released the news.

After seeing this scene, Rong Shaoyu instantly put the hard-won sadness behind

him, and his eyes lit up, "Cousin, what kind of gun are you, why do you still shine it?

Could it be that you said that it was made of saltpeter?" "Well, yes, this is a little different from the bullets used to shoot before, it is an ammunition made of flames, smoke and sounds produced by the combustion of pyrotechnic powder, which can be used to identify, locate, Communication and so on, there are many functions, and when we go out, I will give each of you a handful, and next time there is any urgent emergency, just send a signal flare.

Murong Qin said, handing him the things with a light smile.

This is also what she just thought, such a good signal flare, in this era of no communication, no mobile phone, is the best and fastest way for them to communicate with each other.

For this decision, Rong Shaoyu was naturally overjoyed.

And Murong Qin guessed correctly, just after the hour, the two of them heard a sound of plopping ropes.

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