Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 397: The Battle Begins

The scar on the face has added a new existence again, like a crescent-like Madara pattern.

It looks like Xuan Yue, but it is actually the embodiment of the wind blade.

This is exactly the Madara pattern of Undead Kawa Minya.

The moment the real Shangxian Lu prostitute Taro appeared, the battle officially began.

Undead Kawa Minami immediately opened his Madara pattern, making his state reach its peak.

If he hadn't opened the Madara pattern immediately, when the prostitute Taro dodged Yu Sui Tianyuan and rushed towards him, Immortal Kawa Miniya would not be able to chop the prostitute Taro out in an instant.

Immortal Kawa Minami is very strong, and he is the fourth strongest in the current Demon Slayer Team, and is the strongest except for the three other than Zaomen Tanjuro, Beimingyu Xingmei and Butterfly Kanae.

However, even so, without opening the Madara pattern, Immortal Kawa Minya could not make the prostitute Taro unable to react at all, and was instantly chopped off.

After all, Taro the prostitute is not weak, he is very strong as a superior.

Moreover, it can be opened without injury, why not open it?

When Undead Kawa Miniya learned from Ubuyashiki Yoya that people with Madara tattoos would not live to be 25 years old, Immortal Kawa Miniya was really shocked at the first time, and then decided not to do it unless it was absolutely necessary.

But after learning from Liu Yun that the Madara tattoos can be done casually, and he will deal with the short life after having the Madara tattoos, so that they will not have a short life because of the Madara tattoos, he has no fear of this thing.

Even after opening the Madara pattern, he practiced with the Madara pattern in his daily practice.

Since he has no worries about the future, he will naturally not hide it when he fights with Shangxian Ghost, who has killed many pillars of the Ghost Killing Team for hundreds of years.

As soon as the prostitute Taro appeared and rushed towards him, when he wanted to take back the head under his feet, he opened the door directly.

Not only Undead Kawa Minya has this mentality, but Yu Sui Tianyuan also has this mentality.

At this time, he had also opened the Madara pattern, and an explosion-like pattern appeared on his face, and the two knives swung towards the dust that smashed into his side.

The two knives fell, an explosion sounded, and a huge hole instantly appeared in the wall of the corridor.

Then, a slender figure rushed out from the thick smoke.

It was Taro the prostitute.

It's just that this time the prostitute Taro didn't rush towards Undead Kawa Miniya, but appeared in another direction to form a dominant position with Undead Kawa Miniya and Toyomoe Mizai.

"Brother, save me!!~"!" After seeing the prostitute Taro, the fallen girl who was trampled by Immortal Kawa Minya was extremely excited and shouted loudly.

However, the prostitute Taro ignored him, and his eyes swept back and forth between Undead Kawa Minami and Yu Sui Tianyuan, with extremely dignified expressions.

If you observe carefully, you can see that the prostitute Taro is not intact at this time, there is a wound in his abdomen that is slowly wriggling and recovering.

Obviously, in the continuous attacks just now, the prostitute Taro was not rich and unharmed.

I just don't know who caused the wound.

However, judging from the location of the wound, it was probably caused by Yu Sui Tianyuan's make-up.

"The two ghost hunters in front of me are definitely the pillars of the Ghost Killing Squad."

"And it's definitely not at the same level as the pillars I encountered before."

"These two guys are very strong, not even much worse than me." The prostitute Taro thought gloomyly as he glanced at Undead Kawa Minami and Yu Sui Tianyuan.

This is the first time he has encountered such a powerful enemy since he became Kamizuru.

In the past, although he had encountered Zhu of the Ghost Killing Team, he was very weak and was easily killed by him.

But this time the ones encountered are very powerful, and there are two at a time.

"Brother, what are you doing there, hurry up and save me!!!" At this moment, Luo Ji, who was stepped on the ground, saw that her brother didn't move at all, and immediately became angry and yelled.

The prostitute Taro didn't speak, but took a deep breath, and then took out his weapon, ready to strike.

Let's not think so much, but my sister still wants to take it back.

After all, she is his younger sister, and the younger sister is very important, and is closely related to his life.

However, before he swung his sickle to slash, Taro the prostitute saw that the ghost hunter who had stepped on his sister's head kicked his sister's head over.

Not only the ghost hunter who stepped on his sister did this, but the ghost hunter next to his sister also threw his sister's body over.

This made him slightly taken aback, and looked at the other side in a daze.

"Brother, kill them quickly, they actually humiliated me so much and killed them for me!!!" Fallen Ji, who had regained her freedom, quickly took her head back, and then ran to the prostitute Taro's back and stuck a Head up, crying to the prostitute Taro.

.`Be careful, the ghost hunter who came this time is no small matter. "The prostitute Taro's hoarse voice sounded, and he reminded Luo Ji very seriously.

As soon as these words came out, Luo Ji was stunned for a moment, and her crying stopped.

It was the first time he heard his brother say such words.

The next moment, Luo Ji also reacted, and her expression gradually became serious.

In the past, although there were ghost hunters who could torture and kill him, as long as his brother came out, then everything would be no problem.

However, this time my brother actually said such words, which means that things should not be underestimated, and if they are taken lightly as before, they may really be killed.

"You deal with that woman, I'll deal with that man." On the opposite side, Undead Kawa Minya looked at the prostitute Taro and Yuji quietly, and said lightly.

"Ah, yes, be careful yourself, don't get hurt by his sickle. According to intelligence, this guy's intelligence is harmful."

"Although you can seek treatment from the gods afterwards, poisoning will weaken your strength." Yu Sui Tianyuan carried the knife on his shoulder, with a smile on his mouth, and kindly reminded him.

"Ah, I know." Undead Kawa Minami looked indifferent, said Kaidō indifferently, and then walked forward slowly, a faint airflow appeared in the sun blade in his hand.

next moment.

One Shape · Dust Whirlwind · Slash!!!!!

The violently rotating wind blade shock wave swept towards the two ghosts, Luo Ji and the prostitute Taro like a tortoise.

The attack speed was so fast that Luo Ji and the prostitute Taro almost didn't react, and were almost hit head-on.

However, even if they reacted, the two had no choice but to separate.

Watching the two separate, Undead Kawa Minami took a big step, and quickly moved in the direction of the prostitute Taro.

Behind him, Yu Sui Tianyuan also rushed towards Luo Ji with a smile on his face.

The battle of Fengzhu, Yinzhu VS Shangxianlu has officially begun!!!.

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