Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 291: Yin, Who Has Greatly Increased His Confidence

"I said Rangiku, why did you come running over suddenly, and you haven't restrained Reiatsu, you were almost discovered by Aizen." In Soul Society, Liuyun sat on the flying carpet, quietly watching the following Aizen, who was walking slowly towards the real Karakura Town, said helplessly.

Next to Liuyun is the girl Rangiku.

At this time, Yin was the only person in the girl's eyes, and she couldn't hold others at all.

This guy didn't seem to listen to what Liuyun said at all.

It's not like I didn't hear it, it's just that because I was so focused on Yin's body, my reaction became a bit sluggish. It took a few seconds for Liuyun's nagging to respond.

"Um, I wanted Liuyun to take mine, but you ran too fast."

"However, Liuyun, what are you doing with the "one and three" clones of these channels?"

"And it's so weak, it's no different from humans in this world." After answering Liuyun's nagging, Rangiku looked at the Kidō clones that Liuyun dropped in various places in Karakura Town, very strangely.

"Give Yin a chance to make a move."

"This kid won't give up until he tries it." Liuyun explained lightly, then ignored Rangiku who was confused, and manipulated the Kidō avatar to rush towards the entrance of Karakura Town, preparing to make it for Silver as in the original book. A chance to touch Kyōka Suigetsu.

After giving the order, Liuyun looked at Rangiku beside him, stroked his chin and began to think.

"What, why, Liuyun, why are you looking at me like that?" Seeing Liuyun's expression, Rangiku once again cast his eyes on Yin's body, feeling trembling, turned his head and saw Liuyun staring at him thinking Suddenly, goosebumps kept popping out all over his body.

She knew very well that when Liuyun looked at a person with this kind of eyes, he definitely had no good intentions.

Sure enough, the next moment, the pensive expression on Liuyun's face disappeared, replaced by a smile.

"Rangiku~, since you are here, go down and communicate with Silver."

As soon as the words fell, Rangiku was kicked down by Liuyun even though he had been prepared for a long time.


The screams resounded through the sky.

"Hey, since you're here too, let's play your part too." Looking at Rangiku who was falling straight down, Liuyun smiled and muttered to himself

"Huh? This Reiatsu..."

"Silver, Matsumoto Rangiku really has deep roots in your love. After being defeated by you, he was able to follow here." Hearing Rangiku's screams, Aizen, who had just entered Karakura Town, immediately felt Rangiku's Reiatsu, He couldn't help but said to Ichimaru Gin beside him in a playful tone.

"I'm very sorry, Master Aizen, I made a mistake, so let me make up for it." Ichimaru Gin said with a smile on his face.

"Well, I'll leave it to you." Aizen nodded slightly, and then moved on.

As for Yin, the moment Aizen's voice fell, he had already soared into the sky and flew towards the direction of Rangiku's screams.

Not long after flying, Zhiyin came to Rangiku's side.

At this time, Rangiku was sitting in the forest, touching his sore buttocks, complaining in his mouth.

"Why did you follow me, Rangiku." Looking at the childhood sweetheart in front of him, Yin frowned in a rare way, and opened his eyes, revealing the light blue pupils.

"I was worried about you, so I came here." Rangiku stood up and replied.

"It's so nonsense, the current Aizen is very powerful, and it's very dangerous for you to follow." Hearing this, Ichimaru Gin couldn't help but reprimanded him.

He used Baifu to stun Rangiku before to prevent Rangiku from getting involved. Rangiku hadn't woken up for such a long time before. He thought that Rangiku understood his intentions, but he didn't expect Rangiku to be so willful and follow him.

"Ah, what are you talking about, don't worry, Liuyun is following, right above our heads." Speaking of this, Rangiku pouted and looked up at the sky and said.

"You mean, big brother Liuyun is here!!!" Hearing this, Yin's pupils suddenly widened, showing joy unconsciously.

He clearly saw Brother Liuyun being bound by the ghoul created by Aizen before, but he did not expect that Brother Liuyun had broken through the blockade and followed here for 0..

Being able to break through that powerful space blockade, from this point of view, Brother Yun's methods are still terrifying.

For a while, Yin, who had not had much confidence in his plan this time, also became more confident.

For Liuyun, Ichimaru Gin has always been very trustworthy, before leaving Soul Society, he talked to himself.

Rangiku trusts Liuyun, and he also trusts very much. He always feels that Liuyun is omnipotent, and there is nothing that Liuyun cannot do.

However, this impression of omnipotence was slightly weakened when Liuyun was tied up by Gu Xu. At that time, he was very worried that something would happen to Liuyun, but for his own plan, he didn't show it.

But now, hearing that Liuyun is in the sky, this has already shown that Liuyun is not afraid of the blockade at the level of Guxu, and it means that Liuyun's methods are still very powerful and omnipotent.

This made him feel confident.

"Otherwise, why do you think I fell from the sky? It wasn't Liuyun who kicked me down." Hearing Yin's words, Rangiku curled his lips and said lightly. unhappy.

Liuyun is also true, can a girl's butt be kicked?

Especially kicking so wolf 5.6.

Ignoring Rangiku's complaints, Ichimaru Gin stared at the sky and remained silent.

After a while, Ichimaru Gin looked back at Rangiku.

"Rangiku, hide Reiatsu well, don't expose!!!" After leaving a word, Ichimaru Gin soared into the sky again and flew towards the real Karakura Town.

Seeing Yin flying away, Rangiku frowned slightly, his expression was full of sorrow and pity.

Eventually, Rangiku just mumbled something under his breath.

"Silver, don't force yourself."

In the sky, Liuyun, who watched this scene, frowned wildly.

Co-author, you treat my big brother as a display.

I have followed here on purpose, can I still get Yin out of the group?

Moreover, your role is wrong, you didn't even appear in front of Aizen. .

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