Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 235 Showdown (Part 2)

"An order from the Spirit King!!!"

"The old man knows."

"The old man will go up to the Lingwang Palace and ask Lord Lingwang to confirm."

"If it is really arranged by Lord Lingwang, then I have nothing to say." After learning about the development of the matter from Liuyun's mouth, Old Man Shan closed his eyes and took a deep breath

Then it opened again, and said in a complicated tone.

"Sure enough, old man, you also have a way to go up to the Lingwang Palace." Liuyun nodded with a smile, and said lightly.

"You have a way to go up and out of the Lingwang Palace at will. As the captain of Seireitei Gotei 13, how could this old man not have it?" Old Man Shan looked at Liuyun lightly, and said, if not, when Liuyun was invited to go to the Lingwang Palace before, he Then he wouldn't say those harsh words to Monk Eye.

"Then, I've made things clear, so I'll go back first." Nodding slightly, Liuyun got up and said.

Old Man Shan didn't speak, and let Liuyun leave by default.

Not long after Liuyun left, Old Man Shan disappeared from the captain's office.

When it reappeared, it was already in a dark place where you couldn't see your fingers.

I saw a faint light appearing in Old Man Shan's hand, and then, a door appeared in front of Old Man Shan, and Old Man Shan walked in.

If the members of Team Zero were here, they would be able to tell at a glance what the light that appeared on Old Man Shan's arm was.

That is the bone transformed by the King of Souls, the key of the King, the key to enter the Palace of the King of Souls.

Moreover, old man Shan doesn't need the help of Huahe Dapao when he goes back like the members of the Zero Division.

This method of going to Lingwang Palace seems to be exclusive to Old Man Shan.

Not to mention that Old Man Shan went to the Lingwang Palace to meet the Lingwang, on the other side, just after leaving the headquarters, Liuyun was stopped by a person.

Captain of Division 12, Kurotsuchi Mayuri.

"How is it?" Seeing Liuyun come out, Kurotsuchi Mayuri came up to meet him and asked curiously.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri didn't know whether Aizen was killed by Liuyun, but the Brigade invasion was definitely related to Liuyun, which he was very sure of.

The proof is the Matsumoto Rangiku who is following the travel disaster.

This guy belongs to the 4th squad, and his strength is very strong, not weaker than the captain-level Shinigami.

Moreover, after being pierced through half of his body by the Quincy last night, he didn't just retreat, but also arranged for a few people to be monitored.

As a result, after the Quincy defeated himself, he and his accomplices followed Matsumoto Rangiku to the fourth team.

He did not report the existence of several people.

Without him, his relationship with Liuyun is fine.

Among the captains (also counted as vice-captains), Liuyun is the only captain-level character (hidden by Aizen) who can keep up with his thinking and communicate with him on research.

Not a friend, he doesn't have so-called friends, but he can be regarded as a research fellow.

So Kurotsuchi Mayuri didn't expose Liuyun's idea.

However, judging by the way Liuyun was called over today, the captain should know.


"It's you, this is Yike."

"One-off skeleton?"

"And is it really good to use Yike in Soul Society?" Liuyun smiled lightly and shook his head, then observed the situation of Kurotsuchi Mayuri, a little surprised.

No way, it's not the fault of you sending in a Quincy. "

"That Quincy destroyed more than half of my body, and I'm still lying in a petri dish for repair."

"Originally, I didn't want to use this thing."

"But the captain's meeting has to come, otherwise, tell the captain directly that I am injured and cannot come, and those guys will be exposed.

"After all, the only captain who didn't come today is the brat who was lying there with you." Kurotsuchi Mayuri shrugged and said casually.

"In that case, I still have to thank you for your kindness." Liuyun said with a smile.

"I will ask you for this kindness in the future." Kurotsuchi Mayuri said very seriously.

"Buy strong and sell hard."

"You can think so.

While chatting, the two left the headquarters, and then separated at a crossroads, walking towards their respective teams.

After spending half an hour, Liuyun returned to the fourth team.

"How about it, the captain didn't punish you?" As soon as he came back, a group of people came over, all of them were Liuyun's women.

Hana, Yoruichi, Konghe, Yongyin, Sui-Feng.

The three of Yoruichi came after the captain meeting, but just after they came, Liuyun was called away by Chojiro.

Although they knew the relationship between Liuyun and the captain, they were still a little worried.

"No." Liuyun replied with a light smile, and then told the matter to Sister Hua, Yong Yin and Sui-Feng who didn't know the truth about Aizen.

Anyway, things have come to this, and Aizen will blow himself up in a few days.

Moreover, the current Aizen has also entered the central underground meeting room, and even entered the corridor of the Great Spirit Book, but has not come out.

Even if you know it, you won't expose it.

By the time Aizen comes out, it doesn't matter whether it is exposed or not.

It's not a good thing to keep Sister Hua and the others from telling the truth, so let's just tell Sister Hua and them everything today.

0...seeking flowers...

"Didn't you expect it to be like this?"

"I really underestimated Aizen Sōsuke."

"However, this way I don't have to check the phantom corpses he created." After listening to Liuyun's story, even Sister Hua was shocked by what Aizen did, and was slightly moved.

Both Yong Yin and Sui-Feng were equally astonished.

"I just said why you didn't do anything to him all this time, so it's because of King Ling." Kong He said with a sigh at this time.

After her strength improved and reached the limit of Shinigami [Nakazuru became somewhat suspicious of Liu Micai's words.

The chief captain didn't know about Aizen's situation, and he was hypnosised by Aizen at the same time, so it was useless to do it.

Liuyun's situation is different, Liuyun knows too much about Aizen, if he really wants to put Aizen to death, Liuyun is fully capable.


However, despite her doubts, Liuyun didn't tell the truth, and she didn't mean to ask, anyway, Liuyun would not harm them.

And now that Liuyun said it, she understood her previous suspicions.

Regarding this matter, Kong He did not object.

The Shiba family is the most loyal family to the Soul King among the five nobles. Even the Kuchiki family, the head of the five nobles, cannot compare in terms of loyalty.

Shiba Konghe also inherited this.

Therefore, out of respect for the Spirit King, Konghe chose to temporarily abandon the enmity between the Shiba family and Aizen, and would not intervene just because Aizen calculated the Shiba family several times, and let Aizen grow up as the Spirit King planned. To deal with the enemy together in the future.

"Spirit King, it's really interesting." Yoruichi showed a smirk at this time.

She knew about Aizen's situation before, but she didn't know that Aizen was part of the spirit king's plan, and Liuyun didn't say anything.

Thinking of Aizen plotting against so many people, and finally being himself a part of others' plotting, Yoruichi gloated inexplicably and wanted to laugh.

Although Yong Yin and Sui-Feng on the side were shocked by what Aizen did, they didn't say anything.

At this moment, a Hell Butterfly flew in and leaned towards Liuyun straight away.

Seeing this, Liuyun stretched out his hand and let the Hell Butterfly rest in his hand.

"Stinky boy, keep an eye on the development of the matter, and nothing will happen." As soon as the hell butterfly landed on Liuyun's finger, Old Man Shan's voice came out of it.

"It seems that old man Shan has confirmed the authenticity of the matter, and is ready to act according to King Ling's plan." The corner of his mouth slightly raised, Liuyun murmured. .

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