Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 147 Dark Wind Wolf

"Wizards, the mission given to you by our dark elves is to go to the Shadow Mountains and kill the dark wind wolves."

"Dark wind wolves often fight with our dark elves. They are ferocious and cunning, and they are very difficult to deal with. Moreover, because of the same reason of the underground race, the energy in our bodies is similar, so our dark elves do extremely limited damage to those dark wind wolves. ."

"So, I can only ask you, wizards, if you take action, it is very simple to deal with those dark wind wolves."

Eve smiled and introduced the mission to many wizards.

The wizards looked at each other and became slightly agitated. Some wizards asked some questions and seemed very cautious, and Eve answered them all.

"Okay, wizards, do you have any questions?" The smile on Eve's face was very gentle.

The many wizards present looked at each other, then shook their heads.

Jackman stood up slowly and said, "Okay, since there is no problem, let's go."

The wizards set off in twos and threes and walked towards the Shadow Mountain Range where the Black Wolf Wind Wolf was located.

The Shadow Mountains are not far from the settlement of the dark elves, and they didn’t have much time to walk. In about a day or so, Mo Lin and the others arrived at the Shadow Mountains.

"The Dark Wind Wolf is a very cruel and cunning underground race. Everyone, we have to be careful, otherwise, we will pay the price." Claude sat beside the bonfire, his eyes swept over many wizards, and said slowly .

Jackman was also on the side, but he just folded his arms and did not speak.

He is not suitable to speak, after all, on the surface, Claude is the one who hires these wizards.

Denise gathered the wizards she hired and shouted loudly, telling those wizards about the dark wind wolf.

Eve had given her and Cloud the information about the Dark Wind Wolf before.

Maureen knew that Denise took the trouble to tell the hired wizards about the Dark Wind Wolf. It wasn't because she was kind-hearted, she just wanted more wizards to survive as much as possible, so that she could face Ke in the future. Lauder, it's just to increase the confidence and cost.

"Wizard Richard, although I know that the dark wind wolf is not a big problem for you, I still want to remind you." The firelight beat, and Denise's eyes fell on Maureen, saying: "" Please pay attention to your own safety and be careful. "

Maureen smiled and nodded.

Everyone rested under the mountains. They originally thought that they would have to wait until they entered the mountains to search tomorrow before they would encounter the dark wind wolves. How could they know that just in the middle of the night, those dark wind wolves rushed out of the darkness and launched an attack on the wizards. attack.




The camp where they were stationed fell into a slight disturbance. Several of the attacked wizards were covered in blood, and their screams kept ringing in the night sky.


The dark energy particles in the air gathered to form a small black wind scroll, which rolled in the air and blew forward.

Just as a tall dark wind wolf rushed out, it was dragged into it by this black wind volume, and then the black wind volume wrapped the howling dark wind wolf, and kept tearing, and after a moment of effort, let The dark wind wolf lost his life and fell powerlessly to the ground.

Mo Lin rolled his eyes, his eyes fell on the Dark Wind Wolf, and then he saw what the so-called Dark Wind Wolf looked like.

The dark wind wolf is two or three meters high, with thick knuckles, and the body is full of bent muscles. The dark wind wolf is covered with thick black hair. Its eyes are green, and a dim light can be seen faintly. It is conceivable. , This dark wind wolf already has a certain wisdom.

However, although the strength of the dark wind wolf is good, it cannot be compared with the wizards at all. After the wizards reacted, those dark winds and waves quickly fell into the disadvantage.

It didn't take long for the dark wind wolves to howl one after another,

Then it turned into black shadows and rushed into the darkness between the distant mountains.

"Damn, these beasts!"

Claude couldn't help scolding, and Denise's face was also very ugly.

Unexpectedly, they suffered a loss when they met the dark wind wolves just now. In the sudden attack of the dark wind wolves, at least seven or eight wizards died.

After this incident, the wizards became cautious. They were careful and never gave the Dark Wind Wolf any chance to attack.

