Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 149 Dagger Now

"It was unexpected."

Maureen looked at the scene in the cave ahead, touched his chin, and said softly.

At this time, Mo Lin was completely hidden in the shadows outside the cave, and he couldn't see his movements at all, and there was no breath on his body, as if there was no eye at all, which seemed extremely strange.

After sensing that something was wrong in the scarlet wine, Maureen took Edward out of the pocket of the void, performed a simple operation on Edward to make Edward look like himself, and then came to this underground cave instead of himself. in.

As for Mo Lin himself, he used carefully prepared potions and powders to cover up his whereabouts and secretly followed behind the crowd.

From the beginning to the end, in the cave, it was only Edward, the alchemist puppet of Morin, and the one who pretended to fall to the ground was also killed by witchcraft.

"Fortunately, Claude and Jackman just used witchcraft to kill everyone. Otherwise, the situation would be really dangerous."

"Edward is estimated to have suffered a little damage. It seems that after that, I will repair it."

Maureen touched his chin and thought so.

Maureen's heart quickly calmed down, he looked ahead and smiled.

Obviously, some interesting things will happen in the cave ahead soon.


The situation is very wrong.

Both Jackman and Claude felt this, they looked at each other, their bodies suddenly moved, chanting a sorcery spell aloud, towards Eve, releasing their powerful sorcery.


The thunder and blue light burst apart, emitting a bright and somewhat dazzling light, but that was all.

In the front, a huge translucent mask appeared at some point, covering both Jackman and Claude, and also completely blocked their attacks.


Jackman looked at Eve with a chill in his eyes. Claude next to him also looked very ugly.

Up to now, even stupid people know that they made a big somersault here with Eve, and were calculated by Eve.

"Jackman, Claude, it's useless, when you came in, your destiny was already doomed." Eve glanced at Jackman, the corners of his mouth curled up, and said, "You are all sacrifices, from holy beasts. It's just a sacrifice."


Sacrifice of the holy beast?

Jackman turned his head and looked around quickly, and found that the young and handsome dark elves were sitting cross-legged in a strange position. The appearance of the magic circle.

The blood of the many wizards killed by them is accelerating out of the corpses and pouring into the fountain of life in the center of the cave.

In such a short period of time, there are many corpses that have become shriveled.


Jackman's face became even more gloomy. With a wave of his hand, a bright lightning slowly emerged in his hand, condensing it into a lightning spear.

The surface of the lightning spear is smooth, giving off a heart-pounding aura, and there are tiny thunder and lightning flowers on it that keep beating, which further shows the power of this lightning spear.

With a swoosh, Jackman's hand suddenly swung, and the entire lightning spear came out immediately, almost turning into a blazing white light, and stabbed towards the translucent mask fiercely.

A muffled sound came over, and the entire translucent mask shook slightly before returning to normal.

Jackman gasped slightly. The blow just now was not easy for him, but he couldn't care about the wizard energy he had consumed at this time. He looked intact and there was not much damage to the translucent light at all. Cover, Jackman's face could not help gloomy. .

Claude's face was also ugly. Jackman had already shot with all his strength just now. The full-strength attack was very powerful, but it didn't have much effect.

"It's useless,

Jackman, Claude, as I said, useless. Eve looked at Claude and Jackman, smiled, showing a mocking look, and said, "What you do is useless. "

"For this day, for the future of our dark elves, we dark elves, have paid too much."

Eve said lightly.

She turned around and looked at Denise, who was tied to the stone platform and couldn't move at all, her face moved slightly.

"Yes, it's spiritual blood, the special blood needed to revive the holy beast." Eve muttered to herself as she looked at Denise's severed wrist.

She turned around, looked at Alja standing next to her, and said, "Okay, everything is ready, then, Alja, let's start."

Alga didn't speak, he knelt down on one knee towards Eve, showing his loyalty and respect.


The stone platform floated above the Fountain of Life, motionless.

Gulugulu, the entire Fountain of Life suddenly tumbled, and then, a transparent coffin slowly rose from the Fountain of Life.

There was a young girl lying in the coffin, her eyes were closed and she was motionless, as if she had fallen into the deepest sleep.

"Freya..." Eve looked at the girl and whispered the girl's name with a strange look on her face.

Soon, Eve's eyes fell on Freya's chest.

