In order to become stronger as soon as possible, Lin Mo had just finished three hours of ten times the cultivation time at a time, and in order to achieve the best exercise effect, he forcibly used three of his heart to exercise, and the result was that his mental strength was overdrawn and he had a headache. Leaned on the deck in the corner and fell asleep! The others didn't care! There was no way for Zoro to fall asleep anytime and anywhere, so Lin Mo didn't pay attention to it.

Bang, a few circulations were kicked and shattered!

Lin Mo was suddenly woken up by this sound

, and said, "Come out of here, pirates,

" Lin Mo still hadn't woken up a little, stood up and asked casually, "What's wrong?Who are you?".

Lin Mo immediately used thorn wood to block the knife that was slashing at him, and then Lin Mo noticed that he saw that the person who came was wearing a pair of sunglasses on his face, and a sea character was tattooed on the left side of his face, he still had a little impression of this person, as if he knew Zolon, and looked at the person who came and asked, "What's wrong?"

This time, Lin Mo blocked the knife that slashed at him, and the move "Tree Became Entangled", and the hair tree turned into a tree that entangled the person who came!

, "Hey, you can't be Johnny," Zolon's figure appeared at the door of the cabin.

Johnny: "Who's that?" but he saw the person who came there

, "Brother Zoro?!, why are you here?" After Johnny

, Luffy's puzzled voice came, "What's wrong? Is anyone looking for trouble?"

Zoro said to Lin Mo, "Let him go, I know this person."

Lin Mo answered, let go of Johnny, and lifted the tree.

Sauron asked, "What about Joseph, wasn't he with you?"

Hearing Joseph's name, Johnny burst into tears, led Sauron to the side of the boat, said, "Joseph, that guy is sick", and then lifted Joseph up from the boat.

Johnny cried, "Joseph, this guy was alive and kicking a few days ago, but suddenly his face turned pale and he fell into a coma several times, and he couldn't figure out the reason at all, and the result was either that his teeth began to fall out, or that blood kept spurting out from old wounds, and I didn't know what to do!"

"Just now when I was sending him to rest next to the reef, suddenly a cannonball came from this ship and shattered the reef. Hearing

the news of the reef shattering, Luffy and Usopp were so frightened that their faces were distorted! At the same time, they bowed and

said to Johnny, "I'm sorry!" Johnny burst into tears and said, "If you apologize, you won't need the navy!"

Lin Mo came to Joseph's side to check on it because he had mastered the knowledge of elementary navigation, and there was a disease related to this kind of navigation, and said, "Luffy Usopp went to the cabin and brought the oranges over, squeezed the juice and fed it to him." At

this time, the two of them were unusually obedient because they knew that they had made a mistake.

Johnny looked at everyone's movements and said a little anxiously, "What are you doing here

!" Nami said at this time, "Don't worry! Your friend may have scurvy! If you don't delay, it will be fine in a few days

!" Johnny said happily, "Really?"

Lin Mo said, "It's not a loss, it's Nami, you guessed it!"

Johnny saw Lin Mo admit it and cried excitedly, "Great".

Nami didn't want to say, "Don't call me the head of the eldest sister

!" Usopp and Luffy said, "Lin Mo and Nami Dong are so much, so powerful

!" Nami said angrily, otherwise you will die sooner or later, "It's common sense at sea, okay!"

At this time, Joseph suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had recovered his spirit, and stood up!

Everyone looked a little sluggish when they saw the two of them holding their arms and turning in circles, shouting "Partner, partner" in celebration!

Nami looked at Joseph jumping around, and said angrily and dissatisfied, "Hey, how can it get better so quickly!"

Hearing Nami's words, the two suddenly stopped and began to pretend to say, "Sorry for the late introduction of myself

" "My name is Johnny." "

I'm Joseph

" "We're a duo of pirate hunters, big brother Sauron's former peers. Please take care

of me!" Zoro walked down the aisle, "I didn't expect to meet you here......"


At this moment, Joseph's face changed and he fell to the ground again.

Johnny said anxiously, "Hey, buddy!".

Nami sighed helplessly, "It's all said, how can it be so fast!Help her to rest!"

Lin Mo is also speechless! Are the people in the pirate world so weird!

Everyone gathered in the cabin at night.

Nami said, "Yes, it's a lesson. Zoro

said, "There is still such a crisis hidden in the long-term voyage

," Usopp asked, "Does that mean that the balance of nutrition must be considered with the limited ingredients on the ship?"

