Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 145 Underworld

Maureen sat in the horn-scale carriage, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He had already left the aristocratic manor just now and was on his way to Conta Manor.

Claire and the wizards just now expressed their gratitude to Morin. They were very grateful to Morin for making a potion to save Aaron.

Hearing the information from Claire, Claude was hiring other wizards, and Maureen knew that this trip to the underground world would not be peaceful.

"Clyde originally wanted to be detrimental to Denise, and now, he has to hire other wizards to go to the underground world together. This is really..." Maureen had some other thoughts in his mind.

I just don't know how Denise will deal with it.

Arriving at Konta Manor, Maureen got off the horn-scaled carriage. He exhaled, pulled his clothes, and walked towards Konta Manor.

The guard in charge of guarding spotted Mo Lin and shouted. Not long after, a humble butler with a flattering smile on his face ran out, nodding and bowing to Mo Lin.

Denise's originally relaxed mood only lasted for a while, and after a while, the look on her face became particularly dignified, and it could even be said to be ugly.

She kept going in and out, as if preparing for something.

"Wizard Richard, we can go." Denise stepped forward and knocked on Maureen's door.

With a creak, the door was opened.

Maureen looked at Denise who was standing quietly outside the door, nodded, and said, "Okay."

Now, it's time to go to the underworld.

In the manor of the Othelloba family, there are many people standing, densely packed, occupying the entire huge site.

In addition to the wizards of the Othelloba family, there are also a group of wizards with different breaths and strengths. They are the wizards hired by Claude and Denise.

Some time ago, Denise also did the same thing as Claude, hiring other wizards, and even the price she gave was higher.

After a little simple arrangement, all the wizards set off.

"Denise, why do you hire other wizards?" Maureen looked at Denise.

Denis was stunned for a while, her face was a little dazed, and she said, "I'm just thinking about safety, after all, Claude and the others have hired so many wizards, I have to be cautious."

"As for Claude they..."

Denise looked at a carriage ahead, in which Claude and Jackman were sitting.

"I always feel that this mission may..." Denise suddenly took a deep breath.

Maureen smiled.

He looked at Claude and their carriage, and then slowly lowered the carriage curtain.

There are many people in the team, but their strength is not weak at all. All of them have at least the strength of a formal wizard.

However, this does not mean that everything is safe. On the contrary, it is very difficult for everyone to walk along the way.

"The underground world is a unique ecological circle under the earth. It can only be reached through the abyss connecting the underground world and the earth." A fiery red-haired wizard wiped the blood on his body and said, "While in In the abyss, there are still many high-energy creatures and all kinds of strange monsters, and it is not an easy thing to pass through."


The fiery red-haired wizard let out a loud cry, covered his stomach, and kept rolling on the ground.

Mo Lin looked at the huge sharp claw that was broken in his hand, and his heart moved slightly. A crimson flame rushed out from his palm, burning roaringly. After a while, the sharp claw was burnt clean.

"Okay, get up, An Jie, your injury is almost healed. If you take the medicine I gave, you can recover in just one night." Mo Lin clapped his hands and said lightly.

"Thank you... thank you, Richard... Wizard Richard.

"The fiery red-haired wizard kept sweating on his face. His face turned pale. After thanking Mo Lin, he took a tube of purple potion and staggered away.

Maureen looked at the fiery red-haired wizard, shook his head, and walked towards another injured wizard.

During this period of time, Morin and the others encountered a lot of monsters and high-energy creatures. The wizards fought with those high-energy creatures. Many wizards were injured, and even one or two wizards died directly. However, they hunted high-energy creatures and also A lot of good witchcraft materials were obtained from high-energy creatures, which made the wizards extremely excited.

In this regard, Mo Lin did not hide it, and directly revealed his identity as a pharmacist. He used the potions he made in his spare time to treat many wizards. Gradually, among many wizards, he gained a certain reputation. .

Although the price of Morindine was much higher than that of ordinary medicines, not many people cared about the price at this time.

By selling potions, Mo Lin gained a lot. It didn't take long for him to get dozens of low-level magic stone cards, and even several precious materials from high-energy creatures, which made Mo Lin a little surprised.

"For me, this is a really good opportunity."

Maureen laughed while playing with a silver eyeball in his hand that was glowing with silver light, making the air around him distorted.

However, in the next few days, Mo Lin and the others never encountered a high-energy creature again, not even an ordinary monster.

The wizards in the team were very surprised. They moved forward, and soon, they reached the entrance of the underground world, the bottom of a huge abyss.

"We haven't encountered a high-energy creature recently, and the situation is very wrong." Claude thought for a while, stood up, and floated in the air, his voice came from a distance, and said: "Going to enter the underground world, Be careful."

Soon, the entire team entered the underground world, and the whole process did not have many ups and downs and twists and turns, and it was considered a near miss.

The underground world is not much different from the outside world. There are still mountains and rivers, but the sky is dark and the vegetation is dull black, like huge shadows lurking in the darkness.

There are some plants around, emitting a faint shimmer, giving people a hazy feeling.

"Underworld..." Mo Lin narrowed his eyes and looked outside.

Although the underground world is dim, it is only relative. From Mo Lin's eyes, the underground world is similar to the dusk outside, which is when the sky is scattered.

I came to the underground world smoothly, and I didn't encounter any high-energy creatures and deadly dangers, so some wizards who didn't have much experience relaxed naturally.

"Huh? What's going on at this time?" A wizard wearing a gray hood suddenly found a place in a rock wall with a faint green light.

With a curious look on her face, she stretched out her hand and slowly stroked it.

Not much movement.

The wizard in the gray hood thought for a while, chanted a sorcery spell, and cast a zero-level sorcery for detection.

Just as the wizard was waiting for the witchcraft feedback, suddenly, that little green light suddenly brightened up and turned into a huge bright eye!

The huge figure stood up from the ground and leaned on the wizard condescendingly.

It was a high-energy creature with the shape of a leopard. At this time, clusters of incandescent flames rose up from the whole body of this high-energy creature, and were constantly spewing incandescent flames towards the outside.


There was fear in the wizard's eyes, and the next moment, she was bitten off half of her body by the high-energy creature.


The others heard only a terrified cry.

They turned around and saw nothing but the half-corpse that kept bleeding from the ground.

Maureen's pupils shrank slightly.

He is gifted with the magic eye of mirror image, and through the transformation and improvement of himself with the eye of mirror image, Mo Lin naturally knows what happened just now.

Around, there is a powerful high-energy creature.

"Damn it!" Maureen's face was a little ugly.

There are no other high-energy creatures and monsters nearby. The reason is very simple, because this high-energy creature is too powerful. The surrounding area is its territory, and no other high-energy creatures and monsters dare to set foot on it.

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