On Freya's chest was a delicate crystal box. Inside the crystal box was a purple heart. The purple heart was constantly expanding and contracting. Although it was placed quietly, it seemed to be beating silently. on.

Bang, bang, bang.

The entire underground cave seemed to be pulled, shaking faintly.

"It's coming, it's coming soon, as long as we can get the power of the holy beast, we dark elves really have hope."

"Freya, my child, last time, you died in the secret realm, but this is also an opportunity, which can make you in a state of coma, without pain, to carry the power of the holy beast."

"When using the Fountain of Life and Spiritual Blood to summon the Holy Beast, I will use some residual power to bring you back to life completely."

Eve spoke softly, as if murmured and as if in a whisper.

She glanced at the purple heart again, and then withdrew her gaze.

This purple heart is exactly what Freya and the others tried their best to grab in the secret realm last time, and it is also the reason why Eve did not hesitate to fight with many wizarding organizations.

"Eve, what do you want to do? Who is that dark elf? Also, what is this strange heart?" Jackman shouted at Eve.

He felt a throbbing in his heart, and felt a very strong unease, which even made him terrified.

You know, he is a powerful dark wizard who is on the edge of life and death, and his temperament is indifferent, but now, he is actually afraid?

Eve didn't look at Jackman, but turned her head and looked at Claude, who was sluggish beside him, and said, "Mr. Claude, thank you for sending Denise here. Thank you very much."

Claude swallowed and didn't speak.

By now, he has understood that these dark elves are all aimed at Denise. Even if there is no him, the dark elves will use other methods to attack Denise.

They want Denise to keep her soul intact, and they don't want Denise to be hurt, and he just happens to be at the right time.

"Damn." Claude let out a breath and couldn't help but scolded in a low voice.

The surging wizard energy on Eve's body is surging, as if a huge wave is constantly surging. The wizard energy is too huge, and a black waterfall is formed directly behind Eve.

"Turques Masticanfa..." Eve kept chanting spells in her mouth.

The surrounding dark elves were also constantly singing witchcraft incantations. Those witchcraft incantations were vaguely vast, resounding in the surrounding caves, as if an invisible torrent reverberated in the caves.

Bang bang bang.

The purple heart was floating in the air, and a magic circle that emitted purple light appeared under the purple heart, making the entire purple heart look mysterious and abnormal.

Little by little black light spots rushed out of the dark elves and slowly sank into the purple heart.

"Respected existence, please show your strength." Eve suddenly shouted loudly in ancient Andas.


A milky white fountain of life rushed up from the pool below and rushed into the purple heart, causing the entire purple heart to emit a rich purple light and beating more violently.

Suddenly there was an indistinct hoarse screeching in the void.

A hazy figure appeared, its body was pitch black, as if it was a shadow, as if it was deep and dark. This inexplicable existence had an irregular shape, constantly changing, and its specific appearance could not be seen.

As soon as it appeared, the entire underground cave became heavy, and the air was undulating, extremely violent, as if the storm was about to come.

"This, this..." Claude and Jackman gasped, they couldn't break the translucent mask at all.

They noticed that the wizard energy in their bodies was constantly draining, and there was an angry look on their faces. Obviously, Eve was really offering them as a sacrifice to that unknown holy beast.

But when they saw the holy beast, Claude was stunned, as if he thought of something, and his face changed instantly.


"The Mirage of the Void!"

Claude's voice trembled.

Jackman next to him also felt that the existence in front of him was a little familiar. After hearing Claude's voice, he raised his head and looked at the inexplicable figure in the air with disbelief in his eyes.


"The Mirage of the Void."

Maureen looked at the indescribable translucent shadow creature in the underground cave and murmured softly.

He looked at the vague Mirage of the Void that was about to be revealed in front of him, and exhaled slowly.

Looking at the Void Mirage that appeared, and the furious air in the cave, Maureen didn't feel depressed or frightened.

The Minai Totem glowed faintly and quietly emerged behind Mo Lin, and before he knew it, Mo Lin's eyes glowed faintly, turning into icy vertical pupils with strange dark red patterns.

The Void of the Pancora Scarlet Serpent emerged from the Minai Totem, and its eyes coincided with Morin's pupils, as if they had the same eyes.

Looking at the Mirage of the Void in the center of the cave, the Pancora Scarlet Serpent raised its head and let out a silent neigh.

"The Mirage of the Void." Maureen whispered to himself.

He looked ahead with endless greed in his eyes.

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