Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 201: Ichigo Of The Monstrous

"Manager, let me guard here from now on, the manager will go and prepare first." Behind Kisuke Kamahara, Tessai Tsukabishi came over and said to Kisuke Kamahara.

"Well, let me prepare first."

"Go and inform the others."

"Let that boy Griffin guide the other two talents." Looking at Ichigo who was not moving in the deep pit, Kambara Kisuke nodded, stood up and said.

Immediately, Puyuan Kisuke turned around and prepared to leave here, handing it over to Jieling Tieli.

However, just two steps away, a powerful Reiatsu suddenly swept the entire underground space.

Kambara Kisuke's eyes widened suddenly, and he turned around and ran towards the edge of the pit, lying on the edge to observe the situation below.

Tessai Tsukabishi was no exception. Like Kambara Kisuke, he lay on the edge of the deep pit with his buttocks up and looked at the situation below.

I saw Ichigo sitting cross-legged on the ground with his hands clasped, a powerful Reiatsu erupted from his body, and the torrent of Reiatsu turned into a funnel "hovering above Jugo's head.

"Shop Manager, this!!!" Tessai Tsukabishi shouted in a low voice with horror on his face as he watched this scene.

What this situation represented, Tessai Tsukabishi knew very well, was that Ichigo had awakened to his original power, the power of Shinigami's true blood.

It is not the previous Reiatsu mixed with Rukia Kuchiki's spiritual power, but the pure Reiatsu that belongs to Ichigo himself without any adulteration.

However, how is this possible? It has not been more than ten minutes since the store manager beat out Ichigo's soul and cut off the chain of soul.

It took less than two minutes for Ichigo to settle down.

To have entered the inner space and awakened one's own power in such a short period of time is simply a monstrous evil among evildoers.

"Mr. Liuyun really taught a monstrous evildoer." Kisuke Puyuan, who was sweating coldly, was not calm at this time, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with a wry smile.

Immediately, Kambara Kisuke did not leave, and just waited here for Ichigo to complete the power recovery ceremony.

However, the two waited and waited, Ichigo's situation did not change, but Reiatsu was slowly becoming stronger.

Two hours later, Ichigo's Reiatsu has more than doubled in strength compared to the beginning.

"Shop manager, what's going on?" Tessai Tsukabishi was full of question marks.

"Could it be!!!" Kambara Kisuke was also a little puzzled at this time. It stands to reason that the moment Ichigo's Reiatsu recovered, it meant that he had awakened his Shinigami power. In this case, Ichigo should be It's right to wake up, but now two hours have passed, and Ichigo has no sign of waking up at all.

Immediately, Kambara Kisuke seemed to think of something, his pupils shrank slightly.

The next moment, as if to verify Kambara Kisuke's conjecture, Ichigo's Reiatsu changed. Not only was it more than twice stronger at once, but also a burst of Reiatsu that did not belong to Shinigami but belonged to Xu.

At the same time, the substance of White quietly appeared on Ichigo's face, which is the substance of emptiness.

"Sure enough, this kid actually came into contact with Hollow!!!"

"This kid is trying to control the void in his body!!!" The shock in his heart made Kambara Kisuke unconsciously shout out!!!

Hearing this, Tessai Tsukabishi was also shocked, and looked at Ichigo below in shock.

"Mr. Liuyun, you really taught a monster!!!" Kisuke Puyuan once again had a rare wry smile on his face, and murmured in a low voice.

As soon as he got back the power of Shinigami, he immediately came into contact with Xu's power, and it seemed that Xu's mask appeared very steadily, which meant that Xu's power did not have the upper hand at all, making the Ten Guardians lose their minds.

"It seems that I can't relax anymore, I have to stay here all the time." Muttering in a low voice, Kisuke Kamahara took out a mobile phone and called directly.

"Hey, Griffin, go and guide Sado Yasutora and Inoue Orihime." Originally, he wanted to tell Griffin face to face, but now it seems that there is no other way.

After explaining what Ganju did, Kisuke put all his attention on Ichigo, fearing that something irreversible would happen.

Hirako Shinji's Hollow was completed so quickly and steadily with Liuyun's help.

If it were me, it would not be so easy to stabilize Hollow. I had to concentrate all my energy and let Tessai Tsukabishi assist me to do it.

Although Hirako Shinji also has the ability to help master, and they also have Hollow experience, they can help Ichigo master Hollow's power more easily

However, there is no way to transfer Ichigo to Hirako Shinji and the others now.

Let Hirako Shinji and the others come over here?

If you make a phone call, you will definitely get hit.

No way, I can only work hard on my own.

Thinking of this, Kambara Kisuke sighed again.

"Mr. Tessai, it's up to the two of us to keep Mr. Ichigo safe."

"Yes, leave it to me, store manager!!!" Tessai Tsukabishi promised solemnly and solemnly.

How did the two know that even if the two were not here, Ichigo's Hollow would not have any problems.

Because Liuyun had already left behind on Ichigo.

Remaining within Ichigo's body are several strands of Hōgyoku power left behind by Liuyun when he disappeared two years ago.

Otherwise, Liuyun wouldn't dare to let Dabai cut Ichigo's Suojieposleep.

It is because Liuyun left the power of Hōgyoku in Ichigo's body that he dared to do this.

After all, who knows if Kambara Kisuke will fail at a critical moment?

If this is the case, Liuyun probably has no chance to regret what happened.

The power of Hōgyoku was used by Liuyun to save Ichigo's life.

After all, this guy is the protagonist, all kinds of growth and fighting are absolutely indispensable, and 0.1 has the power of Hōgyoku as the base, so there will be no problems.

Of course, the power of Hōgyoku will only appear to protect Ichigo when Ichigo is in crisis.

And the current Ichigo doesn't trigger the power of Hōgyoku.

Now Ichigo is trying to master Hollow's power, relying entirely on his own evil talent.

At this time, in Ichigo's inner world, Ichigo is fighting with his own Zanpakutō Xubai. The battle between the two is extremely fierce, and buildings collapsed in the fight between the two.

On a towering building a few hundred meters away from the fight between the two, Uncle Zagetsu was quietly watching the battle between the two.

"With that kind of powerful existence looking after him, maybe you can give it a try." Standing on the edge of the building, looking at the two Ichigos with the same appearance, one black and one white, on the battlefield, "Zen Yong said to himself...

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