Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 105 Destruction

Maureen looked forward quietly.

The flames rose, and the air waves rushed over like a tide. Mo Lin stood like a javelin. The black robe on his body made a rustling sound, hunting and blowing like a flag.

Before he left the dark forest, he had prepared a lot of alchemy grenades. When he killed the Pancora Scarlet Serpent, Morin used some, but there was still a lot left. Just now, he used it again. Alchemy grenade is a big killer.

Maureen has more alchemy grenades, not because of other things, but because of caution.

The reason is very simple. Although the alchemy grenade has a very limited effect on the official wizard, it has a very strong effect on the apprentice level. Mo Lin is still a third-level apprentice, so naturally he needs to prepare a lot.

After all, Maureen would not let himself lose his ability to protect himself and let himself lose his trump card.

Mo Lin thought of this, so he prepared more for the alchemy grenade.

"Go ahead, it's not over yet." Mo Lin looked ahead and smiled involuntarily.

He took out the alchemy grenade from the pocket of the void and threw those alchemy grenades out with force.

Huhuhu, the alchemy grenade cut through the air, turned into small dots, and fell from the air.

boom! boom! ! boom! ! !

The alchemy grenade exploded, and when viewed from a distance, it looked like fireworks blooming on the ground.

But the lethality of the alchemy grenade is very amazing. The ground became charred black, and the whole tree flew upside down. At the place of the explosion, an even more violent scream sounded. It was Wizard Olivia. The apprentices of the family were screaming.

Mo Lin kept moving, he took out the alchemy grenade and threw it out one after another.

Soon, except for the four or five alchemy grenades that were kept just in case, the other alchemy grenades were thrown out by Mo Lin.

All the alchemy grenades exploded, and due to their great power, they actually created a huge deep pit on the spot.

After waiting for a while, Maureen walked over slowly.

There were charred corpses everywhere, and many stumps were scattered around, and some were still twitching consciously, looking a little scary.

Those who are still alive have been seriously injured, dying, and have reached the point of near death.

While walking, Maureen looked around, and he saw a tattered corpse, bloody, with its head slanted to one side, and the snow-white bones of the spine were faintly visible.

This is Daniel, but he is dead.

"Fray." Maureen saw Frey, he stood in front of Frey, looked over, and looked down.

"Cough...cough...Jack...Jack the Ripper...Momolin...I didn't expect...I didn't expect you to be..." Frey's chest kept heaving, his breathing was weak, his eyes were slack, but But he kept looking at Maureen.

In fact, Frey endured the main area of ​​​​the explosion of the alchemy grenade, but he still did not die, because Frey had a magic item, but under the indiscriminate bombardment of so many alchemy grenades, the magic item was also damaged. , it doesn't work much.

"Yes, I am Jack." Maureen nodded and said, "Jack the Ripper."

"Frey, in fact, your plan is very good, but unfortunately, you met me."

"at last……"

"Thank you for your magic face."


Maureen said softly, then he took out his cross sword and killed Frey with one stroke.

"The Olivia family." Maureen withdrew the cross sword. He seemed to have thought of something. He turned around and looked at the garrison with a cold smile on his face.

The place where they are stationed is the territory of the Olivia family.

As soon as his body moved, Mo Lin rushed to the location of the station.

Although it was night, for Maureen,

It didn't have much influence at all, and it didn't take long for him to appear outside the station.

The people at the station already knew Mo Lin and ran over quickly, but they had just run a few steps when a few crimson fireballs flew out and landed on those people, blowing them to pieces.

"Who told you to be from the Olivia family." Maureen glanced at those people. Although they were just ordinary knights, they were from the Olivia family.

So, they can die.

The people around were stunned, until Mo Lin approached, they reacted, shouted, and fled towards the surroundings.

But that didn't do much.

No one would be a wizard's opponent, no one.

"Ah, no, no, no... ah!"

"Forgive your life, spare your life, my lord."

"Crazy, you are crazy, you actually shot at us, you... ah!"

"Fight, fight, we fight with him!"

The people around showed various states, some people collapsed, some people shouted like crazy, and some people wanted to fight with Maureen, but it didn't work.

As Morin casts witchcraft, the people in this station are dying.

