After entering the interior, many figures were found in the mist.

Nami said, "Dalian, be careful. "

In that case, let it go, whatever the youkai are," Usopp said, and shuddered and pulled out his slingshot and prepared to attack.

Lin Mo also took out the knife and held it in his hand, although he could use the ability of the Devil Fruit, but now Lin Mo wants to exercise his combat consciousness more, hand-to-hand combat is undoubtedly the best choice, in order to hone his combat awareness, he usually practices dodging attacks and does not use seeing and hearing colors, but relying on instinct.

At this time, the Merry finally sailed out of the mist completely, and the crowd found that it was completely different from what everyone had imagined, and they were greeted not by heavily armed and hostile residents, but by a group of jubilant residents, cheering through the sky.

"Welcome to the hospitable town, Whiskey Mountain

!" "Heroes of the sea, long live!" "

Welcome to the Great Voyage, free pirates!"

Usopp stopped trembling at this time, and waved to the shore excitedly, and said proudly, "Aren't the pirates heroes in everyone's eyes?" Sanji looked at the shore excitedly and said,

"There are so many beautiful girls!".

After everyone disembarked and landed, a tall man with strange curly hair walked up to them, cleared his throat, and said with a smile, "Welcome, my name is Ikalem, and I am the mayor of Whiskey Mountain.

Luffy said, "I'm Luffy, please advise

!" Icallum said, "We're here at the Whisky Peak, which is famous for its brewing and music, and we've prepared sake that we're proud of, and I hope that while you're drinking, I'll be able to hear your adventures so far, and how about you go and enjoy the banquet with me."

Nami asked, "Mayor Mare, how long does it take for the recording pointer here to record the magnetism?"

Akalem said, "There is no need to rush this kind of trivial matter, enjoy the banquet first to relieve the fatigue, come on, everyone prepare the banquet!" Treat our adventurers well

" Lin Mo stood next to Zoro and looked at this only one of the only sober combat powers, and said, "Zoron, I feel that this is very wrong, how can so many people welcome pirates?" Zoro said.

I also feel that something is wrong, we need to be careful. "

Inside the town room.

Several members of the Straw Hat Pirates seemed to be broken one by one.

Usopp was sought after by a group of people, several of whom listened attentively to his story, and the occasional compliments made him more and more nervous, without doubting the intelligence of the townspeople.

Sanji has been completely surrounded by women, he embraces left and right, as long as the wine handed over by the beauties is simply not refused, where has he received this kind of treatment, he has completely fallen into the gentle township.

Luffy, this foodie has exhausted a chef, and he's still eating like crazy, is this going straight to the other world?

Zoro and Nami are drinking like crazy with the townspeople, don't you say pay attention, what's the matter with you drinking crazy with others here?

Lin Mo was surrounded by several beauties, and the toast was rejected by Lin Mo, he had tried it on the boat before, but he got drunk after only a little wine, and he was crazy about drinking! It's a shame!

Ikalem saw that Lin Mo refused to drink, so he came over and asked, "Why don't you drink with everyone."

Lin Mo was now very worried about the problem with alcohol, and said, "I don't know how to drink."

Icalem said, "A man is still a pirate, how can you not drink as the courage of the sea?"

Lin Mo frantically thought of a reason in his mind, and finally really thought of a lame reason, he was disgusting when he said it, and said, "I have always only drunk water, wine and any drinks, because I am afraid that it will affect my black and bright hair!" After speaking, he also tidied up his waist-length hair.

Saying this, Ikalem was stunned for a moment and continued to persuade, "This is a special drink made from grapes, and it tastes the same as wine, but it is non-alcoholic.

Lin Mo tried to take a sip, and felt that there was really no problem, and everyone should not be poisoned if they ate and drank together, as long as they were careful, it should be fine.

It was late at night, and everyone was full of wine and food, and they were drunk and hazy.

Akalem asked Miss. Star to Xiang One, "Are you all asleep?"

Miss. Star said, "There's another guy with long hair who hasn't slept, I just had someone fill his drink with wine, and he should go to bed soon!" "

Look at this, Miss. Monday." Icalem said, pulling out a wanted copy of Luffy's warrant.

"30 million Bailey?!, that's it!" Miss. said Monday.

"Oh no, that long-haired guy is drunk and clamoring for some princess, he ...... now"


the man and dropped a fist on his head, knocking him out directly.

At this time, Lin Mo staggered out of the shadows, and said, "Is it so difficult for you to find a princess named Weiwei?"

Ikalem's body shook, looking at Lin Mo, his eyes were cold, this is their secret, since it has been said, the princess is in danger. said, "Kill him!"

Immediately, several people rushed towards Lin Mo.

These people were all bounty hunters, and they were powerful, and they suddenly took knives or swords one by one, and slashed towards Lin Mo one after another.

However, at this time, Lin Mo is no longer before, and now his state is very strange, I haven't thought about defense at all, these people's actions, in his eyes, are no different from snails.

I saw him move his body slightly, facing the few people who rushed over, and walked over easily, but the strange thing was that none of these people could cut him, until he walked in front of Princess Weiwei, several of them had lost their target!

"Impossible, how can there be such a thing

?" "Can't cut it?"

Only then did the others find that the people who attacked Lin Mo just now had fallen, because they didn't find Lin Mo doing it at all.

Lin Mo said: "You are catching pirates, so I won't kill you, I hate pirates."

At this time, Miss Monday on the side said, "Aren't you bastards a pirate" suddenly made a move, she grabbed Lin Mo's arm, grabbed it as soon as she could, and the tips of her fingers shone with silver light, and slammed into Lin Mo's chest!

Hearing this, everyone couldn't believe it, without any defensive action, they could block this terrifying blow with their bodies alone, but the bounty hunters present knew the terrifying power of Miss. Monday, and looked at Lin Mo with an incredulous face. Lin Mo said, "I don't want to waste time,"

and for a moment, Lin Mo's ten fingers quickly lengthened and enveloped the entire square, and then stretched out countless fists to stun all the little minions.

Then he came to Ekalaim and said, "You and the princess are together, so I won't stun you."

Lin Mo looked at Wei Wei and said, "I want to do an important thing in the future, I want the help of several countries and forces, my memory is a little messy now." As he spoke, he rubbed his head, "Your country needs help, and I can help you, on the condition that you marry me." Princess

Vivi is now very shocked, how did this person know his identity, but now she must not admit that she still wants to save the country" I am not, how could the princess become a bounty hunter.

Lin Mo said, "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it now, I, Neferutari Lin Mo, will definitely revive the glory of the ancestors, I have taken a fancy to you, and you will be my princess's first choice in the future." "

Ikalim and Princess Vivi were shocked when they heard this person's surname, it was from the Neferutari family, but they didn't know this person, this person seemed to know something, but he didn't know that the princess's full name was Neferutari Vivi, and it was a little strange to think about

it At this time, I saw Mr9 dragging Luffy out, holding a long knife on Luffy's neck.

"Don't move!" Mr9 said as he looked at Lin Mo.

But as soon as he spoke, the same voice rang out from behind him.

I saw a sharp and cold long knife, which was across his erect neck, and the endless cold made his hairs explode in an instant!

"Don't move if you don't want to die, or I don't mind using you to test whether my new knife is sharp." Zoro said.

Ikalem stood in front of Princess Vivi and said, "We don't know about the princess you're talking about. You said you didn't want to kill people, so let's give up now, can you stop?

Lin Mo smiled, "Of course you can, but the princess is going to go with me now......

" "That's not good!

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