Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 157 Family and the truth

creak creak.

Denise felt that the head was slashed violently with an axe, and the pain was terrible.

With her elbows propped up, she tried to sit up.

But her body swayed and she almost fell directly.

Denise exhaled a long breath, only to realize how bad her condition was. Not only did she have no wizard energy in her body, but her body was also very weak, and she couldn't even use the slightest strength.

"Damn..." Denise scolded in a low voice, turned her head, and looked around.

Only then did she realize that she was in a carriage. She was lying on the soft slump of the carriage, covered with a warm quilt. The carriage was moving forward, shaking gently and making a slight creaking sound.

"Danis, you're awake." A mellow voice came from the front.

"Wizard Richard!"

Denise was startled and subconsciously called out.

"Well, yes, Denise, it's me." Maureen's voice came again.

"We, we are still alive..."

The look on Denise's face was a little dull, she raised her head slightly, and asked in a dazed way.

"Yes, Denise, we are still alive." Maureen was driving in front of the carriage, unable to see his face, so he could only force his tall back, and said, "Many of our wizards have fallen into Claude and The dark elves are conspiracy. At that time, I was about to pass out, but fortunately, I am a pharmacist, and I have the habit of preparing medicines for myself, so I am not completely unconscious, and I still have some self-protection power. of."

"After a long time, I managed to recover with the potion, only to find that the surroundings have become a mess, the night mother Freya of the dark elves has disappeared, and the strange purple heart is gone, the dark elves have disappeared. There were countless casualties, so I took this opportunity to bring you out."

Mo Lin said lightly, and gave the reason he made up.

Anyway, when he entered the underground cave, he replaced himself with Edward, so on the surface, he was with everyone, so there was nothing unusual about it.

Denis listened to Maureen's words and fell silent.

"So, Wizard Richard, Claude and the others..." Denis asked quickly as if thinking of something.

"All dead."

Maureen's voice was very flat, and he couldn't hear the slightest ups and downs. He said, "Except for you and me, whether it's Claude and Jackman, or other wizards, they're all dead."

Denise heard the words, with a blank look on her face, and she couldn't help but stunned.

She was in a very complicated mood at this time, and she didn't know what to say at all.

"Okay, Denise, you are very weak now, don't think about other things, just rest well." Maureen's voice came over again.

Immediately, a tube of pink potion was thrown in by Maureen.

Denis looked at the potion in her hand, and then looked at the gradually moving and receding scenery outside the window. She squeezed the potion in her hand with a slight force in her palm.

After a few days, Denise finally recovered almost.

She got off the carriage and walked towards Maureen.

"Wizard Richard." Denise called out softly.

The bonfire emitted bright light, beating slightly, and Mo Lin was shrouded in a black robe, and the hood covered his face, so Denise couldn't see the strangeness on Mo Lin's face at this time.

There was a faint light visible to the naked eye in Maureen's eyes. The dark red pattern and the gorgeous purple light were constantly intertwined and intertwined, making it indistinguishable from each other.

After hearing Denise's voice, Maureen's eyes turned bright and deep black again, and the purple and dark red patterns disappeared.

Maureen turned his head and looked at Denise quietly.

"Denise, I'm glad you finally recovered." He said softly.

"Yeah, thanks to Wizard Richard for your potion." Denise bowed to Maureen and saluted her thanks. She raised her head, looked at Maureen with some doubts, and said, "Wizard Richard,

What's wrong with you, what's wrong? "


Maureen shook his head.

In fact, after swallowing the Mirage of the Void's heart, Maureen's body was restless, and the power of the Mirage of the Void was constantly moving in his body, wanting to destroy it wantonly.

Even if Morin has the Minai Totem, he also has the bloodline of the Pancora Scarlet Serpent, but the purple heart that represents the power of the Mirage of the Void can only be suppressed and cannot be absorbed immediately.

After all, that purple heart is the most quintessential part of the Mirage of the Void. It has the richest blood essence of the Mirage of the Void. It is the key to the bloodline inheritance of the Mirage of the Void. It is impossible to absorb the strength of a liquefying wizard in the forest area so quickly.

"Although it can't be absorbed right away, it doesn't matter. With the Minai Totem and my own Pancora giant snake blood, it is only a matter of time to completely refine the heart of the Mirage of the Void."

"With just a little time, I can absorb it sooner or later."

Maureen thought so.

When he just left the underground world, he was affected by the power of the Mirage of the Void, and he would have hallucinations almost every moment. There were beeps and strange sounds next to his ears, which gave him a splitting headache and confusion.

Several days have passed, and now, Maureen has almost recovered, and there is not much abnormality.

Maureen and Denise briefly talked for a while, then said goodbye to Denise and went to rest.

After walking like this again for a few days, Maureen and Denise finally returned to Konta Manor.

"Miss, and Wizard Richard..." The butler looked at Denise, who was slowly getting off the carriage, and Mo Lin, who was standing quietly beside him with an indifferent expression. After being stunned, he immediately reacted and moved towards The people in the manor shouted.

Maureen tidied up well, and then slept comfortably before walking out of his room.

With the return of Maureen and Denise, it was soon known to everyone that Cloud and Jackman, as well as the wizard they had taken away, were dead.

Of all the wizards who went to the underground world, only Maureen and Denise came back alive and intact.

There was mourning in the entire Conta Manor, but under this mourning, there was a surging undercurrent and the change of power within the Othelloba family.

