Lin Xi was suspended in the dark night sky, using super vision to directly penetrate the clouds, overlooking the city from a high altitude, and a bustling urban scene suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. High-rise buildings stand tall, and the busy streets are bustling with people, like a giant anthill. However, somewhere in this bustling city, huge explosions are heard incessantly, smoke billows out, and fires rise.

"System, turn on the Alien Energy Scan!" "Ding, the Alien Energy Sweep has been turned on!"

[Alien Energy Scanning: After opening, it can find out the energy and matter that does not belong to this world for the host, and decompose the energy matter from the other world after the battle is over for harmless treatment.

Despite the tragic situation below, she didn't rush down directly, she first spent a few seconds scanning the crowd and buildings near the monster, and sure enough, a conspicuous red light lit up directly on the hideous figure below, but there were no other enemy signs around him.

After confirming that there was no monster accomplice nearby, Lin Xi made a rough assessment of the monster's appearance and ability. Soon, she recognized the monster below, both in appearance and ability, it was very similar to the abomination in the movie, and this monster was most likely the abomination from the movie world.

Lin Xi quickly adjusted the direction of his flight and went straight to the place of the incident.

As the distance continues to shorten, the city becomes more detailed, and the firelight flickers in the orange sky. The glass of the building shattered to shreds under the destruction of the abomination, and the vehicles and people were torn apart by his evil power. The bright red marks on the ruins reflect the desperation of the city.


Maybe Xiaomei's performance at this time was too embarrassed, and some hated her, and didn't kill her at the first time, but dealt with Xiaomei's other colleagues first, so she didn't wait for the hatred to do something to Ikawa Xiaomei.

Lin Xi quietly took the abomination off the ground with a silent sprint, and under the impact of the speed and her deliberately adjusted elbow posture, she cracked the abomination's cervical vertebrae with just one face, directly incapacitating the abomination, and beat him from a devil muscle man who could tear tank meat and resist artillery to a high paraplegic who couldn't move anything below his head.

Feeling the hot pain coming from his neck as if he was caught in iron tongs, he turned his head weakly in disgust, stared at two big eyes like copper bells, and observed this mysterious figure that destroyed him as soon as he made a move by the firelight, and suddenly his eyes were struck, this is...

Navy blue tights, a huge red "S" logo on the chest, a red cloak fluttering in the wind behind the back, long black and beautiful hair, sweet and lovely face.

This logo! Is this "Superman"? or "Supergirl"?

Aren't they characters from the comics

? Why are they here?

Well, Hulk must be lying in the base by now, that coward!

Now let me see what you're capable of, Superman... Miss.

Lin Xi pinched the back of the neck of the abomination, at this time she could clearly feel the powerful recovery power of this monster, his neck muscles were constantly trying to break free of her hand, intending to fix his cervical vertebrae and repair it, but she didn't care, but took him directly to fly directly to the sky above the Yokosuka garrison near the neon Tokyo city, and then shook it hard, and threw it straight down, followed by a loud siren and the roar of the abomination when it landed.

You people are so slow, so I'll just take him over and help me give him a good bath first.

Lin Xi had completely mastered the body information of the abomination, whether it was the internal structure, strength or defense, and the recovery power were all visible under her super vision, so she already had a complete assessment of the strength of the abomination. He can't pose a threat to her! It is important to save people first, although the neon government is disgusting, but the people affected by the disaster still have to be saved.

After leaving behind the hatred, Lin Xi directly turned his head and flew back to the place where the incident happened just now, the street was full of blood, corpses, flames, cries, and painful moans.

“Are you ok?come with me,I need your help.( Are you okay, come with me, I need your help)" Lin Xi asked the poor little policewoman below in fluent English.

Hearing the sound above her head, Ikawa Xiaomei, who was sitting on the ground, came back to her senses, she raised her head and her eyes widened again, was the red figure just now

? Did she save me? Is she Superman? Or is she an angel?

"Next, I will start to extinguish the fire, you and I will organize the people to help other people, cheer up, look at them, they need you" Lin Xi saw that she was still stunned, but did not delay, but directly used her frozen breath to blow the police through the stains on Xiaomei's body, and then forcibly pulled her to start extinguishing the fire directly, and by the way, she used super vision to rescue the victims who were pressed under various debris.

In the face of super speed, it only took 3 or 4 minutes, and the fire on the entire street was quickly brought under control, and under the organization of Lin Xi and Officer Xiaomei, nearby residents also summoned up the courage to rush over to help other injured victims.

Seeing that the basic rescue work has been completed, the disaster situation has been brought under control, and the follow-up rescue force has arrived. Lin Xi ignored the gazes and voices around her that were either grateful, or inquiring, or curious, or yearning, after all, she had never learned Japanese, and she was no longer needed here, so let's leave quickly.

Lin Xi rose directly into the sky, it was time to make an end! In

fact, she had been focusing on two things, constantly paying attention to the whereabouts of the abomination, and organizing the rescue of people.

Abomination had repaired his cervical spine within minutes of being thrown down by her, and he had gotten rid of the predicament of high paraplegia, which was being held back by the saturated artillery fire of the military base, but it didn't do much use, the Super Serum plus Hulk Serum gave him endless energy and strength, and the military power around him was quickly cleared by him.

Before he got tired of playing and chased after him, Lin Xi rushed to the Yokosuka base in Tokyo again.

