On the other side, when Lin Mo was flying towards the rain, he suddenly encountered a giant tornado, Lin Mo could only go around and thought to himself, "There are basically no tornadoes in the desert, even if Alabastan is on the coast and has the conditions to produce tornadoes, but such a small chance is now encountered by himself." "

With Lin Mo's current physical strength, if he flies around the road, he may not even have much strength to walk when he arrives in the rainland, and it is possible to fight Klockdal at that time, so he has to make a camel to hurry.

Lin Mo contacted Mikita and asked how she was doing to reveal the Baroque Workshop to the rebels.

Mikita's reply was that the other party didn't believe it at all, and she couldn't do anything about it now.

Lin Mo told her that before the rebellion was quelled, it was best to take over all of Klockdahl's property while there was no one to manage it.

At this time, after Sanji found out that Luffy and the others might be arrested, he discussed with Chopper that Chopper would lure people away and go to the casino to save people by himself.

At this time, Klockdahl had already arrived at the door of the casino, looked at the group of men who had fallen to the ground, and asked, "Didn't you already catch someone?"

and one of his subordinates said, "He ran away, just ran south."

Klockdahl chased straight in the direction Chopper had fled.

Sanji happened to meet Vivi, who was looking for a helper, and the two of them rescued Luffy and a few people together.

Lin Mo was still speeding up, bypassing the range of the giant tornado, but he also delayed a lot of time.

"Flower Wings"

Lin Mo flew in the air, and saw that everyone was sitting on the moving crab, speeding in the opposite direction to himself, and suddenly saw Klockdalgin hook reaching out towards Weiwei.

"Flower Wings: Four Wings Form"

was taken aback by the moment Klockdahl grabbed Vivi and was brought up.


Lin Mo arrived at this time.

"Breaking the Sky and Drawing the Sword"

directly dispersed Klockdahl.

Everyone saw that it was Lin Mo who arrived and stopped.

But Lin Mo knows the plot, and now the rebels may have begun to act.

"You go first, and I'll chase you.

Lin Mo shouted and looked at Vivi and wanted to stop, Zoro said, "Listen to Vivi, Klockdahl will be handed over to Lin Mo to deal with, he wants to run Klockdahl should not be able to stop, before going to the capital Albana to stop the rebels, no matter what happens to any of us next, you have to find a way to live, for the sake of your country, you have to be aware of this."

Vivi said with a shocked heart, "How can this be!"

Sanji said, "Vivi, this is the war you started, the war you launched against this unidentified organization three years ago, but now you are no longer fighting alone.

Wei Wei looked at the few people in front of her, her expression became more and more determined, and she shouted at Lin Mo, "Lin Mo, we will wait for you in Albana."

Luffy said, "Let's go, I'm sure Lin Mo will come over."

Chopper said, "Okay." "Control the moving crab to move forward at a rapid pace.

"You're also a Straw Hat, and there's another person outside of intelligence, so I'll kill you first. Klockdahl said with a grim expression.

The "Desert Treasure Knife

" was awe-inspiring, slashing towards a straight line!

Lin Mo saw and heard the full sense of color, and easily dodged, and

the upper half of the "five-finger combo"

Klockdahl's body was pierced by five fingernails at once, but it did not cause any damage to him.

"Wood Dragon" Lin Mo's hair directly condensed into a dragon's head and bit Klokdahl.

Klockdahl directly avoided the sand, his right hand was extended, and a small sandstorm condensed out of his hand, and after being thrown, it suddenly expanded into a huge sandstorm, raging madly and attacking straight towards Lin Mo.

With such a large range, Lin Mo saw and heard it, and it was difficult to dodge, so he could only defend passively.

"Four-pillar cage" Lin Mo's feet quickly rose and four wooden walls blocked the sandstorm.

"Desert Sunflower"

Lin Mo is passive now, sure enough, he underestimated the enemy, thinking that although he doesn't know how to be armed, but it is not a problem to dodge the attack when he sees and hears it, but he didn't expect Lao Sha to react so quickly, and as soon as he defended against the attack, he thought of a way to deal with himself!