Nami smiled and said, "We don't need to think about these problems of vegetables and fruits, we just have Lin Mo to store more seeds!" Lin Mo said

dissatisfiedly, "Hey, I'm not a gardener! Relying on ability to grow edible vegetables and fruits, this is much more difficult to fight!"

Lin Mo also wondered that he could use his own natural energy to control the growth and change shape of flowers and trees at will, but the vegetables and fruits that were edible could not change their size! And they couldn't grow extremely fast, either the grown vegetables couldn't be eaten, or the trees didn't bear fruit! I could only slowly mobilize my ability to gather limited natural power from the air and inject it into it! It seems that the natural energy in my body is different from the natural energy that naturally exists between heaven and earth!

At this time, Luffy on the side took a bite of food and suddenly thought: " A must-have skill, and that's that we still need a sea cook.

"I see, so we can have a good meal on board. Usopp said.

Johnny heard that they were looking for a chef and said, "If you're looking for a chef, I've got a good place to go." Where is it close to the Great Voyage, and where there have been rumors of the Hawkeye that the big brother is looking for.

Johnny raised his hand and pointed in one direction, "In the direction, north-northeast, the target is also the restaurant Barati

!" As soon as Lin Mo opened his eyes, he heard a lot of noise outside, "How can there be a navy ship!" Hurriedly got up and walked outside the cabin.

When he came to the deck, he looked at the naval warship, and there was a naval officer who said arrogantly: "I am the captain of the naval headquarters, Iron Fist Hobodi! Who is the captain, report your name."

At this time,

Luffy took a step forward and said, "I'm Luffy." Usopp

took a step forward and overtook Luffy, "I'm Usopp."

Luffy took another step forward and overtook Usopp and said, "The pirate flag was just hoisted the day before yesterday

" Usopp took another step forward and said, "The pirate flag was drawn by me

," Fenbudi looked at Luffy and Usopp and was also a little speechless, "What are you guys doing!"

At this time, he found two people he knew, "I've seen those two over there, it seems that they are a pair of bounty hunters who target small people, and they have finally been caught by pirates".

The two of them took out the bounty orders on their bodies and threw them directly, shouting angrily, "You dare to say that this is the work of bounty hunters who target small people!" Countless bounty orders were sprinkled on the ground.

Hobodi didn't look, but turned away with the beauty in his arms. At the same time, an order was given to the sailors to open fire.

Just like in the original book, Luffy hit the restaurant on the sea!

"It's already here, so let's go in and have a look." Lin Mo said to a few people.

Immediately after that, several people came to the restaurant in a small boat.

When Lin Mo entered the restaurant, he saw that the arrogant and domineering Fenbudi had already been raised by Sanji with one hand. "Don't waste food on me!" Fighting the cook at sea is a dead end, remember it for me.

Lin Mo said regretfully, "It seems that you missed a good show!" Nami

looked at the chefs in front of her, and the man with curly eyebrows who was about to do it, and said, "Is there really a lot of people coming to such a restaurant?" "Is this really a restaurant,

why do chefs fight with guests?" asked Usopp.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement on the ceiling, and the next moment two figures fell from the ceiling.

Usopp said strangely, "What's wrong this time,"

the smoke cleared, and Lin Mo saw clearly that it was Luffy and a one-legged man.

Luffy: "Ah, it scared me. "

Damn, how can this be, it's all your fault that my ceiling is like this" A one-legged man yelled at Luffy.

"Uncle, you broke it yourself. Luffy angrily slammed back.


boss came to Sanji and said, "Sanji, are you messing around in the store again?" Sanji said

, "Don't be wordy, stinky old man

" at this time, suddenly a sailor broke in, "Oh no, we let Klick's men escape"

There was a bang, and the

sailor was injured and fell!

After that, just like the original plot, Ah Jin was thrown out of the restaurant

, Lin Mo looked at the scene in front of him, should he follow Luffy, the navy is the lackey of the Draconian, but most of the pirate thieves are not good people? Is it true that if a good person does a wrong thing, he will never recover, and the wicked person can put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot!

" There is a new quest for the host to check "

Defeat the Klick Pirates side

quest 1: Kill the ghost man Ah Jin and reward 20 points of strength."

Side Quest 2: Kill 3 Klick's main cadre members, each kill rewards 10 points of strength, a total of 30 points

, kill Klick rewards 50 random rewards

, Lin Mo thought in his heart, "This is really my wish, kill!!".

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