Nami looked at Usopp and said comfortingly, "I already know, Usopp, you don't have to worry about money." I know where the Frankie family is based, and everyone will take it back. Seeing

that the badly injured Usopp couldn't move, Nami hurriedly called Kaku for help and wanted to move the man to Blue.

After seeing Usopp's condition, Kaku said, "It's better not to move him, if you have a ship doctor

on the ship, why don't you let him come and deal with it?" After hearing this, Nami had no choice but to say to Usopp, "Usopp, you wait for me here, I'll go back to the ship to find Chopper to help you treat you, I already know where those guys' base camp is, we'll get the money back, you don't have to worry about the money!"

After Nami finished speaking, she told Usopp not to move, and she and Kaku rode Blue towards the Merry, and now Nami only hoped that Chopper had returned to the Merry.

Upon returning to the Merry, Nami found that only Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper were there, and immediately told us about Usopp and asked Kaku to help bring the three to Usopp first.

After a few people left, Nami said to herself, "What's going on today, something happened to Usopp, Robin and Lin Mo are gone!" Nami

looked at the 300 million Bailey in front of her and thought, "Whether it's buying a new ship or insisting that someone else repair and improve the Golden Merry, this 300 million Bailey should be enough, and it doesn't matter if you can't get back the money you lost, but you can't lose it." On

the other side, Lin Mo didn't hide on the side and didn't help Usopp, because it was from here in his heart that Usopp really grew.

And when he watched the anime, he was also angry with Usopp, why didn't he understand Luffy.

However, after Lin Mo saw Frankie's under-flat appearance, he still decided that he must find an opportunity to teach Frankie a good lesson before he joined.

Lin Mo suddenly showed a lewd smile on his face, thinking that if it was still the same as the original book, that time would be the best.

After Frankie boarded the Shanghai train, Lin Mo also boarded the Shanghai train, and after a four-hour journey, Frankie got off the sea train on a small island.

Lin Mo followed Frankie into a small town, and then entered a tavern in the town, Lin Mo sensed with what he saw and heard, the tavern was only a ground building, and there was a large area underground, and there were many people in it.

It seems that this black market is not very secretive, or rather, it is not a large black market, and there are no secrecy measures in and out.

After Lin Mo entered the tavern, he said tentatively to the owner of the bar, "I heard a friend say that you can buy precious wood here, does the boss know any information?"

The boss laughed and said, "It seems that your friend has only heard of this place, you want to buy precious wood, go in and find the shop that says No. 3, there will be what you need, but the price is expensive."

Lin Mo said, "Okay, thank you, boss." After finishing speaking, Lin Mo walked in.

The ground floor is divided into 8 shops. When Lin Mo came in, he saw Frankie coming out of shop No. 3, and the box he brought was gone, and it seemed that the deal was concluded.

Lin Mo walked into the No. 3 shop, the owner here was a middle-aged uncle, and when he saw someone coming in, he said enthusiastically, "Does this friend need any materials here, I have all kinds of alloys and precious materials here."

Lin Mo said straight to the point: "I want the trunk of the treasure tree Adam." The

boss looked at Lin Mo's hand and didn't hold the thing, and said, "Yes, but you have to pay for the transaction here."

Lin Mo took out a small bag of gems from his arms and said, "These gems should be worth 200 million Baileys, do you think it's okay?"

Doing business in this black market, it is natural that you will often encounter direct transactions with gold or gemstones, so the boss immediately estimated the value of the gems, which is indeed worth a little more than 200 million.

After the boss looked at the gems, he said to Lin Mo, "These gems are okay, but they are not enough.

Lin Mo suddenly said unhappily, "It's not wrong for me to trade here for the first time, but it doesn't mean that I don't know the price of Treasure Tree Adam." The

boss explained with a smile, "Under normal circumstances, the trunk of the treasure tree Adam is the same size, and the natural value is 200 million, but this time we got a section of the trunk that is two-thirds larger than the average, so the value is naturally higher."

Lin Mo thought that two paragraphs were enough, and there was no need to spend more money to buy such a big one, and said, "Is there an ordinary one, it's too big for me to be useless." The

boss guessed that Lin Mo must still have money, and said, "This time we only got two paragraphs, and the normal size ones have been bought, and now only this one big one is left."

Lin Mo thought for a moment and said, "Then how much does this cost?"

The boss said, "400 million Bailey."

Lin Mo frowned and said, "You said that this trunk is two-thirds larger, why is the price too expensive." The

boss explained, "The people who can buy the trunk of the treasure tree Adam are used to build ships, and the most important thing in shipbuilding is the keel, the length of the keel determines the size of the ship, and if you want to use the treasure tree Adam to build a big ship, you have to find another trunk as the keel, which also reduces the strength of the hull." The

boss saw that Lin Mo didn't have any indication and continued to explain, "But now the length of this tree trunk is enough to build a huge ship as a keel, and the value is naturally more expensive."

Lin Mo said, "Where is the trunk, I want to take a look at the goods." The

boss said, "It seems that the guests are here for the first time, and we all collect the money first, and then deliver the goods to the place you specified."

Lin Mo said, "Then how can I believe that there is no problem with your goods, or that you will definitely deliver the goods?"

The boss smiled and said, "We belong to the management of the Don Quixote family here, the kind of problem you said can't exist, we can't let you ruin the reputation of the Don Quixote family because of only 400 million Baileys."

Lin Mo thought that Flamingo could make the arms business bigger and spread all over the world, and credibility was very important, and in the original book, Frankie was indeed the trunk of the treasure tree Adam who was only obtained after the end of Justice Island.

Lin Mo took out a small bag of gems from his arms again, and said, "After you send it to the Water Capital, let the mayor Bingshan kick me and accept it, no problem." The

boss said, "Of course, there is no problem.

Lin Mo sensed that Frankie and the two girls were back at the bar, and thought to himself, "Frankie is here for the trunk of the treasure tree Adam, and he should go back tomorrow." Let's take a look at the black market for yourself.

After turning around two shops, Lin Mo found that the things traded here were useless to him, so he gave up the idea of continuing to visit the black market.

Lin Mo returned to the bar, sat at the bar and ordered a glass of juice, because there was nothing to do here, he suddenly became uneasy, very worried about Robin.

At this time, the system prompted that the task had been completed, and Lin Mo couldn't sit still anymore, since the task here was completed, he must rush back no matter what.

The night of the water

city is shrouded, a bright moon hangs in the sky, and the white light is sprinkled on the water city, as if covering this water city with a layer of silver sand.

Two cloaked figures quickly left the iceberg's office across the houses, one wearing a mask and the other being the missing Robin.

In the office, Iceberg was shot several times and fell in a pool of blood, and it was the masked man who shot him, he didn't want to kill Iceberg, but had another purpose, so Iceberg was not in danger of life, but just passed out.

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