Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 342: Yuhabach Who Is Afraid Again

"From now on, Ishida Yulong will be my successor." In Silver Frame City, between the thrones, Yohabach, who is bold and grandiose, is sitting on the throne, introducing the Star Cross Knights standing beside him. The person who caught it was the Ishida Uryu who Sado said was taken away.

This guy, although his mother didn't die, still chose to go along with the flow, and became an undercover agent in the invisible empire after being captured by the invisible empire.

Moreover, because of the particularity that he survived Juhabach's sanctification and preserved the ability of the Quincy, Juhabach established him as the crown prince of the invisible empire.

I don't know what Yuhabach thinks.

Anyway, although the members of the Star Cross Knights didn't say anything on the surface, they were all dissatisfied with Ishida Uryu in their hearts.

Among the members of the Star Cross Knights, even if the Invisible Empire establishes the crown prince, it should be Hasward, not a budding mixed-blood Quincy.

Of course, this is just what they think in their hearts. Members of the Star Cross Knights dare not refute their majesty.

Because his majesty is sometimes very cruel, who knows if he will be snapped by his majesty the moment he retorts with his front foot.

Being an undercover agent of the invisible empire, Ishida Yulong has gained a lot of benefits.

Not only became the crown prince of the invisible empire, but also obtained the ability of the holy script A bestowed by Juhabach.

As long as it is the holy text A, then its ability cannot be underestimated.

Completely reverse, completely reverse the "events that have happened" to the designated party, and let the designated person bear everything that happened.

is a very powerful ability.

"Hasward, go down and prepare. Tomorrow at noon, launch a general attack, wipe out the Seireitei as quickly as possible, and attack the Spirit King Palace!!!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Let's all back down."

"Yes, Your Majesty!!!"

All the Star Cross Knights left the throne room in an orderly manner, and soon there was only Yuhabach left in the throne room.

Sitting on the throne, Juhabach looked ahead and frowned.

"Those women in Xingyu Liu Yun are actually so powerful."

"Except for Hasward, no one in the current Star Cross Knights can fight against the women of Xingyu Liu Yun."

"Tomorrow's general attack will not be easy."

"It seems that it is necessary to strengthen the strength of the pro-guard."

"However, from the beginning to the end of the invasion, Xingyu Liu Yun never appeared."

"Even if the soul clone is destroyed by me, with your character, you shouldn't escape like this."

"Xingyu Liu Yun, what on earth are you planning!!!" Looking at the endless darkness in front of him, Fahabach's brows furrowed even more.

He was a little concerned about using omniscient and omnipotent power to injure most of the captain-level Shinigami in Seireitei in an instant, and severely injure the holy character destroyer created by Xingyu Liu Yun.

Because of the dispersion of their own strength at that time, some people blocked their own attacks.

Five holy character destroyers and two captain-level Shinigami trained by Xingyu Liu Yun blocked their own attack after paying the price of serious injuries.

It's not a big deal, those female Shinigami who have an affair with Xingyu Liu Yun actually took the attack that he used omniscience and omnipotence unscathed.

That's what made him care.

These ambiguous women of Xingyu Liu Yun should not be underestimated and deserve special attention.

However, he won't end up dealing with them again. As a Quincy Emperor, it doesn't matter if he often ends up. In that case, his dignity as an emperor will be lost.

Netizens feel that they are also the strength of their own personal guards.

Xingyu Liu Yun and these ambiguous women should be handed over to the pro-guards who have improved their strength to deal with them.

However, apart from these, what he cares most about is Xingyu Liu Yun.

Xingyu Liu Yun's doppelgänger was hit in Hueco Mundo before, Yuhabach concluded that Xingyu Liu Yun must be seriously injured.

But even so, Xingyu Liu Yun should not have any reaction.

In this invasion battle, Xingyu Liu Yun unexpectedly did not show up from the beginning to the end, even his teacher Yamamoto Shigekuni was killed by himself.

With Xingyu Liu Yun's character, this kind of thing should not have happened.

And now it's actually happening.

There are only two possibilities.

One is that Xingyu Liu Yun was seriously injured, and now he is in a state of unconsciousness. After all, his soul clone was destroyed by himself. He was seriously injured and in a coma state, and he couldn't feel what happened to the outside world.

And if it is the second type, then it makes him very afraid.

If it was the second type, after Yamamoto Shigekuni was killed by him, he could still hold back and did not reveal any breath. Even if Xingyu Liu Yun was severely injured by himself, he still deserves his attention.

With Xingyu Liu Yun's performance in the matter of Aizen, he definitely has very powerful means, and these means are even more fearful than Kambara Kisuke, one of the five special forces.

Need to be prepared.

Who knows what plan this guy is secretly planning to deal with himself.

With his means, when the enemy is clear and we are dark, even if Xingyu Liu Yun is seriously injured, even if he has the ability of omniscience, he still dare not underestimate it.

Time passed slowly as Yuhabach tried his best to make up his mind, and the night passed quickly.

At this time, in Seireitei, Sister Hua and others gathered 570 on the edge of an empty forest.

Old Man Shan and others have all left the stage, and the most senior of Gotei 13 is Hua Jie, so "the current Hua Jie is in charge of the remaining Shinigami from Gotei 13.

Although the captain level has all retired, the Shinigami below the captain level did not exit too much.

Although Yuhabach killed most of the captain-level Shinigami yesterday, he didn't do anything to the Shinigami below the captain-level.

In addition, not long after the attack, Yuhabach instantly killed Ichigo who came over, and because of the time limit, the members of the invisible empire directly withdrew, so the ordinary Shinigami's combat power was preserved very well.

These Shinigami are now commanded by Sister Hua.

The newly-formed Central 46 wanted to announce an appointment, but Sister Hua sent her back and threatened them, making those wine bags and rice bags angry for seven years.

"Although I knew about the existence of Team Zero before, I have never met a member of Team Zero."

"Captain Unohana, what's the situation with the Zero Division?" Ichimaru Gin asked curiously while waiting for the Zero Division to arrive.

Faced with this question, Sister Hua hesitated slightly, and finally gave an answer.

"Something weird.

Ichimaru Gin, Xiaobai, Zaraki Kenpachi..."

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