To deal with these ordinary people, Maureen used only one witchcraft to destroy wantonly, that is, the explosive fireball.

Boom boom boom!

The fireballs seemed to be missiles, constantly flying around, blasting and destroying all the people and buildings along the way.

"Sir, Lord Morin, you are..." Doug stumbled over, saw the scene in front of him, looked at Morin again, opened his eyes wide, showing an unbelievable look.


Maureen glanced at Doug.

Then he raised his hand.


An explosive fireball flew out directly, engulfing Doug's whole body.

"Damn it! Damn it! Maureen, Maureen Olsen, you're dead, you're dead, even wizard Adrian can't protect you anymore, you wait, Master Frey He will definitely..." The high-ranking young man, Xiu Lai, ran over, looking at the scene in front of him, his body trembled with anger.

Xiu Lai almost jumped up and cursed at Mo Lin.

Then an explosive fireball flew towards him.

Xiu Lai shouted, his body flew upside down, he spit out blood from the corner of his mouth, his body was bloody, and he was not far from death.

"Bar...Baroque wizard...he won't let you go..." Shulai squeezed out a few words from his throat.

Mo Lin wasn't even interested in looking at Xiu Lai. After all, he was just a dead person. He raised his foot, stepped on Xiu Lai's head, and entered the living room.

"Mauren, Maureen? Olsen, what are you doing! Are you crazy about doing something to these people?" Hasson and Liz stood in the hall, their bodies trembling slightly as they looked at Maureen.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot, and you."

Maureen paused, turned his head, and looked at Hazen and Liz.

"We? Yes, we've been here all the time, Maureen, we're going to tell you what you've done, you're done, Maureen, you're dead, you... uh." Hasson moved towards Maureen excitedly He shouted something, but he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Hasson lowered his head and saw a large hand appearing in his abdomen as if a shadow condensed, silently, it passed through his back and came out in front of his abdomen.

"Negative... the hand of negative energy... Mo Lin, you, you..." Hassen raised his head and looked at Mo Lin with fear and incredible color in his eyes.

Then an explosive fireball flew over and directly engulfed Hasson's figure.

Everything happened too fast, Liz was completely stunned, and before she could fully react, Maureen killed Hasson, who was a little stronger than her.

"Mo... Maureen, I, I can..." Liz's face changed, and she quickly squeezed a smile from her face.



Maureen's flat voice sounded.

Then the acid missile and the explosive fireball flew out in Lilith's changing complexion, hitting her body when she was caught off guard.

"It's resolved." Mo Lin glanced at the corpse on the ground, then turned around and walked in one direction.

During the slaughter, in order to survive, some members of the Olivia wizard family directly stated the location of a warehouse in the station. Mo Lin knew it, and naturally he would not miss it.

You know, there are always a lot of things in the warehouse. On the basis of the Void Bag, Maureen wanted to take those things away easily and without pressure.

"The things in this warehouse are really ordinary."

Maureen quickly found the warehouse. He used witchcraft to break open the door of the warehouse, entered the warehouse, and began to search.

However, when he saw the things inside, he couldn't help frowning, because in his opinion, the things inside were too ordinary.

In fact, what Mo Lin didn't know is that the things in this warehouse are already pretty good, but after he traveled outside once, he experienced the secret realm fight again. He got too many good things, and his vision naturally improved. I don't care about these things.

"Forget it, talk is better than nothing, it's always possible to exchange some magic stones." Mo Lin thought to himself.

He didn't charge everything, but only the most valuable part of the warehouse. As for other things, Maureen had no other interest.

Maureen left the warehouse and started to do the rest.

He had arranged sorcery around the station before, so no one in this station escaped.

Everyone related to the Olivia family will die.

Fire, screams, explosions, moans, roars, etc., all kinds of sounds, all kinds of sights, all appeared.

This garrisoned place, the place that belonged to the Olivia family, has turned into a ruin, the smell of blood is strong, the fire is blazing into the sky, and from time to time there are the sounds of buildings collapsing and huge cracking sounds.


Maureen walked out of the station.

He glanced at the ruined station again, pulled the black robe on his body, turned around, and fell into the deep night.

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