Cloud and Denise led the wizards and searched the Shadow Mountains according to the method given by Eve.

They found numerous dark wind wolves, and then shot and killed them.

In fact, the strength of the dark wind wolf is not weak, but Mo Lin and the others are wizards, wizards with powerful power and strange spellcasting ability, are not comparable to the dark wind wolf, an underground creature that only relies on hunting instinct.



The wolf king of the dark wind wolf let out a whimper, and then fell heavily to the ground, dying and turning into a corpse.

With the death of the wolf king, the entire dark wind wolf is almost extinct.

Maureen and the others swept around the Shadow Mountains for a while, then returned to the dark elves' quarters.

"Thank you, thank you wizards."

Eve had an irresistible smile on her face, her eyes flashed, and her eyes fell on Denise and Claude, looking like she was really happy.

"Thank you for helping us solve those goddamn dark wind wolves, please rest well, and let's wait until tomorrow to discuss the remuneration." Eve giggled, she patted lightly, and there was always a crowd outside. The maids who were serving came in and took the wizards down.

Jackman found Eve again at night.

This time it's not just him, but also Claude.

"Eve, the mission is complete, you should use the Fountain of Life for us." Jackman looked at Eve and said with a half-smile.

"Of course, this is our transaction, and I will definitely use the fountain of life for you."

Eve sat on the black stone chair, looking very well-mannered and extraordinarily elegant.

When Jackman and Claude heard Eve's voice, they looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

"What's the matter, Jackman, and this Mr. Claude from the Othelloba family, don't you believe it?" Eve smiled.

"Yeah, how can we believe it." After a moment of silence, Claude said, "After all, the Fountain of Life is the inheritance of the dark elves, and it has all kinds of incredible miracles, Eve, you don't do it. After much consideration, we agreed to our request, and how can we not be surprised."

"Giggle, isn't it? Mr. Claude, we dark elves are different from your human wizards. We are very honest."

Eve smiled, looking charming.

Quiet all around.

Cloud and Jackman fell silent.

"I still don't believe it." Jackman said suddenly. He looked straight at Eve and said, "Eve, you promised too fast, really too fast."

"I can sign a contract with you."

"Sign the Styx Law."

Eve's expression became serious, she raised her head slightly, and said, "I will definitely use the Fountain of Life for you."

Cloud and Jackman fell silent again, and after a while, they nodded.

"Okay, yes," Claude said.

"Then let's begin."

Eve said.

She made a spell-casting gesture with both hands, her expression became serious, the wizard energy on her body vibrated, and she slowly said her own real name in coordination with herself.

It seemed that there was a vast river of nothingness emerging, with a grand atmosphere, and then slowly disappearing.

After seeing Eve's spellcasting, Cloud and Jackman also established the Styx law.

"Actually, I'm very curious. What would happen to you if I suddenly regretted that I wouldn't let you use the Fountain of Life?" Eve seemed to have thought of something, and there was a hint of interest on her face.

"Eve, do you remember the wizards we hired?" Jackman laughed.

He stared straight at Eve and said, "If you dare to go back, we will tell the wizards that there is a fountain of life here, then, what will happen to the wizards who know the fountain of life? Fu, I think you should know."

Eve couldn't help but feel tight.

Hire wizards and use them to complete tasks, and at the same time, make those wizards a bargaining chip to blackmail yourself...

What an amazing human wizard!

"Now I'm about to fulfill the contract, so what about those human wizards?" Eve frowned.

Both Claude and Jackman fell silent.

"Resolve them." Jackman raised his eyes, his eyes were full of ferocity, and said: "Those wizards are useless, use a method that no one knows about, and solve them!"

In an unintelligible way?

Claude was stunned, and he already understood what Jackman wanted to do.

"By the way, that wizard named Richard..." Claude frowned as if thinking of something, and said, "He was hired by Denise, and he ruined our affairs. Take this opportunity, let him solve it together."

"Okay, it's easy anyway." Jackman nodded casually.

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