Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 250 Liuyun's Means

Perhaps it was because Liuyun's performance today exceeded Muramasa's expectations, which made Muramasa fearful.

This guy, after changing the terrain of Bipolar Hill with one blow, took advantage of the rising smoke and ran away with many Zanpakutō.

When the smoke cleared, only the Summoned Shinigami remained in the Bipolar Hills.

"Hey, did you run away!!" Seeing that Muramasa ran away so decisively, Liuyun was also a little surprised.

"Go back to the headquarters and have a meeting." Liuyun waved his big hand and ordered after glancing at the crowd who hesitated to speak and wanted to ask him the whole story.

The next moment, Liuyun used Shunpo to leave here.

Seeing this, Sister Hua and the others followed and left Bipolar Hill.

After seeing the actions of Liuyun and others, the others exchanged glances with the people around them, and then left here using Shunpo and went to the headquarters (the headquarters is connected to the first team).

Soon, a group of people gathered in the conference room of the headquarters.

"Liuyun, let's talk about what happened now." As soon as they got together, Jushiro was the first to ask urgently.

He is very concerned about the safety of the teacher now.

If that Muramasa is really able to trick Zanpakutō into defecting, then Sensei's situation is very dangerous.

Others don't know, but as a disciple of the teacher [especially Chun Price, who fought ten games with the teacher some time ago, he is very aware of the strength of the teacher's Zanpakutō Ryūjin Jakka.

Liuyun didn't keep the crowd waiting, and directly explained Muramasa's background and current situation.

After understanding the truth of the matter, everyone frowned silently and began to think.

"Liuyun, why are you alright?" Jingle Chunshui thought for a moment, then asked with a frown.

He discovered just now that Zanpakutō appeared beside them, but Liuyun, Yoruichi and others did not.

"My Zanpakutō has the power to defend against invasion, so Muramasa can't enter my heart, nor can I enter the hearts of Sister Hua and the others, and they also have the power I left behind.

"However, my Zanpakutō can only defend against, and cannot restore your Zanpakutō to its original state. If you want to regain the power of your own Zanpakutō, you need to defeat your own Zanpakutō

"Oh, by the way, because Zanpakutō is out of body, you can't use Shikai and Bankai now either."

"Bankai's power cannot be used until you defeat your own Zanpakutō, but Shikai can. As long as you face up to your heart and the essence of your own power, you can still use Shikai when Zanpakutō is out of the body."

"As for how to face up to one's own heart and the essence of one's power, I don't need to tell you this.

"I've already told you how to solve the Zanpakutō. If you can't get your Zanpakutō back, then you can only blame yourself for being too useless."

"Okay, now you take this back to your respective teams, which has the ability of my Zanpakutō, after you take it back, gather the members of the team, and then infuse Reiatsu into this sphere, and the sphere will release me The power of Muramasa, covering those members with a layer of protection, the power of Muramasa will not be able to invade their hearts and bewitch their Zanpakutō.

"This way Seireitei won't be in chaos."

"You just need to defeat your respective Zanpakutō, re-subdue the Zanpakutō, and let him recognize you as his master again.

"Let's do it now."

"After dealing with the situation in the team, come back here as soon as possible." A dozen or so small round balls formed by the power of Hōgyoku appeared in Liuyun's palm, and he said to everyone. They flew towards the captains, and the 10th squad flew into the hands of Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Sheki.

As for why it didn't fly into the hands of Zaraki Kenpachi, it was naturally because Zaraki Kenpachi and Kusajishi Yachiru didn't come over at all this time, so they could only be handed over to Madarame Ikkaku.

"Yes!!!" Everyone said yes one after another, and then one by one they used Shunpo to leave the conference room and rushed to their respective teams.

Everyone had no opinion on Liuyun's arrangement.

On the contrary, everyone was convinced by Liuyun's arrangement.

Because Liuyun arranged it very carefully, almost prepared all the processing steps for them, and just fed them food. As long as they follow Liuyun's arrangement, the expansion of this incident can be avoided.

In the past, when some big events happened, it was not as easy and simple as it is now, just follow the orders.

Generally, the captain gives the defense order, and then sends Shinigami to investigate slowly, and then discuss countermeasures after the results come out.

During this period, the matter had already expanded by an unknown number of times.

Unlike today, there is no need for them to investigate, the whole story has already been revealed, and Liuyun also has a countermeasure, and handed it over to them.

0...seeking flowers...

Almost reduced the impact of the event to a minimum.

As soon as they returned to their respective teams, the captains gathered the members of their respective teams, and then inspired the Hōgyoku sphere that Liuyun handed over to them, released the power of Hōgyoku, covered the team members, and put an end to their Zanpakutō Tendency to be deluded.

As for those who have been bewitched, they have nothing to do.

After all, Liuyun said that this power can only be used to prevent, but not to clear hidden dangers.

Hidden dangers need to be eliminated by themselves.

After finishing this matter, the captains returned to the headquarters meeting room again.

"It was a great help, Liuyun."

"If the Zanpakutō of the team members are also bewitched, then things will be really troublesome, and the whole Seireitei will be in turmoil." Back in the conference room, Jingle Chunshui was the first to speak and said medically.


There are many Shinigami in Seireitei, and everyone has a sealed state. As long as you get the sealed state, start communicating with the sealed state, and give birth to Zanpakutō, then Zanpakutō will exist. So many Shinigami Zanpakutō are bewitched, and you can imagine what will happen.

Everyone else nodded in agreement, and they were very happy.

"Okay, Seireitei's situation has been dealt with, now it's time to deal with your affairs."

"These are the tracking Kidō that I performed when Zanpakutō was out of body. Go and track your Zanpakutō by yourself and subdue them again." Liuyun nodded slightly, and then stretched out his hand again, clusters of emerald green light spots emerged from Liuyun's palm, Then it directly escaped from Liuyun's palm and flew towards the crowd.

With what happened just now, everyone was not prepared for the flying light spot, and let the light spot sink into their foreheads.

The next moment, everyone felt a connection from somewhere, as if they were connected with a certain existence.

They know very well that that being is their own Zanpakutō.

"Liuyun, your way of dealing with things is not really sophisticated!!!"

"No wonder old man Shan chose you as the successor of the captain!!!" After recovering, Jingle Chunshui was deeply moved.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

They feel that Liuyun's handling methods are much stronger than the captain's handling methods in the face of various emergencies.

For a moment, they all had the rebellious thought that it would be good if Liuyun was the captain. .

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