Journey from Fairy Tail

Chapter 144 CanaVS Kain

Ulutia-sama, why are you with the people from Fairy Tail?

Kain suddenly felt afraid to hide behind a tree when he saw the girls ready to fight.

It's nothing, it's just that I betrayed Grimoire Heart. Urutia said lightly.

Oh okay.


Kain said he knew, but was surprised to hear that Grimoire Heart had been betrayed.

Lucy, Cana, are you going to deal with it yourself? Ur asked the two girls.

Well, after all, it's my test to advance to S-rank, and Lucy and I will deal with him!

Cana took out the card and waited.

Is that right, then I'll listen to my mother's words and hand him over to you for a showdown.

The person in front of me is Kain Hikaru!

Don't look at his body is very fat, but the flexibility and flexibility are very strong.

His magic is lost magic - when the ugly comes.

It is a curse and killing magic as powerful as Larabai.

He can insert the other party's hair on the doll to control the actions of the other party, and inserting his own hair on the doll can also strengthen or change his body shape.

you have to pay attention,

Ulutia told Cana and Lucy the advantages and disadvantages of Kain's magic.

This magic is so difficult!

After all, you can change the shape of your body. In other words, you can switch to a hard system if your defense is not enough. If you want flexibility, you can switch to a flexible system.

Anyway, let's go! Lucy takes out the Galaxy Whip.

Call thunder!

Cana was the first to use card magic to summon a laser and hit Kain.

But Kain's skin is rough and fleshy, and his attack on this small move is fundamentally different.

Since Lord Urutia and Meredy have betrayed you, I, Lord Kain, will kill you all!

Kain ignored Cana's attack and attacked the three of Ur.

Big push!

Kain knew that Ulutia's physical skills were not good, so he immediately attacked in melee combat.

Your opponents are Lucy and the others!

Ur hands shape.

Ice Shape Magic - Shield!

It is obviously an ordinary ice modeling magic, but the cold air it emits is colder than ordinary ice magic, and this temperature is comparable to the ice magic to destroy demons.

Because Ur is a half-heroic spirit, it can grow. Sharing Li Xiangyang's magic power with Li Xiangyang's contract plus his own growth, such a double increase can be comparable to lost magic with the power of ordinary magic.

Kain attacked the shield more than ten times in a row, and even the ice shield did not break.

Whoosh! Tired.

Kain saw that his physical skills had no effect at all and gave up attacking this.

If that's the case, I'll kill them both first.

After speaking, he took out the cursed doll from his belt and tied his hair on it.


Self Reinforcement - Light Body!

Kain shines!

Look at the trick! Flash pusher!

Kain attacked in the direction of Lucy and Cana, the pusher turned into a long-range attack, and a golden light burst out of his hand.

Card Magic - Dimension Wall!

This is the second of the three cards Li Xiangyang once gave Cana, a defensive card.

It has a wall formed by space magic, which can absorb the opponent's attack and bounce it back.

A white light curtain appeared in front of Cana, which absorbed Kain's attack, and then appeared behind Kain, returning his attack to him.

Kain didn't notice, and was sent flying by his own attack.

I am angry!


Kain is angry and intends to continue to attack, Cana uses the third card, for her own blessing, it can increase her magic power by two to five times.

Cana's luck is very good, and the magic power has been increased by five times.

Originally, Cana's magic power was A-rank magic power at best, but now it is comparable to Mira's magic power under normal conditions.

This feels so good!

Call thunder!

Self Reinforcement - Ray!

do not forget me!

Lucy used the Galaxy Whip to bind Kain's hand, preventing him from using magic.

Lucy succeeded, Kain won't be able to use it for a while, Cana's lightning laser has come to Kain's body.

Ah ah ah!

He was electrocuted.


Kain saw the injury on his body, the first time he was injured when he became Seven Kin of Purgatory.

Nice job, Lucy!

Cana and Lucy clapped their hands and said in celebration.

Ur, who was on the side, saw Cana's brief cooperation and felt good about it.

Cana, like the light, has always attracted Kain's attention, while Lucy has become a transparent person, waiting for the most critical moment to interfere with the opponent.

What are those two cards? Meredy has also seen card magic, but has never seen these two.

These are two of the three cards that Li Xiangyang gave Cana. The strongest Cana has not been used yet. You can see it soon. Ur saw that Cana had taken out a professional card and faced Urrutia and Meredy said.

Get rid of him in one go!

Cana said to Lucy.

Open it, Scorpio's door. Scorpio

Lucy summoned Scorpio.

Yo! Lucy, I'm dating Aquarius, and I'll deal with him right away.

Ah! Hmm! Say hello to me then. Lucy was terrified when he heard that the two of them were dating, because the next time he called Aquarius, he was sure to get a big ass.

Laser Cannon!

A huge attack was directed towards Kain.

Self Reinforcement - Steel!

Kain's whole body is turned into steel, increasing his defense.

The laser of the laser cannon hit him, Kain kept retreating, but he was not injured.

(Good promise) Alright Lucy! Cana's voice came from the sky.

Cana has taken the form of Ishtar, and she takes to the air to find a very good angle.

Open the door!

To the great sky, to the great earth.

The top of Cana's head reproduces a door leading to the starry sky. Although this door is only a concept, it is so spectacular for those who see it for the first time.

A Venus descended from the Stargate, Cana compressed it into an arrow and aimed at Kain.

No, no, not seconds.

Kain was speechless when he saw this, he felt the breath of death from Cana's hand.


Mountains Shock Star Salary!

A brutal arrow made from the concept of Venus shot at Kain.

Ah ah ah!

Kain's voice disappeared into the arrows.

Huge explosion occurred on Sirius Island..

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