Now Lin Mo is in a state of tree, and he can breathe without his mouth and nose in the ground, and after a while, he senses that Klockdahl has left, but fortunately he didn't chase Luffy and his party.

Lin Mo struggled to climb out, with his current physical strength, he couldn't fly over, so he could only recover his strength while rushing to the road, and it would not be a problem to arrive at noon tomorrow.

Lin Mo suddenly thought, what kind of tree is his tree form, can he blossom, or bear fruit and seeds? He hadn't even thought about it before, and it seemed that nothing had been developed except for being able to use this fruit ability as an auxiliary ability. Trees can grow new branches without dying, so if you don't have a broken arm that a tree man can grow? Duan Shou can't just try it, but there is still a way to test it with Chopper's help.

If it weren't for Lao Sha this time, if it were replaced by another Seven Martial Seas, he might have died!

Open the character panel

Neferutari Lin Mo

Fruit Ability: Mumu Fruit (Unawakened)

Physical Strength 2215 Strength


Speed 1689

Mental Power 2669

Seeing and Hearing Domineering Beginner Progress 85

%. Armed color domineering has not awakened (awakening progress 85%)Overlord color domineering

primary progress 1%

Now with overlord color, it should be able to reduce casualties.

By the time he arrived in Albana, the entire capital was in flames, full of desperate slashers, and the sound of killing was shocking.

"Klockdahl, this is all your love!" Lin Mo knew that in such a world, in this sea, human life was the least valuable thing. However, when I experienced it myself, it was still a little difficult to accept watching these people who fell to the ground and didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

At the moment, Lin Mo opened the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, and the perception formed a large net, enveloping the entire Albana, and at the same time, the three seed clones controlled by Lin Mo had already reached the rebel army on the other three sides, and he exerted his overlord domineering power to make the follow-up rebel army unable to enter the battlefield, and then just stop the battle in the city!

The closest to Lin Mo is Nami, originally Nami was the weakest, but because Lin Mo told Nami about Nami's combat methods in advance, the weather stick made by Usopp was stronger than in the original book, and now it was Nami who was the first to end the battle.

Lin Mo controlled the domineering aura of the overlord within 400 meters, and the surging pressure centered on the body directly stunned the rebels.

In fact, Lin Mo can now release the overlord color domineering energy on a large scale, just like the ordinary stun of all the rebels outside the city, but with such a large range, with Lin Mo's current level of the overlord color, there is no distinction between the enemy and me, so it is not possible to release it in the city.

Lin Mo controlled the overlord color like this, and ran all the way towards Nami, during which he told the king's army to control all the fainting rebels and not to hurt people, the king's army didn't want to hurt civilians, and now that he has lost the ability to resist, he will listen to Lin Mo's and tie up all the fainted people.

At this time, Lin Mo came to Nami's side and found that she was only a little bruised, it seems that her advice is useful for Nami, but why is it useless for other people, I can't help but think, "Could it be that this boatload of people only has Nami's IQ online, and other people have to rely on personal experience to become stronger, and have a masochistic physique?" Nami

saw Lin Mo coming over, and said with some ostentation, "You're too late, I'll solve one!"

Lin Mo said, "I'm really sorry, I almost died at the hands of Klockdahl!" Lin Mo was right, if Klockdahl knew Lin Mo's

ability and directly sucked up the water in Lin Mo's body when he was buried, then he would be dead.

Nami said, "Then what should we do now?"

Moonlight took Nami and walked all the way towards the palace, and found that the rebels on the road had fainted inexplicably, Nami looked at Lin Mo and said, "This is what you did?

Lin Mo said, "Sort of, I didn't find anything anywhere, but I awakened the domineering spirit of the overlord."

Nami asked curiously, "What kind of ability is that?"

Lin Mo said, "I'll explain it to you later when I have time." "

Usopp and Chopper, the battle here is simply a life of death, when Lin Mo arrived, he sensed that Usopp had fallen to the ground, but because Lin Mo had been urging him to exercise, although he was rarely obedient, it also had a certain effect, at least this guy was not as seriously injured as the animation.

At this time, on the commanding heights of the palace, the battle between Luffy and Klocodahl had already come together.

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