This time, Lin Xi still swooped down at great speed.

"Bang" Hate and her directly hit each other hard, and a loud noise erupted between the two, and the air sent directly blew away the surrounding sand and gravel, and the hard concrete floor was also pulled out of two grooves by the soles of his feet.

This time the abomination is smart, he has been paying attention to the movement from the sky, guarding against Lin Xi's sneak attack, as for the surrounding artillery fire, although it is somewhat powerful for him, it is still within the scope of processing.

Abomination shook the palm that had just been punched, roared angrily, and quickly swung another fist towards Lin Xi with a fierce aura on his face.

Obviously, Lin Xi is not only faster than him, but also has stronger reactions and dynamic vision than him, and the abomination has swung dozens of boxing moves in a row, all of which have been dodged by Lin Xi in advance, and because he has not been able to hit the target, the abomination has begun to become more and more agitated, and the boxing movements have gradually become out of shape, and even have begun to affect his balance. At this time, Lin Xi also felt that it was almost over, and at the moment when Abomination threw a strong right hook, she dodged back, and then took advantage of the bully to give him a strong side uppercut, through the ribs and muscles, and bombarded the heart of Abomination fiercely, even the strong rectus abdominis muscles that had been mutated and strengthened could not resist the ferocious punch.

Hate directly paralyzed his heart, his whole body was weak, and he didn't ease up after two breaths, but at this time, he had been completely controlled by Lin Xi, Lin Xi was not polite to him, a quick left hook punch hit his chin, Hate felt that his gums were screaming, and there was a sharp pain in his brain.

Lin Xi then made another powerful deliberate punch, hitting the chest of the abomination, directly blasting the abomination out, and the gray-green figure smashed a tank that had long been scrapped not far away, and the tank was instantly crushed into a pile of scrap iron.

Abomination clutched his chest and struggled to stand up, the broken bones in his chest were repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye, he spat out a few rotten teeth, the aura on his face had disappeared, and reason began to really take over the high ground, because at this time he obviously also sensed that the supergirl on the other side had lost interest in continuing to fight with him, and seemed to be ready to end the fight.

I have to think of a way, what should I do now!The

eyes of abomination began to look around secretly, at this time, because Lin Xi took over the battlefield of the battle against the abomination, the neon army successfully gained a precious respite, and the nearby military base soon sent troops to support, all kinds of helicopters filled the sky, and on the ground were armored vehicles and tanks, and suddenly he noticed that some of the combat vehicles inside were very familiar.

Although I don't know how I crossed thousands of miles to Neon, I am still serving General Ross after all, as long as I am willing to cooperate with the research, I think General Ross will not sit idly by. Mi has a garrison base in Neon, and it seems that they have also come to support, so let's use this method!

Lin Xi looked at the eyes of hatred and gurgling, and knew that he must be thinking of some kind of ghost idea, so she directly used the telepathic function to probe his thoughts, and soon, she got the information she wanted.

Abomination didn't delay any longer, he roared, and directly tore the tank scrap iron behind him to shreds, and then threw part of it hard to the helicopter group and army on the left, just like a goddess scattering flowers, and the other half was thrown to the army on the right, and after throwing it, he glanced at Lin Xi on the opposite side contemptuously, hum, I know your speed is fast, but how should you deal with it this time?

After throwing away the things in his hand, Abomination immediately raised his hands and turned around and quickly ran to the nearest Mi Army-style military vehicle, and shouted: "I surrender, I surrender, my name is Emile Bronsky, I belong to the Royal Marine Corps of the Rotten Country, I have the rank of captain, I am currently serving the Mi Army, I want to surrender to the Mi Army, I ask to speak to Admiral Ross!".

Lin Xi looked at the abomination of the clown behavior indifferently, snorted coldly, and then did not rely on super speed to block those fragmentary hidden weapons flying in the air as he imagined in disgusting, but flew directly into the sky, and then the originally dark eyes suddenly bloomed with a dazzling red light under the control of his mind, as if he was burning fiercely.

In the next second, a red light like a flame filled her eyes, and under the scarlet light, she looked like a demon from hell.

"Boom, boom, boom!" "Boom"

Two thick red lines of sight instantly erupted from Lin Xitong's red eyes.

Carrying terrifying heat and huge impact, it instantly vaporized the weapons that were still flying in the air.

These things all happened in a few seconds, and the troops who were used as targets and bait by Abomination had not had time to be nervous, they had already been rescued by Lin Xi, although Lin Xi didn't care about the life and death of these people, but now that Lin Xi was on the scene, Abomination was undoubtedly killing in front of her to provoke her, so she still saved them.

"We accept your surrender, please hold your head in your hands and lie on the ground!" Accept our control" After receiving instructions from his superiors, the person in charge of the Mi army in charge of this support operation immediately reacted and directly accepted the hateful surrender.

After hearing the command of the person in charge, Abomination immediately obediently lay on the ground, holding his head in his hands, and accepted the control of the soldiers.

However, Lin Xi didn't intend to let him go, because the task of the system was still in progress, and he flew so much in uniform and saved so many people, I believe they must be impressed, and the second task can basically be declared complete. However, the difficulty of the first task is obviously a bit high.

For hating this person, Lin Xi tended to destroy it rather than contain it, because the cost of containment was too high.

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