Journey from Fairy Tail

Chapter 269 Wendy Dangerous


"My joy is unraveled? 35

Mard realized that his spell had not been successfully applied and made a puzzled sound.

"It seems that there are stronger people among the invaders!"

"Kyôka, I won't punish you this time, go and defeat the invaders to offset this punishment!

Mard said to Kyôka, releasing the thorns by the way.

"Understood, Lord Hades!

Kyôka walked out with her head down.

"There are still thirty minutes left, and the plan will be successful."

Pluto said in a low voice.

Li Xiangyang watched the surrounding environment change greatly, and the underworld beast had already shown his original appearance.

Li Xiangyang was walking ahead, and suddenly stopped – his footsteps.

"Come out!"

Li Xiangyang spoke to the air, and then ripples appeared in the air.

Black Mage Zeref appeared in front of Li Xiangyang.

"I didn't expect you to find me!"

Zeref saw that the only person who could kill him now was in front of him.

"The devil you created is looking for you, why don't you go see it?

Li Xiangyang asked.

"Hehehe, I came here very early, but I never showed up."

"I still hope they can find me on their own."

Zeref said.

"Mard, the leader of Tartaros, is the closest demon to the END, but it's not enough to defeat you.

"Today's demons, it's more than enough to defeat your comrades."5

Zeref said to Li Xiangyang.

"Beat my comrade?

"I believe them!

Li Xiangyang said.

"Really, then let me wait and see!

The transparency of Zeref gradually disappeared.

On the other hand, Wendy is in a tough fight.

"Little one, don't run, let me eat you!

Ezel slashed at Wendy with the magic sword spell, and the sharp slashes left countless traces in the hole.

"Five Swords in the World, Onimaru!"

The slash of the cross headed towards Wendy, and Wendy avoided it dangerously.

"Damn it, there is no other way but to go up!

Wendy intends to go head-to-head.

"All attribute resistance increased, God's crown!"

"Full body, strength rising, knight of the gods!

A dazzling green light covered Wendy's body.

"Attack power, defense power, and speed are doubled!"

"Attach Warlock!"

Ezel remembered the queen of a country many years ago, she was the strongest additional warlock in the world at that time.

"The roar of the dragon!

A roar stronger than ever attacked Ezel.

When the wind dissipated, Ezel was not injured.

"It's really good, so I can show off my skills!"9

"You seem to taste good too!

Ezel licked her mouth, as if savoring Wendy's.

"Dragon's claws!"

Wendy's moves didn't hurt at all on Ezel's body.

Instead, Ezel's moves made Wendy dodged all the time.

"Hahaha, don't you understand?"

"Our dimensions are different!"

"As a human being, you are very different from me, who is a demon! 35

Ezel said with a laugh.

"Five Swords in the World, Shuzhu Wan!"

After Ezel finished speaking, he launched a more powerful attack. Wendy set up a lot of defensive magic on the way, but it was torn to shreds like a piece of paper.

Ezel knocks Wendy out.

Seeing this, Carla flew to Ezel desperately and beat Ezel frantically with that little fist.

"What's the matter with this cat, does it want me to eat it?

After saying that, he grabbed Carla and wanted to put it in his mouth.

"Damn it, strength, I need strength!"

Wendy shouted mentally that she didn't want to lose Carla.

Wendy suddenly thought of a way at this time. The place where Fez exists has a very pure and purified magical air. If such pure air is inhaled, it should be like Natsu and Gajeel, and gain the power of the dragon.

Wendy sucked abruptly, and the magic in her body suddenly surged.

Suddenly, Ezel was lifted up, and Carla was successfully rescued.

"Wendy you!"

Carla looked at the way Wendy looked, she had changed a lot now.


Blue hair turned into pink hair blowing in the wind.

Angel-like wings are on Wendy's limbs and behind.

"Wendy, you've grown up!"

Carla smiled reassuringly.

"Damn it kid, you can't change the fact that you're not as good as me!

"I hear the wind in this space. 99

Wendy noticed her change.

"I'm in the Dominator's space now!"

Wendy instantly came to Ezel's side and threw a weak fist.

Although the fist is weak, its power is indeed huge.

Ezel received this blow and was instantly knocked out.

"Damn it, stinky brat!"

With a huge body and a very slow pace, Wendy has been roaming around and attacking.

"The Profound Truth of Slaying the Dragon, wear it according to the sky!"

Wendy's Dragon Slaying Mystery hit Ezel head-on, knocking him far away.

Wendy returned to her original form after using this trick.

"Not enough magic!

Wendy fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, it's really yours!""

"Let me see the backbone of human beings!

"Then let me show you the real devil!""

Ezel was seriously injured, but not dead.

His four arms turned into the shape of knives.

"Slash mode, in this mode I have the power to smash everything! 35

"Human kid!"

Ezel looked at Wendy grimly.

"Wendy! 35 "Carla!"

Wendy and Carla are desperate.

"Human, thanks to that flaming kid and the little girl who used the Celestial Spirit who fought against me.

"I might be killed by you if I were normal."

"Because of this preparation of mine, I really saved my life!"

When Ezel came to Wendy and Carla's side, his shoulder armor shattered.

It turned out that this thing saved his life at a critical moment.

"Goodbye, human little devil!"

The four knives were raised high, and then swung down, Wendy and Carla closed their eyes, waiting for death.


"Who are you guys!" Guang.

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