Journey from Fairy Tail

Chapter 217 10 Dragons!

With the appearance of Masha Gureya, the Dragon of King Kong, it is not over yet.

Under the dull eyes of everyone, the second dragon also appeared from the other side of the door.

The color is composed of dark blue scales, and the scarlet eyes are not a kind-hearted Long Yangtian roaring!

Immediately after the moisture in the air begins to evaporate, the temperature begins to rise.

A flaming dragon came out of the door, and the flames of the flaming dragon illuminated the surrounding darkness, but no one in the scene felt that the illuminating flames were friendly.

Then there are dark red scales, and the dragon's forehead and chin each have huge curved horns, making this dragon look so different.

The four-headed dragon had already appeared, and the pressure in the air made it impossible for ordinary people to stand up.

They are very scared.

Immediately after, a few more dragons came out of the door.

Covered in dark colors, he roared at the crowd.

This roar sounded like an order, and several dragons flew to various places in Ku Rockers.

Heavy footsteps pierced out, and everyone saw a big mountain moving, which was a giant dragon composed of rocks.

Every step is filled with a feeling of power, which is frightening, and its tail is like a meteor hammer, which makes people suspect that this tail flick can easily injure other giant dragons.

"Close the Eclipse Gate, Lucy! Yukino!"

Seeing that the time was ripe, Li Xiangyang shouted loudly to Lucy and Yukino.

"Miss Lucy, let's come together! 35

The two took out the keys of the golden zodiac together and threw them into the air.

With the pulling of the magic power of the two, the twelve keys formed a circle.

A golden light shone on Lucy and Yukino.

Lucy and Yukino knelt on the ground, crossed their hands, and closed their eyes.

"O Celestial Spirits of the Zodiac"~!

"Please lend us the power to seal the evil!""

The two of them spoke one by one, releasing their own magic power.

"Open it! The door of the Zodiac!"

A golden beam of light enveloped the two of them, and the sound of the Zodiac opening the door appeared beside the two.

Twelve golden magic circles were also around them.

The Celestial Spirits all appeared beside Lucy and Yukino.

"Please, close the door!"

Lucy whispered, the Celestial Spirit seemed to have heard Lucy's words and flew towards the Eclipse Gate.

The twelve golden rays of light were divided into two parts, and there were six Celestial Spirits on each side, and they began to exert their strength.

The eclipse gates also slowly closed.

Among them, a giant dragon also reached the door of the solar eclipse. Seeing the closing of the door, he stretched out his claws to block it, but there was still no way to block the closed door.

Finally got caught inside.


Along with the loud noise, the door of the solar eclipse, which represents the ability to travel through time and space, was completely closed.

"Great, the eclipse gates are closed!"

The soldiers cheered, but Arcadios reminded them.

"Don't be too happy, there are still giant dragons out there! 99

"How many dragons appeared in total!"

Arcadios asked the soldier next to him.

"Report! Total... ten dragons in total!"

The soldier next to him said the number tremblingly.

At the moment when the door of the solar eclipse was about to close, a few giant dragons still flew out from the door.

"Ten heads!"

Arcadios frowned.

The appearance of the King Kong Dragon just now proved the strength of the giant dragon, and one of them may not be able to handle it.

Ten giant dragons do not know what kind of damage they can bring to the country.

"Lucy and Yukino, you really closed the eclipse door!""

A figure came out.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound source.

A person emerged from a shadow.

"Future Rogue!

"Master Rogue!"

Lucy and Yukino have heard about future Lucy and Mira, so they know who he is.

"Did ten dragons appear! 35

In the future, Rogue looked at the giant dragons that Ku Rockers destroyed, and the giant dragons flying in the sky, and showed a happy smile.

"Ten giant dragons are just right!"

"To be honest, I can't control 10,000 giant dragons at all!"

With the appearance of the future Rogue, the Emerald Princess pointed at him.

"It's him, tell me what's going to happen in the future!

"Is it you who came to confuse Her Royal Highness Princess Emerald! 99

Arcadios took out the saber on his waist and pointed at the future Rogue.

"Who made her so easy to deceive, just relying on a few efficacious words to believe what I said, what a pure princess!"

"I'm curious, how did you know how to close the eclipse gates?"

The future Rogue is very curious.

"I told them, future Rogue!

Li Xiangyang made a sound at this time.

"You know, the magic of ancient documents is a good magic! 99

"I am the Holy Ten, so I record the origin of almost all the relics and their functions."5

"I have the right to check the records inside. Although the Magic Council is full of rice buckets, I have to admit that there is really a lot of information!"5

"The Eclipse Gate is a magic item created by Zeref. 99

"It is through the different time flow between the Celestial Spirit world and the present world to travel through time and space!"

"Although the conditions for launching are extremely harsh!"

“However, it is only possible to accurately locate the time of the lunar eclipse, otherwise there is a high possibility that other times cannot be determined.’99

"The power of the lunar eclipse can interfere with the gate of the solar eclipse, so that it can be accurately positioned four hundred years ago. So your purpose is also this!"

clap clap!

"It seems that I really underestimated the rubbish of the Magic Council!"

"After all, you are not the Holy Ten!"

Li Xiangyang laughed when he heard what Future Rogue said.

"But I really thank you very much for sending me so many materials!

Li Xiangyang sincerely thanks Rogue for the future.

"Material? Hahaha!"

"In my world, there is no such person as you. Although this world is a bit different from what I know, but you!"5

"I don't understand the horror of dragons at all!"

"I'll let you experience the power of the dragon this time. Of course, the cost of this performance is your life!"

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