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Maureen quietly looked at Alice in front of him.

With a hoot, countless black and red flames suddenly rushed out of his body, burning roaringly, enveloping him all in it.

He floated in mid-air, and the ground under his feet gasified directly, turning into a huge deep pit.

Clusters of black and red flames flew out from Mo Lin, covering the surrounding area and falling on the other people who didn't run away, causing them to scream, and they turned into black and red flames. ash.

Maureen didn't want others to see the shot, so for the sake of confidentiality, he had to kill them.

"The energy aura on your body is the same as the energy aura given by your father, and, ah, the smell on your body is very familiar, yes, brother, you are Brother Morin."

"Brother, Brother Maureen!"

Alice smiled sweetly.

Alice's voice was sweet, and in her eyes, blood kept flowing out. She was wearing a blood-colored long dress with a smile on her face, and ran towards Mo Lin, as if she wanted to hug Mo Lin.

"Ding! Alert! Alert!"

"The main body is infested by alien energy! The main body is infested by alien energy!"

"It is expected that after one minute, the main body will fall into a negative state, and all attributes will be greatly reduced!"

"Please stay away from the alien energy source immediately! Please stay away from the alien energy source immediately!"

In my mind, the voice of the chip came over.

Swish, the blood-colored energy particles kept surging in the air, almost becoming a light cocoon, and Mo Lin was about to be wrapped in it.

The expression on Maureen's face was light, he stretched out his hand and took out a tube of blue medicine.


Maureen threw the test tube out, and then began to sing the unknown spellcasting language in a strange language.

With a bang, the test tube burst open, and the azure blue medicinal liquid spilled into the air,

It disappeared immediately.

Blue snowflakes floated in the air and fell little by little. It looked very beautiful and made people intoxicated.

Ruoyouruowu's singing sounded, slowly floating around.

This is the medicine of the flow of joy, which was prepared by Maureen based on a large amount of information in the chip database these days, and was specially formulated to deal with Alice.

Alice's body suddenly twisted, and under the influence of the singing, the blood-colored energy on her body kept swaying, getting weaker and weaker, as if it might collapse at any time.


"Brother Maureen..."

Alice's body kept shaking, and the expression on her face changed vaguely. She ran towards Maureen, but the speed was getting slower and slower, and at the end, she was about to stop.

Countless blue snowflakes fell on Alice's body and turned into ice, which made Alice slowly freeze.

It didn't take long for Alice to be sealed in the blue ice cubes, like a huge ice sculpture.

Maureen smiled, and his heart moved slightly.

Immediately, countless black and red flames appeared in the blue ice cubes, and they burned up.

Purgatory fire.

Alice's body was trembling constantly, as if she was suffering from some unbearable pain.

Finally, with a bang, the blue ice cubes burst open.

Everything is gone.

Alice is dead.

"Phew~~" Mo Lin stretched out his hand, and the black and red fire of purgatory poured out from the void, submerged into Mo Lin's palm, and then disappeared.

"The Resentful Spirit Puppet, this Resentful Spirit Puppet is finally resolved."

"But Alice, hehe, Alice, Alice..."

Maureen stood quietly.

His eyes were deep, and occasionally, when he turned, he could see clusters of tiny black flames rising from his pupils.


"Ah! Ah!!"

"Alice, Alice, my daughter, she's dead, she's dead!"

In the prison, Emmonsez suddenly let out a painful groan. He covered his eyes and kept backing away.

After a long time, Emmonseth slowly put his hand down.

His eyes were tightly closed, and two thin blood lines flowed down from his eyes.

"Emmences, you failed?" Philip stood outside the prison and looked at Emmonseth silently.

Emmonseth was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly, and said, "It's a pity, Philip, I don't know why this is happening. According to common sense, it is impossible for a formal wizard who has just been promoted to successfully resist. The purgatory power was attacked, and that Morin was able to survive, this is really..."

"Useless things!"

Philip didn't listen to Emmonseth at all. After he glanced at Emmonseth, he walked directly outside.

Emmonseth froze for a moment, and then his face flushed.

He reached out and grabbed the railing of the prison, ignoring the enormous burning pain it caused him.

Emmonsez was breathing heavily, and finally, after a while, he slowly squeezed out a few words from his mouth.



Oran recently noticed something unusual.

His grandfather, Philip, often entered a secret room and stayed in it for a long time, and every time Philip came out, his face was very gloomy.

"I don't know what's in that secret room, so my grandfather often enters it." Oran couldn't help thinking.

At this time, he is appearing not far from the secret room, and he may enter the secret room at any time.

In fact, according to his strength, it is impossible to follow Philip secretly, and it is impossible to sneak in here. However, because Philip really likes Oran so much, he has no defense against Oran, and the person in charge of guarding is naturally He also turned a blind eye to Oran, allowing Oran to come and go at will.

After all, this is the favorite descendant of Mr. Philip in the family.

"Go in and have a look, what's in there?" Aolan's heart moved.

He sneaked into it slowly, and found that there was a stone wall inside, other than that, he didn't see anything.

"It must be grandfather who set up sorcery..." Oran felt helpless for a while.

He shook his head as if to leave.

However, Oran still didn't give up. He came in secret several times, but still didn't find much, which made him somewhat disappointed.

But where he hadn't noticed, in the cell covered by the stone walls, Emmonses was staring at him with a strange look.

Emmonseth's lips moved silently, and he was saying a name.


Outside the prison, the splashed flesh suddenly glowed with a strange shimmer.

Oran came to the outside of the stone wall again, and he felt a little lost. He originally thought that there would be some strange and interesting things here, but he didn't expect that there was nothing here.

"Why did grandfather set up sorcery, why don't you let me see it..." Oran complained a little.

He exhaled softly, looked ahead, but couldn't help but froze.

I don't know when, a young girl suddenly appeared in front of her. She was wearing a tattered gray robe, with fair skin, her hands were holding her knees, and her soft hair was loose. She looked delicate and pitiful, which made people feel pity.

Aolan suddenly felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart, he swallowed and walked forward slowly.

"You... who are you?" Oran's voice sounded nervous, as if he was afraid of disturbing the girl in front of him.

The girl heard the words, her body trembled slightly, she raised her head, revealing a beautiful suffocating face.

Her voice was soft.


"I...I'm Alice." Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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