Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 375: The Protagonist Template Shows Its Power, The Secret Of Ghost Slayer World

Kamado Tanjuro didn't know why the people Tanjiro met gave Tanjiro such a card, but he could feel the extraordinaryness of the card.

Although he has a weak physique and is plagued by diseases, he is a rare master with very keen senses.

That's why he asked Tanjiro to bring this card, which may have unexpected effects.

As for whether Tanjiro could understand, he didn't say much.

Because, even he himself is just guessing, not sure.

"Tanjiro, it's really hard for you." Standing at the door, looking at Tanjiro playing with his brother and sister in the open space in front of the door, Tanichiro said silently in his heart.

He could feel that his situation was getting worse.

I don't know how long it will last.

Soon, the sun was setting, and Kuizhi, who had gone out, came back here. The family lit a fire to cook, and sat around the low table to enjoy a ~simple dinner.

It was getting dark.

On the other side, Liu Yun's side.

At this time, Liu Yun, what should I say?

Slightly speechless.

On the first day I first came to this world, I met a special creature of this world.

"Is it because I am taking over this world, even if I only have instinct, I still want to cause trouble for me-?"

"Or is it the reason for my protagonist's template?" Liu Yun sat on the stone bench with his arms folded, looking at the creature kneeling in front of him, unable to move at all, with blue-gray skin and horns on his head, Liu Yun thought in his heart Silently guessed.

"No, it shouldn't be possible. The world's instincts in this world have been completely restrained by my holy text ability, and there is no extra ability that can cause me trouble."

"In other words, the current situation is most likely caused by my protagonist template?"

He just came to this world, and when he came to this small town, Liu Yun deliberately searched the whole town, but found no special aura.

As a result, within half a day, a ghost came to the town, and it seemed that the purpose of coming was entirely for him.

I didn't show anything special about myself. Except for my higher charisma, my aura is completely no different from ordinary people.

Why did this ghost suddenly appear and come straight towards me?

This makes Liu Yun have to guess that the instinct of the world is messing up.

Or it could be the effect of the protagonist template on himself.

After all, a creature like the protagonist is born with a mocking aura, which will attract this basically established villain.

But, thinking about it, Liu Yun ruled out the possibility that the world instinctively finds trouble for him.

Because the instincts of this world have been completely restrained by the ability of the holy text used by him, there is no extra power to trip him up.

After a moment of silence, Liu Yun took out the Book of Ending, took out the bookmark and turned it into a samurai sword, and stabbed the katana into the body of the ghost who was kneeling on the ground and could not move.

The ability of the Book of the End can not only change the past, but also spy on the opponent's memory.

Liu Yun also doesn't want to communicate with this kind of ghost who exudes a disgusting stench all over his body. If he wants the answer, he can find it directly from his memory.

His eyes flickered, and a few seconds later, Liu Yun twitched the samurai sword transformed from the bookmark, clipped it into the Book of Ending with the bookmark, and then rubbed his forehead.

"Sure enough, this guy didn't have a purpose, but a whim."

"According to this guy's memory, he was hiding in another city half a day ago, but not long after I came to this town, this guy suddenly had the idea of ​​coming to this town.

"And after coming to this small town, I felt an inexplicable sense of disgust, and came to me along with the disgust."

"In this case, excluding the world instinct, only the influence of the protagonist template on me."

"That is to say, with the protagonist template, I will always wear a mocking halo, which will attract the disgust of absolute villains, and thus come to trouble me.

"And the villains in this world, that is, the evil spirits, except for Nezuko and Zhushi, are all absolute villains, the ones that cannot be changed."

0 looking for flowers......

"What a hassle."

"I still want to spend the past few years quietly and complete the world's possession."

"It seems impossible."

"Well, the soldiers come to block the water and cover them with soil, one to kill one, two to kill one pair."

"In this way, the town I am staying in now is about to become a holy place in this era of evil spirits and cannibalism."

"The human beings in this small town are really happy." He murmured lightly, looking at the evil spirit kneeling in front of him who couldn't move, but whose face was becoming more and more frightened, Liu Yun's eyes flashed golden, and the evil spirit followed the wind. And scattered, silently disappeared from this world.

"Speaking of which, the world is really interesting."

"There really are so-called gods."

"It's just that these gods are very weak. Although they are connected to the origin of the world, they cannot appear in the present world and can only perform so-called revelations.

"Moreover, this ability cannot be used frequently, and every time it is used, it will consume a lot of 'divine power' of the gods.

"However, it's no wonder, after all, this world is too small."

"The scope of the entire world is actually only island countries, and there are no other countries."

"To say it's a small world really doesn't detract from it."

"The world is so small, it is strange that the so-called gods in this world can be powerful.

"It's no wonder that Chia Wumi has been able to survive in this world for thousands of years."

"Even if the gods jointly created Yuan Yi to deal with him, they couldn't destroy this guy."

"Xian Wumi can be said to be the strongest individual in this world except for Yuan Yi." Walking slowly in the corridor, Liu Yun's figure slowly stepped into the darkness, and there were faint voices of complaints.

These messages are some secrets about this world that Liu Yun obtained during the process of seizing the house.

However, these secrets are of no use to Liu Yun, they can only be used to pass the time.

No matter how powerful Xiao Wumi is in this world, he can't make a move in Liu Yun's hands, even if Liu Yun's strength is restrained by eight levels. .

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