Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 306: Entrustment Of Mole City Shuangye

"No way, no way."

"You actually believed what he said, I don't have that kind of memory."

"Little Liu Yun, you are also a smart person, can you believe that kind of words?"

"Let me tell you, that guy is just trying to deceive you." In the fourth division team building, Liu Yun was walking in the corridor, and the chatterbox Yulu Zheliu beside him was talking non-stop.

But Liu Yun didn't pay attention to him at all, but fell into deep thought.

"In the original book, Mo Chengshuang didn't say such a thing."

"However, there is a great possibility of the secret he said.

"The sealed state was assigned to Shinigami, and after Shinigami performed sword meditation for the first time, its sword spirit was born."

"The Zanpakutō sword spirit of this guy Soya Mojo could not have been born with the same appearance as his sister "Six Three Three".

"No matter how you think about it, it's impossible."

"The only possibility is that, as Mocheng Shuangya said, at that time, when her sister was using the Shuanglian Canghuo pendant to die with the large void, because of the relationship between Mocheng Shuangye's safety, she broke away from her soul after falling. The spirit son entered into Soya Mojo's body and fused with Zanpakutō."

"Since then, some changes have taken place in Soya's Zanpakutō sword spirit."

"The appearance of Dao Ling has become his sister's wool, but the character is still the original character of Zanpakutō Dao Ling." When the thought came to this point, Liu Yun couldn't help recalling what Mocheng Shuangya said before in Wu Jiang .

"My sister didn't really die at that time. When the spirit body was destroyed by Kidō, most of the spirit particles poured into his body."

"After that, I was still persecuted by the nobles, and I became a Bankai for no reason. I didn't know how to even Shikai, so I was a Bankai for no reason."

"And after Bankai, I was in a coma, and when I woke up, this guy who was exactly like my sister appeared in front of me. 11

"I'm pretty sure my sister was definitely not dead, but fused with my Zanpakutō."

"The reason why I was able to put Bankai suddenly was because of her sister.

"Over the years, I have also carefully searched for the truth, and the truth I got is that my guess is correct."

"Because of the incomplete soul, my sister has been in a daze after merging with this guy. My Zanpakutō sword spirit has changed its appearance but occupies a dominant position."

"I thought about bringing my sister back to life, but I couldn't get my sister out of Zanpakutō."

"Even if there is, I'm not sure that my sister's spirit body will be fully restored."

"Awula Daoyugen, that guy's ability of virtual reality can let you see the existence of the sword spirit, and maybe he can also separate my sister from the sword spirit."

"And you, with your unfathomable ability, should be able to repair sister's incomplete soul?"

"Xingyu Liu Yun, as long as you can separate my sister from my sword spirit and revive her."

"Then, I can be your subordinate, and I can do anything in the future according to my orders."

"As long as it doesn't hurt my sister, anything is fine, even if it goes against my principles.'

Liu Yun had never seen that tone and attitude extremely firm.

Liu Yun knew that Mo Chengshuang was not joking.

For his sister, he can really give up everything, give up his dignity as a strong man, and even give up the principles he has always been.

However, this situation seems to be normal.

If it were Liu Yun, in his situation, his only relative, his sister, died, but he didn't really die, and there was still a glimmer of life, Liu Yun would try his best to find a way to revive his sister.

In the original book, there is no situation where Mo Chengshuang also wants to revive his sister. It should be that he has not met anyone who can do such a thing.

Or maybe it's distrust, it's about his only relative, he doesn't trust anyone, he just wants to find a way by himself.

And now, Mo Chengshuang may also not trust herself.

However, he had no choice.

Otherwise, both he and his sister would die.

When Mocheng Shuangye said that there was no way to restrain Yulu Zheliu, the killing intent in his heart arose, and with the strength of Mocheng Shuangye, he definitely felt his killing intent. 0

Therefore, he can only give it a go and choose to trust Liu Yun.

However, this trust is based on Awula.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun shook his head lightly, not continuing to think.

Although killing Mo Chengshuang can be done once and for all, if there is another subordinate like Mo Chengshuang, that would be a good choice.

After all, I had no intention of killing Mo Chengshuang in the first place.

Ignoring the chattering rain and dew around her, Liu Yun found Awula.

"Is she the sword spirit who watched you before?"

"Why did you bring her here?" Seeing that Liu Yun brought back a beautiful woman in kimono after going to Wujian, Awula narrowed her eyes immediately, and her tone of voice also changed slightly.

"Hey, it seems that your luck is not weak, little Liu Yun."

"Look, she's jealous."

"Little sister, I'm not this guy's lover, so there's no need to guard against me." Before Liu Yun could respond, Yulu Zheliu next to him chirped.

The words were very excited, as if they were excited to eat melons.

Awula was stunned by this.

Liu Yun also covered his forehead speechlessly, and then quickly explained the cause and effect.

After finishing speaking, Liu Yun ignored Ah 2.5 Wula's bewildered expression, pulled Yulu Zheliu over, and stuffed it into Awula's arms.

"That's it, this guy will leave it to you!!!" Leaving one sentence behind, Liu Yun moved directly into his own shadow experiment space.

"Fortunately, the guy in the shadow space can't get in. After all, the spirits in the shadow space are under my control."

"Just like Mojo Soya said just now, after I became the ancestor of the Quincy Master, this guy can't see me anymore."

"If I let that guy haunt me, I won't have time to make a spirit knife for Ichigo."

"Fusion or something, let's put it aside for now, let's make Ichigo's spirit blade first." Walking slowly towards the test bench, Liu Yun muttered silently. .

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