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"Haha, Louis, that girl, that girl, her name is Alice, right, she is so beautiful..."

Beside the bonfire, several noble youths gathered together and were talking about the girl named Alice.

Alice said that her brother Maureen was in the team, and she wanted to join the team to find her brother, can you?

No one would refuse the invitation of a weak girl, especially that girl was so beautiful.

With the addition of Alice, she soon became the most popular man among the men in the entire team. No matter who it is, when facing Alice, they will subconsciously please her. distressed.

There was no one named Maureen Olsen in the team, which was easy to know. Several people in charge also asked Alice if she had misremembered her brother's name. Alice did not speak, but was firm. shook his head.

So all the men were gathered and Alice was asked to identify them, but unfortunately, no one was.

Maureen was curious about this kind of thing.

In fact, when he knew that Alice was looking for him, Maureen still had some very strange ideas in his heart. While he was identifying Alice, he subconsciously used his mental power to perceive Alice, but faintly felt a little horror. , as if facing something terrible.

He wanted to scan Alice with the chip at that time, but the result of the chip made him a little disappointed.

"Ding! Unknown force field found, unable to scan!"

"What is the solution?"

"There is similar information in the database, and the translation needs to be cracked. Estimated time: 47 hours!"

The voice of the chip came over.

Maureen didn't speak, just pulled his clothes.

He looked at Alice, who made me feel pity, and frowned, but he didn't lift his disguise and reveal his plans.

But those noble children had some bad thoughts.

"Frank, I've grown so big,

I have never seen such a beautiful girl before. The noble young Louis looked at his companion next to him and said softly, his eyes narrowed slightly, showing a determined smile, and said, "I must get that girl, I must have sex with her!" "

"It's not just you, but us, and us!" The noble young man named Frank immediately called out.

"Yes, we come too, we have to come too!"

"Yeah, how can you let go and miss such a high-quality human being."

Several other aristocratic disciples shouted, and they looked at Alice, who was sitting next to him, talking to other people who deliberately leaned in from time to time, with a fiery look in their eyes.

Soon, the entire team noticed that Louis and Frank, some noble children, began to contact Alice frequently, and they became more and more familiar, and the progress was getting bigger and bigger.

Everyone understood what was going on. It was nothing more than that the nobles started to use their tricks to deceive women.

It's just the poor and innocent Alice, who probably can't escape.

Someone sighed in a low voice, but they could only watch silently. After all, Louis and the others are nobles. In the West, the relationship between nobles and wizards is very complicated. Their status is extraordinary. Even wizard apprentices dare not offend these nobles. children.

Unless it's an official wizard.

However, in such a place, how can there be an official wizard, the official wizard is a real big man, and he will not appear here at all.

"Alice..." Christine sat by the bonfire, holding the firewood in her palms. Because of the force, the white knuckles of her fingers were exposed, and she said, "Damn it, damn it!"

Because of Alice's appearance, the attention of all male noble children was sucked away, and no one paid attention to her anymore.

This made Alice, who has been sought after and loved by all kinds of people because of her beauty, feel uncomfortable and lost in her heart. You must know that she has never been like this since she was a child.

Christine turned her eyes and saw Maureen sitting next to her, and saw the fire that Maureen was fiddling with in the woods. At the same time, she looked in the direction of Alice, motionless.


Christine's face was ugly. After she snorted heavily, she turned around and left, even too lazy to look at Maureen.

Humph, forget about Louis and the others. After all, they come from very unusual backgrounds, but Richard, how about you? He's just an ordinary wizard apprentice, and he wants to be the same as Louis and the others, in the name of Alice, which is really ignorant!

How delusional!

I originally thought that this wizard apprentice who got out of nowhere was just a little ordinary, but I didn't expect that he couldn't recognize himself at all, and he was still dreaming here!

Christine thought so in her heart, and felt deep disdain and contempt for Maureen from the bottom of her heart.

Maureen was surprised by Christine's attitude when she left. Is Joanna's sister abnormal?

He was just watching Alice, and at the same time felt sorry for Louis and other noble children.

