Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 360 Ishida Rain Dragon's Ability And Purpose, Battle Situation Of All Parties

Since the Invisible Empire was preparing to attack Seireitei in an all-round way, when all the Quincies gathered at the Gate of the Sun, Ishida Rain Dragon carved all the Quincies with completely anti-marks. As long as these Quincies appeared near him, Ishida Rain The dragon can transfer its own disadvantages to these people.

And after Liu Yun carved his holy text brand on him, his ability changed qualitatively.

Originally, his holy writing ability could only be applied to one person completely.

But after the sublimation of the holy text ability became a replacement, the effect of his ability had a strong chemical reaction, and his ability was extremely terrifying.

The sublimated replacement can not only ignore the distance, but also transfer its own unfavorable factors to the imprinted person, and spread the unfavorable factors to all the engraved people, so as to prevent the powerful unfavorable factors from causing death. The target will be reduced by one, which will be very unfavorable for him.

In addition, Ishida Yulong can also gather all the unfavorable factors that he has transferred out, and transfer these unfavorable factors to a person in an instant. At the same time, when these unfavorable factors are transferred together, they will fuse and become stronger. become more unfavorable.

In the final blow just now, Ishida Yulong's injuries were so terrifying that even Hasward couldn't bear it.

However, Hathward is not a vegetarian either, and he directly used his ability to transfer his misfortune (injury) to Ishida Yulong when the injury was imminent.

However, Hasward is not a vegetarian, and Ishida Uryu is especially mediocre.

As early as when he decided to deal with Harsward alone, Ishida Yulong prepared for the worst and made a plan for it.

It takes time to collect luck, even with Hathward's strength, "I can't collect it in an instant to offset the misfortune (injury) transferred by Ishida Rain Dragon.

At that moment, the luck Harsward collected with all his strength was only enough to offset most of the damage, and there was still a small part of the damage that could not be offset. Most of the damage was used by him to use the scapegoat shield to scapegoat Ishida Yu On the body of the dragon, the rest did not go out as a scapegoat.

However, this remaining injury was enough to make Hasward seriously injured.

Hasward transferred the injury that could have killed him instantly to Ishida Uryu, but Ishida Ulong did not die.

Because when Ishida Yulong transferred all the injuries to Hasward, Ishida Yulong was ready to be scapegoated.

Like Hasward, he dispersed all his injuries the moment he stepped in for the deputy.

The injuries after being superimposed and increased are very terrifying.

These injuries spread to the Quincy fighters fighting in Seireitei below, enough for a large number of Quincy fighters to die silently.

This is why Ishida Uryu said what he said just now.

And after transferring all the injuries, he activated his ability again, and transferred the injuries of those Quincies who did not die immediately after being transferred to Hasward, successfully The bodyguard of my friend Habach was killed.

Feeling Hasward's aura slowly disappearing, Ishida Yulong's whole body softened, and he sat down on the ground directly, panting heavily.

In the situation just now, his spirit can be said to be highly concentrated. If he was not careful and did not transfer the injury at the moment when the injury was imminent, it would not be Hasward's death, but him.

Ishida Uryu's ability is very powerful and very buggy, but it has a big flaw and a fatal weakness.

That is, it can't work on Reiatsu's existence that is too many levels beyond his own.

After being engraved with Liu Yun's holy text by Liu Yun, and possessing double holy text engravings, Ishida Uryu's Reiatsu has reached the limit of Shinigami.

His Reiatsu is just in range to handle Harthward.

But if it is facing a level like Yuhabach, this ability to transfer disadvantages to the enemy will not be effective.

However, Ishida Uryu's weakness is only aimed at the enemy's weakness. It's not that he can't work, but that he can't transfer the disadvantage to Reiatsu's very strong enemy.

However, being unable to transfer the injury does not mean that the injury cannot be transferred from others to oneself.

·0 for flowers...

From the very beginning, the purpose of his asking Liu Yun to let him join the battle against Youhabach was not to define himself as the main combat force and use his own strength to cause harm to Youhabach.

Instead, he is going to use himself as a blood bag to add blood to Ichigo.

"There are 203 Quincy divisions left, and they are still slowly decreasing.

"Shinigami and Quincy in Seireitei, be gentle, don't kill so fast."

"Kurosaki, wait for me, I'm going over now!!!" Supporting the mental exhaustion, Ishida Uryu dragged his tired body and walked towards the direction where Yuhabach and Kurosaki Ichigo left.

While Ishida Uryu was rushing towards the main hall of the Lingwang Palace, battles in other directions had already started.


Yoruichi, Konghe, and Sui-Feng faced Lijie Barrow.

Ichimaru Gin, Xiaobai, and Zaraki Kenpachi faced Gerald Valkyrie.

As for the last Ye Wu Bai Falcon, he met Yaskin.

Of the four guards, one was directly defeated by Liu Yun, and is currently being studied by Liu Yun.

As for the other three pro-guards, only Gerrard's situation is slightly better.

Ridge Barrow and Askin were both very bad.

Lijie Barrow's strength can be said to be the strongest in the pro-guard team. After meeting the three Yoruichi, he directly opened the holy body, allowing his own strength to cross the dimension and reach the strength of transcendence. It's a pity He was facing the existence of three transcendent levels of Yoruichi.

The three Yoruichi, who were trained by Liu Yun, are the top of Seireitei in all aspects of strength, let alone a three-on-one situation.

As a result, it was obvious that Injebalo was played by the three at will.

As for Askin, the most powerful thing about this guy is the lethal amount of his holy text ability, and the others are not that strong.

In the end, what he met was Ye Wu Bai Falcon, a guy who could completely eliminate the enemy's ability.

This time it was good, he was directly chased and beaten by Ye Wu Bai Falcon.

That is to say, Gerrard's situation is the best. His strong strength and holy character ability allow him to fight back and forth with the three of them, forming an evenly matched battle situation. .

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