Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 258 Reunion In This World, Ichigo's Thoughts

"Byakuya, what's going on?" Seeing Byakuya's appearance, Ichigo put down Zanpakutō aimed at Muramasa, and asked with a frown.

"Mr. Liuyun's order." Byakuya replied lightly.

"Father?" Ichigo was taken aback for a moment, and then stopped thinking about doing it.

Although I don't know what happened, but since it was Liuyun's father's arrangement, I can't stop it.

"That guy will regret it!!!" Seeing the obstacles disappear, Muramasa took a deep look at Byakuya Kuchiki and said gloomily.

Immediately, he didn't care about the two people behind him, and started to unblock Kuchiki Xianghe directly.

Soon, after Muramasa unsealed it according to the unseal method he extracted from Yamamoto Genryūsai's memory, the shrine was completely shattered, revealing the skinny Kuchiki Hibiki who had been sealed for more than a hundred years and became skinny. river.

"My master, Xianghe, wake up!!!" Looking at this figure who had been away for a hundred years, Muramasa looked very excited.

Under Muramasa's shout, Kuchiki Hibiki really woke up.

Byakuya and Ichigo were completely unblocked.

However, Kuchiki Hibiki was stabbed in the back as soon as he woke up, was stabbed by Kuchiki Hibiki, and then staggered to the side to suspect that the knife had been killed.

"Star-leading pliers?" The self-righteous Kuchiki Hibiki felt the traitor he thought was a traitor, and then his eyes fell on Dabai's body. Looking at the star-leading pliers on Dabai's head, he frowned.

The next moment, without any hesitation, Kuchiki Xianghe directly pulled out the sealing spear beside him, and attacked Dabai with a flickering figure, without any intention of communicating at all.

Seeing the unknown Shinigami, Kuchiki Hibiki, attacking, Ichigo wanted to fight back, but was stopped by Dabai, and a Kidō impact directly sent Ichigo flying.

"Bastard Byakuya!!!" Ichigo could be heard cursing from afar.

However, Dabai didn't care at all, let Senbonzakura stand by and then faced Kuchiki Hibiki with Zanpakutō in his hand.

The swords and spears collided violently, and a violent air wave swept away instantly.

Both of them were very powerful Shinigami, and almost every fight was like a flash of swords and spears, sparks flew everywhere, and the impact was fierce. After only two minutes of short fight, the small island in the lake was torn apart by the fight between the two.

The battlefield shifted directly to the park forest and mid-air.

"Interesting, I recognize you W..

"From the Kuchiki family, your name is!!!" After a short fight, Kuchiki Xianghe also learned about Dabai's strength, and finally had the willingness to communicate. He turned his spear and shouted frivolously.

"Byakuya Kuchiki, the twenty-eighth generation head of the Kuchiki family, is about to bury your existence!!!" Byakuya Kuchiki said lightly.

"I see. Is that the grandson of the old man Kuchiki Yinling?"

"Ha, Vajra Explosion!!! With a gloomy look, Kuchiki Hibiki shouted, and a huge fireball exploded from the front of the spear, and shot towards Byakuya with lightning speed.

After launching the fireball King Kong, Kuchiki Kyokawa did not stop, but continued to release Kidō.

Tooth shine!!!

Ten green rays of light rushed out right after King Kong Explosion.

After the fight just now, Kuchiki Kyouhe already knew that the strength of this generation of Kuchiki Patriarch is not weaker than that old Kuchiki Yinling, so after confirming Byakuya's strength, Kuchiki Kyouhe also took out other than Zanpakutō full strength.

"Bankai!! Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!!!" Faced with this oppressive double attack, Byakuya was very indifferent, and the Zanpakutō in his hand fell off quietly and sank into the lake.

The next moment, more than a dozen giant Senbonzakura rose from the lake, and then collapsed, turning into a large ocean of Sakura flowers, sweeping towards the Kidō released by the Kuchiki Ring River


"Damn it, Byakuya!!!" On a big tree in the park, Ichigo, who was hit by Byakuya, had already flown back. He was standing on the top of the tree, looking at the battlefield. Ichigo gritted his teeth, if not At this time Byakuya was in the middle of a battle, so he had to give Byakuya a crescent sky rush.

"Well, well, Byakuya also acted according to my order, so please forgive him this time." A gentle voice came from beside him, which made Ichigo startled, and his body unconsciously entered a state of alert, but After realizing the owner of the voice, Ichigo showed an excited expression, and looked towards the place where the voice was coming from not far away.

Sure enough, there was a flying carpet floating there at this time, and Liuyun was sitting cross-legged on it.

As for the guy next to Liuyun who was struggling constantly and had his mouth sealed, Ichigo completely ignored it.

"Hello, Ichigo." Yachiru waved to Ichigo in greeting.

"Long time no see, Yaqianliu." Ichigo nodded to Yaqianliu, then his eyes fell on Liuyun, and he spoke excitedly.

"Father, why are you here!!!"

"Ah, no, Dad, why don't you come to this world this month, Yuzu and Xia Li have been arguing to see you since they knew I saw you."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'll go and see the two little girls later." Hearing what Ichigo said, Liuyun was also slightly embarrassed, and Tian smiled.

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since I saw those two little padded jackets.

"Yuzu and Xia Li will definitely be very happy to know." Received Liuyun's promise, Ichigo nodded slightly excitedly.

However, the next moment, Ichigo's expression turned serious.

"`Daddy, is there any movement from Aizen?" Ichigo asked seriously.

Knowing from Liuyun that he was born because of Aizen, and Aizen has been monitoring him since his birth, the existence of Aizen has always been a thorn in Ichigo's heart.

Only when Aizen is completely resolved, he will be relieved.

However, during this period of time Aizen disappeared and did not move at all, which made Ichigo a little restless.

Ichigo had some thoughts in his mind.

"No, the Soul Society has not detected any movement from Aizen during this time."

"Probably waiting for Hōgyoku's awakening."

"With Aizen's current strength, even with Kyōka Suigetsu, he is not the current Seireitei's opponent."

"Only when Hōgyoku is awakened, can Aizen be sure to deal with Seireitei and Soul Society." Liuyun shook his head faintly and said.

"That's right." Hearing this, Ichigo nodded (good Li Zhao) his head slightly, then lowered his head and pondered.

"Why, do you have any ideas?" Seeing this look, Liuyun asked curiously.

"Well, Dad, I have an idea.

"I want to go directly to Hueco Mundo and use offense instead of defense." Ichigo did not hide his thoughts when he heard the words.

Hearing this, Liuyun was startled.

Good guy, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!!!

Immediately, Liuyun fell silent and began to weigh the pros and cons.

After a while, Liuyun looked at Ichigo meaningfully, and spoke lightly.

"Come on, come with me, I'll find you some opponents."

"As long as you can beat their combination, it's not out of the question for you to go to Hueco Mundo."


"Ah, the opponent, just like you, can be Hollow's opponent."

"A product of Aizen's experiments, you are somehow the same kind of people."

"It's just that you are special."


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