Journey From Soul Society

Chapter 78 Promise, Yoruichi: Let Her Be The Housemaid When The Time Comes

The fight ended quickly, from the moment Liuyun's healing Shikai ability fell on Unohana Retsu.

In the eyes of Unohana Retsu, accepting the enemy's treatment represents his own failure.

Although Liuyun didn't do it on purpose, Unohana Retsu was very persistent about this development.

For Unohana Retsu, licking his face and continuing to fight after receiving the enemy's treatment during the battle is a shame, a shame that cannot be erased in life.

She didn't want to add to this shame.

"Let's fight together next time." Unohana Retsu said calmly after disarming his Bankai and inserting the Zanpakutō back into the scabbard.

"Sorry, I didn't expect to cover such a wide area." Liuyun touched his head in embarrassment and apologized.

The Shikai he released just now can be said to have completely extinguished Unohana Retsu's interest that had just erupted not too long ago.

With a dry laugh, Liuyun also put away his Zanpakutō, and followed Unohana Retsu back to the fourth team's team building.

"Do you need me to continue practicing with you?"

"As you can see, this is how my Zanpakutō was conceived."

"Bankai is also mastered in fighting."

"Although this method is cruel, it is undeniable that this is indeed a shortcut to mastering Bankai in a short period of time." In the captain's office, Unohana Retsu made two cups of strong tea, pushed one cup in front of Liuyun, and held it for himself Picked up a cup, tasted it lightly, and asked while tasting.

Although it was interrupted in the middle, it is undeniable that she was very satisfied with this fight.

She hadn't engaged in such a fierce fight for hundreds of years, and her heart of fighting that had been extinguished for hundreds of years began to boil and was awakened.

If it's just such a game, she will be very depressed.

That kind of feeling is like being teased by a person, and I am interested, but the feeling of this person running away directly leaves me nowhere to vent.

"Ah, what about this? It's okay." Liuyun agreed to Sister Hua's proposal without even thinking about it.


"However, I hope that after each battle, I will heal your injuries, Sister Hua~". "Liuyun proposed a condition that was not considered a condition.

Although with the Kaidō strength of the two, you can heal yourself, but with the fighting intensity just now, even if you can breastfeed yourself, there will definitely be some injuries that are too late to heal. After all, they are all fighting, who will give you time to heal.

And as the fighting continues, these injuries will accumulate more and more.

By the time the battle ends, both of them will definitely be injured.

Just now, Liuyun intervened in the middle of the battle to test his other Shikai ability, which ended the battle directly.

Otherwise, the two of them will definitely be covered with injuries in the end.

Hearing Liuyun's condition, Unohana Retsu's face suddenly became strange.

"I heard before that you like treating people very much, but I didn't expect it to reach this level." Unohana Retsu glanced at Liuyun and said speechlessly.

"Okay, I promise."

"You and I will compete in half a month."


"What is this nonsense?"

"Oh, it's just a Western language, that's fine.

"Hey, yeah."

"It's settled, Jing."

"Well, it's settled."

"Then, I'll go back first." Liuyun drank the strong tea in his hand, then got up and prepared to leave.

"Swallowing jujubes so whole, it's really violent." Seeing Liuyun drink the strong tea he made so casually, Unohana Retsu was slightly displeased.

"To be honest, Sister Hua, your taste is too strong, and the taste of this tea is too strong, let me taste it slowly, I really can't do it."

"Let's go." Liuyun said with a grin, then turned around and left here waving his hands.

"Do I really have a strong taste?" Unohana Retsu was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and after Liuyun left, she murmured to herself.

Leaving from Sister Hua, Liuyun didn't go back to his office, but to his room, changed into a new set of dead bully outfit, and then set off for the Tufan team.

I was planning to go to the second team to find Yoruichi, but I asked Sister Hua for Dao Zen and was called to fight.

Now I still have time, so I went directly to Yoruichi to ask for leave.

However, speaking of it, the territory of the second team is really big, much larger than that of the fourth team.

When Liuyun came over, the entrance gate of the second team was closed, and there was no intention of letting anyone in.

Although the fourth team also has a gate, at least the door is open, allowing members of other teams to enter.

However, this is also normal, because the Second Division is basically a secret mobile force, almost a wartime special operations force, always ready to fight, the guards in the team are tightly guarded, and it is normal for the gate to be locked.

As for the fourth team and the medical team, if the gates are not opened and people can enter casually, should they still be closed tightly to waste time?

Well, these are all nonsense.

As soon as Liuyun came here, a Shinigami in a secret mobile costume appeared in front of Liuyun in the second division.

", "Deputy Captain Xingyu, this way please!!!" As soon as the members of the secret mobile unit appeared, they respectfully greeted Li Yun with a wound, please flow in.

Not only did he not stop himself, but he respectfully invited himself in. It should be that Yoruichi had already informed the members of the second team about his existence, otherwise anyone from the second team would have to report outside, even if it was the captain With a sound, let the second team inside give the order to release people.

Even Kambara Kisuke, the captain of the twelfth division who left the second division, still needs to be notified before returning to the second division in the original book.

This is the first time for Liuyun to come to the second team, and he has never been here before, so he doesn't know the distribution of the second team at all.

Every time I compete with Yoruichi, I always meet in the underground space, and I didn't come here to find Yoruichi.

Under the leadership of the members of the secret mobile unit [Liu Future came to the lobby of the Tufan team.

At this time, Yoruichi is having a meeting with the senior management of the second division team.

It's a meeting, and it's just that Yoruichi is listening to his subordinates' reports, and Yoruichi himself has nothing to arrange (Li De's) for them.

Otherwise, Yoruichi wouldn't be lying on his seat like Ge You, who was lying around.


Just about to say hello to Yoruichi, Liuyun noticed a strange look.

That look gave Liuyun the feeling that he wanted to chew Liuyun's whole body, even the bones.

Liuyun followed his gaze and forgot about the past, only to see a short-haired girl dressed as a secret mobile unit staring at him through gritted teeth, and there was a strong murderous look in those eyes.

Seeing this short-haired girl, Liuyun suddenly realized the evil.

"Little bee, no wonder."

"Hey, Liuyun, have you taken a fancy to my little bee since Rilai?"

"Okay, I will ask her to be our housemaid when the time comes!!!"

"Master Yoruichi!!!"

"Yeah, is there such a thing?"

"It's really an evil feudal society!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!".

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