Everyone knows that the conflict between Denise and Claude before, and even to the point of tension, and now Claude is dead, then, this time, the power struggle within the Othelloba wizard family will have a result. .

Lawrence's room.

The sun shines in through the huge glass window, and the whole room is dimly lit.

"Denise, Wizard Richard, I'm glad you came back alive." Lawrence looked very excited, as if he was finally relieved, and said, "You guys have been out for a long time, but there is no news at all. Come here, I was a little worried about you, but I didn't expect..."

Lawrence said here, and couldn't help but paused.

"Claude, Claude..." Lawrence exhaled a long breath, and the look on his face looked desolate.


Denis comforted Lawrence. Even if she hated Claude, she couldn't show it directly. After all, Claude was her uncle and her father's biological brother.

"I'm sorry father, I couldn't bring back the fountain of life, I'm sorry, father." Denise looked very depressed.

The Fountain of Life was the main target of her operation, but she didn't get any of the Fountain of Life, so there was no way to treat Lawrence's injuries.

"Okay, it's alright, Denise, it's ok, the fountain of life is not important." Lawrence patted Denise's hand and encouraged Denise without a look of concern on his face.

"As long as you're okay, as long as you're okay." Lawrence smiled.

Denise gently massaged Lawrence's shoulder, her heart extremely warm.

This is a father who cares about her and is afraid of her being hurt.

At this time, the housekeeper came in and said that there was an emergency and asked Denise to go out.

So, in the whole room, only Lawrence and Maureen were left.

"Wizard Richard, thank you for accompanying Denise to the underground world, it's really hard for you." Lawrence tilted his head, his hair was gray, neatly combed, and his eyes were deeply sunken. , but showed a slight light.

"Wizard Richard, you got the friendship of our Othelloba family, and we will give enough gifts to thank you for accompanying Denise to the underground world."

Lawrence smiled slightly.

Maureen looked at Lawrence, who couldn't move at all on the bed, and there was a hint of interest in his eyes.

"Lawrence, for the Fountain of Life, you are so willing to even give up Denise." Maureen said suddenly.

"Wizard Richard, what do you mean?"

Lawrence looked puzzled.

"You know, you know the truth of the so-called Fountain of Life." Maureen showed a strange smile and said, "Lawrence, from the very beginning, you knew that there was something wrong with Claude's words, and there were many lies, but , but you didn't reveal it."

"Claude can deceive Denise, but he can't deceive you."

"You are the patriarch of the Othelloba wizarding family, and you have access to a lot of top-secret information. Coincidentally, not long ago, I just finished reading all the materials in the Othelloba family's secret library."

Maureen tilted his head slightly.

"How is that possible? There are a lot of information in the secret library, and it is very messy. Moreover, the information about the Fountain of Life is only a small part of it, and it is written in secret secret language, even if you can read it. The secret treasury in our family, but, how could you find out so quickly, Richard, you…”

Lawrence was startled.

He just wanted to say something, but after seeing the half-smiling smile on Maureen's face, Lawrence swallowed what he wanted to say.

"Yes, Richard, you are right, I do know that there is something wrong with Claude's words." Lawrence closed his eyes slightly.

After a while, Lawrence's eyes opened again, and his eyes became sharper. At this moment, Lawrence showed a terrifying demeanor, as if he had changed from a patient to a family that once ruled a huge wizarding family. Head.

"This matter has no meaning, and it won't do you any good if you say it."

"Say Richard, what do you want, don't forget, I'm still alive now, and I'm still the patriarch of the Othelloba wizarding family."

"I can give you a lot, a lot, really a lot."

Lawrence looked straight at him, staring at Maureen.

But Maureen just smiled, as if he didn't feel Lawrence's stressful gaze at all.

Maureen lowered his body, slowly approached Lawrence, and looked at him quietly.

After a while, Maureen suddenly laughed and said, "Lawrence, you once said that if you can recover your injury, then no matter what you pay, you can do it."

"I didn't take your words to heart, but now it seems..."

"You're telling the truth."

Maureen smiled again, he stretched out his hand, patted Lawrence lightly on the shoulder, and walked out of the room.

The footsteps got farther and farther, and soon, Maureen walked out of the room and disappeared.

Lawrence tilted his head and looked at Maureen's disappearing body with a gloomy expression.

Suddenly, Lawrence realized something was wrong.

Someone was crying, and there were weak footsteps.

"Denise!" Lawrence looked out of the room and was stunned.

Outside the door of the room, Denise's face was full of tears, she staggered back, and was staring at him blankly.


Lawrence shouted.

damn it! Lawrence cursed in his heart. At this time, he understood everything.

It was Richard, it was that Richard, who knew the truth of everything, and then had the housekeeper call Denise out, hide outside the door, and listen to everything.

Denise shuddered when she heard Lawrence's voice.

She took a deep look at Lawrence, turned her head, and ran towards the outside without looking back. The figure soon disappeared.

Lawrence seemed to have been struck by a bolt of lightning.


Lawrence shouted towards the passage, but there was no response.

There was darkness in the passage, and no one was there.

Lawrence suddenly felt short of breath, and his heart seemed to be empty in an instant.

He was lying on the bed, as if his bones had been taken away, his body was weak, and the expression on his face was blank and blank.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Denise... I'm sorry."

Lawrence's eyes were tightly closed, his body was shaking constantly, and tears kept flowing down the corners of his eyes.

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