Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 382 Practice Breathing

After leaving Zaomen's house, Liu Yun returned to the station and immediately started practicing the sun's breath.

After ordering the housekeeper to prepare a sumptuous meal, Liu Yun began the first day's breathing practice.

Grade A's Sun's Breath is already the limit of the breathing method, allowing Liu Yun to practice the breathing method with ease, and just started practicing, Liu Yun's Sun's Breath has reached the highest level

The breath of full concentration takes shape instantly, and then directly enters the normal state. Even if Liu Yun doesn't take the initiative to practice, the breathing method will work by itself.

Liu Yun lowered his own Reiatsu to the limit, prevented Reiatsu from blessing his body, and then began to feel the changes in his body.

As soon as he sensed his body, Liu Yun found that his body became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Because Liu Yun's breathing method has reached the first-level relationship, and has completely reached the limit that the breathing method can reach, therefore, the breathing method exploded with a very powerful strengthening ability at the very beginning.

A large amount of oxygen enters Liu Yun's body with the operation of the breathing method, enters the blood vessels of Liu Yun's body, and strengthens Liu Yun's physique and heart and lung functions.

No, not only the heart and lung function, but also the five internal organs are being strengthened by the breathing method.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon an hour passed through the fingers.

For an hour, the box-level breathing method improved Liu Yun's physical fitness to several levels.

If you compare it with the soul blessed by Shinigami Reiatsu in the Shinigami world.

The current Liu Yun's physique is equivalent to the level of the tenth seat of the Shinigami team.

It can be said that it is very fast to strengthen an ordinary body to this level in one hour.

In the world of Ghost Slayer: Blade, it is equivalent to the physique possessed by the normal D-level members of the Ghost Slayer Team (PS: Butterfly can't bear it).

According to this speed, Liu Yun will be able to have the physique possessed by the masters of the Ghost Killing Squad.

However, Liu Yun did not continue to practice blindly.

Because just relying on oxygen to practice is no longer enough to support Liu Yun to continue to strengthen his body.

For the next practice, Liu Yun needs a lot of food to make up for the lack of strengthening energy.

Liu Yun, who stopped practicing, directly picked up the densely packed food on the huge low table in front of him, and began to feast on it.

These are the food prepared by the butler during the hour of Liu Yun's practice.

The butler is still preparing.

Liu Yun prepares to directly cultivate his body to the limit of this world in one day.

During this day, Liu Yun needs to take a food supplement every hour of practice. The huge amount of oxygen absorbed by the Class A breathing method and the supplement of nutrient-rich meals, Liu Yun's body is slowly improving.

So Liu Yun has the ability to do this kind of thing.

After all, anyone who comes into contact with the breathing method starts from scratch, unlike Liu Yun, who has already cultivated to the limit as soon as he comes into contact with it. Don't.

Time soon reached midnight, Liu Yun slowly opened his eyes.

"The fifth seat, have you reached the limit of this world||?"

"Next, if you want to continue to strengthen your body, you need food with more energy." In the dark, Liu Yun murmured.

The next morning, very early in the morning, Kamado Tanjuro and his family waited at the door, one of the couple was carrying a simple burden on their backs, the other was carrying a baby, Kamado Tanjuro was holding hands two sons.

And Nezuko was led by Kuizhi Zaomen, and the family rushed towards the town along the mountain road.

"Father, where is that adult going to take us?" Although Tanjiro was very precocious, he didn't tell him where the Zamen family would go next.

He only told his wife Zaomen Kuizhi.

So Tanjiro was at a loss when he heard his parents say he was going to move early in the morning.

"Go to a place where you don't have to continue living this hard life and can live a happy life." Kamado Tanjuro reached out and touched Tanjiro's head, and replied with a light smile

"happy life?"

"Isn't our family very happy now?" Zamon Tanjiro tilted his head, wondering.

For him, although his family is very poor, being with his family is already very happy.

To this, Kamado Tanjuro did not reply again, but just gently stroked Tanjiro's head.

Time passed very quickly, and in a blink of an eye, an hour passed.

The sun has been rising slowly, and the morning sun falls on the whole family, and there is a lot of dew on the whole family.

It can be seen how early Kamado Tanjuro's family got up.

And an hour later, Kamado Tanjuro's family came to the town.

After asking the people in the town about the house that Liu Yun had told about, the group rushed towards Liu Yun's residence.

The town is not too big, the house is located in the most central place, and Zaomen's family arrived here in 20 minutes.

The Zaomen family who came here were taken in by the housekeeper who had been waiting for a long time.

"It's really early for you guys to come." Looking at the Zaomen Tanjuro family who still had traces of dew even under the sun, Liu Yun said with a smile.

"My lord!!!" Seeing Liu Yun's appearance, Tanjuro Kamado hadn't responded, but Tanjiro Kamado shouted out in surprise.

"Little guy, we meet again." Liu Yun nodded slightly.

"Lord God, we are coming!!!" Zaomen Tanjuro bent slightly, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully (by Li Li).

Seeing this, several other members of the Zaomen family quickly made the same movements as Zaomen Tanjuro.

"There is no need for these cumbersome etiquettes in front of me, just treat me as a human being."

"Okay, since we're all here, let's go to the Demon Slayer Squad now." Seeing the reaction of the Zaomen family, Liu Yun slightly shook his head and said, and then waved his hand without waiting for Zaomen Tanjuro's reaction. The Zaomen family left here directly.

On the other side, the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Squad.

Sanyashiki Yaozai got up very early, and waited for Liu Yun's arrival in the courtyard with his wife, Beimingyu Xingming and others.

A group of people have been waiting here for two hours, but none of them felt irritated. Instead, they all looked very solemn.

At a certain moment, a ray of brilliance appeared in front of everyone.

"Congratulations, Lord God!!!".

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