"Even I feel terrified, but these wizard apprentices come up on their own..." Mo Lin shook his head slightly.

Some people seek death on their own.

As Louis and the others continued to communicate with Alice, coaxing Alice with words, slowly, they felt that they could start.

Others also know that Alice is about to end. After all, Alice, this girl, is too simple, even a little dull.

"Alice, you're looking for your brother Maureen, right?" Louis leaned over to Alice with a chuckle on his face.

"Yes, brother Morin, brother Morin, Alice wants to find brother Morin."

Alice's eyes kept blinking, her eyes were black and bright, like black gems, clear without a trace of impurities.

"Actually, Alice, all of us..." Frank, the nobleman, approached Alice, and he pointed to the group of noblemen around him, and said, "All of us are your brother Morin. "

" could it be, father told Alice, brother Morin...Alice only has one brother Morin."

Alice's voice was very soft, timid, and very nice.

Frank was a little impatient, he took a deep breath, and said, "Alice, do you remember the story we told you not long ago? There are thousands of ways to a person, but no matter what, they are always the same. one."

"Really, Alice, we are all your brothers Maureen, as long as we come to play a game with you one by one, our brother will come to play a game with you ... play a game with you, you will know, all of us, It's all your brother Maureen."

Alice nodded ignorantly.

She thought about it and said, "Brother Frank, you have to play a game with me, but if I hurt you, you will forgive me, right?"

"Of course it will!"

Before Frank could speak, Louis next to him hurriedly said.

"Then, I will forgive me...right?" Alice looked a little worried.

This time, all the aristocratic disciples spoke in a hurry, and responded with a lot of tongues.

"Come on, Alice, let's go play a game."

Frank felt that he couldn't bear it anymore. He looked at Alice next to him, and felt a flame rising from his belly, which was about to set him on fire.

He stood up, pulled Alice, who was still a little ignorant, and ran into the woods next to him.

They have already prepared everything.

"Frank, hold on a little longer."

"Have fun."

"Start lightly, we have to come."

The noble youths shouted at Frank.

They watched Frank and Alice gradually disappear into the woods, and laughed. Everyone knew that tonight, they can have a good time, tsk tsk, Alice, this is really the best in the world, I didn't expect them to be able to play child in hand.

The people next to her saw this scene and couldn't help sighing in a low voice. They all knew that Alice was finished, and it was estimated that it would be destroyed in the hands of these people from now on.

Christine muttered softly. She looked at the grove where Alice disappeared, with a happy look in her eyes; Joanna shook her head slightly and sighed, while Maureen looked forward quietly.


He exhaled, then smiled, and said, "It's interesting, it's really interesting."

After a while, someone noticed something was wrong, because by now, Frank hadn't come back.

"What happened to Frank?"

"You don't want to come back, do you?"

The aristocratic youths guessed, their faces were very ugly, and some people even cursed at Frank.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps came slowly.

"Aha, Frank, you're finally here, how are you, did you have a good time? How does Alice taste? Is it worth the 10,000 gold coins you donated for her first time... uh ."

A noble young man spoke softly, trying to make fun of Frank.

But when he turned around, he was stunned.

His face turned pale.

Not only him, but also Louis, as well as other noble youths, as well as other people, their faces changed at the same time.

Alice is still the same as before, with a beautiful face, delicate facial features, fair skin, and tattered gray clothes, but at this time, she didn't feel any pity I saw before.

On Alice's face, blood kept flowing down her face. Her originally clean and bright eyes had disappeared, turning into two blood holes. .

It can be clearly seen that, with Alice as the center, endless blood is surging, becoming a circle of blood rising into the sky, covering her, dyeing everything around her red.

"You... lied to Alice..."

"You're not...not...not Brother Maureen."

"Brother Morin...Brother Morin..."

Alice murmured softly.

In her hand, there was a human head.

It was Frank's head.

Frank's neck was violently torn open, revealing large clumps of blood and large pieces of torn flesh. Frank's face showed a horrified expression, as if he had seen something terrible before he died. the same thing.

Alice's hand loosened.

With a click, the human head fell to the ground and kept rolling until it slowly stopped after rolling several laps. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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