Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 350 Holy, Taotie

What Ishida Yulong was thinking, Liu Yun didn't care.

Liu Yun is still eating melons at this time.

However, the melon seeds turned into watermelons from the very beginning.

At this time, Liu Yun was showing off crazily with a piece of watermelon, and placed a large plate beside him.

They were all stored in the system space by Liu Yun before, and now they are taken out for entertainment.

And Ishida Yulong, after a short period of thinking, sorted out the current situation a little bit, looked at the melon-eating crowd in front of him, with a complicated face.

Ishida Yulong wanted to ask about the current situation of Yuhabach and Hasward, but after hesitating for a while, he didn't ask.

Time passed quickly while the two were eating melons.

An hour flies by.

During this hour, Ishida Yulong did not do nothing, but asked Liu Yun for advice from time to time.

Most of the questions are related to the situation now.

After each answer, Ishida Uryu would fall into deep thought.

After thinking about the answer, Ishida Uryu will ask other questions, and so on.

For Ishida Yulong's questions, Liu Yun would answer them one by one without any impatience.

After all, Ishida Uryu has been his subordinate since he drank the blood wine.

Moreover, judging from its potential, when it grows up in the future, it will definitely be comparable to Ye Wu Bai Falcon, becoming the highest rank among the Quincy divisions under his command.

Naturally, Liu Yun would not fail to answer the subordinate's questions.

An hour later, Hathward was sent by Yuhabach to look for the Ishida Rain Dragon, but he couldn't find it. After that, he returned here, still standing beside the throne with a calm expression.

On the other hand, Yuhabach, during this hour, Yuhabach's face became more and more gloomy.

Because, in his perception, the number of members of the Star Cross Knights of the Invisible Empire has decreased by seven or eight in this hour, leaving only ten people lingering there.

In this case, Seireitei without an empire attack is like a joke.

"Your Majesty, let your subordinates take action!!!" Hasward saw Juhabach's anger, and couldn't help but volunteered.

"No, no need."

"Let's gather our strength together." Facing Harsward's initiative, Yohabach shook his head and refused, and said instead.

Hearing this, Hasward frowned slightly on his expressionless face.

He naturally knew what His Majesty's words meant.

His Majesty is going to use Shengjie to recover the power of the pure-blood Quincy, and then distribute it to the members of the Star Cross Knights to enhance their strength.

In other words, the current battle situation has reached the worst possible plan, so His Majesty is preparing to abandon the members of the Great Star Cross Knights, so as to use the plan of elite troops.

Xingyu Liu Yun, even if he didn't show up, still caused such trouble to His Majesty, what a terrifying existence.

Next, we must always be on guard against Xingyu Liu Yun, and we must not be careless.

While Husward was thinking, Fahabach had already started to use sanctification.

Light blue rays of light bloomed from both hands, rushed out from between the throne, and then turned into streamers of light, flying towards all parts of the Elven Court.

"What is this?" Lisa, who was playing with a Star Cross Knights, looked at the light that fell from the sky and fell on the Star Cross Knights with some doubts.

However, as soon as the words fell, Lisa's pupils shrank suddenly.

Because, right in front of her, the body of the Knights of the Star Cross shrouded in light quickly shrank, and in the blink of an eye, its face turned into a skinny skeleton, and then dissipated with the wind under her gaze, turning into spirit particles Completely disappeared.

This time, Lisa reacted.

"Is this the Holy Farewell that Liu Yun said!!!" Lisa stared blankly at the light that soared into the sky after recovering the life and strength of the members of the Star Cross Knights, and said in a daze.

It's cruel!!!

"This is the original sanctification."

"It was in this situation that the original mixed-blood Quincy lost its strength and life." Liu Yun said flatly, looking back at the use of the Holy Ghost.

Beside him, Ishida Yulong also looked at Yuhabach, gnashing his teeth, with a slightly ferocious expression on his face.

Although his mother, Ye Hui, did not die under Liu Yun's interference.

0 looking for flowers……………

But he remembered clearly that during the period after his mother was sanctified, he was completely paralyzed on the bed, bearing the pain of the passing of life every day.

At that time, he only thought that his mother had some serious illness, and he didn't understand what happened to his mother until three years ago.

And the person in front of him is the instigator.

Taking a deep breath, Ishida Uryu forced himself to turn around, not to look at Lingyu Habach's face that made him want to tear it apart.

Ishida Yulong knew that what Liu Yun was planning at this time, it was absolutely impossible for him to destroy it.

"Mr. Liu Yun, I don't know what you are planning."

"But I hope I can do it in the final battle!!!" Putting his hands on his thighs, Ishida Uryu lowered his head and begged in a low tone.


For this, Liu Yun did not refuse, and directly agreed.

"Ah, yes, then you and Ichigo can do it together."

At the same time, in Seireitei, the 9th Division, Litoto looked at the black boy who stood up again, with a look of surprise on his face.

"You Habach, did you share the power of other people with you!!!" Litoto tilted his head and said with a light smile, his tone full of sarcasm.

Li Jie Barrow stood up again and ignored it, but silently fired the black spirit sniper rifle named Diagram and pointed it at Litoto.

The moment the sniper rifle was aimed at Litoto, the power called the Penetration of Everything broke out.

The invisible force is full of guns and targets, and the two-point and one-line forward trajectory.

And at the moment Litoto's weapon was aimed at Litoto, Litoto's pupils shrank, and her own holy text ability burst out instantly.

In the next second, a huge monster appeared in front of Litoto.

At this moment, the invisible power that connects everything appeared in form, and was directly sucked into the mouth of the monster by a suction force.

"It's really a terrifying power, I can't see it at all." Li Toto moved her face from behind the monster with a look of palpitation.

On the opposite side, Li Jie Barrow's face became gloomy and he worked. .

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