"Chip, check the surrounding air!" Maureen snapped his fingers gently.

The cold mechanical sound of the chip rang immediately.

"Ding! The mission is in progress!"


"The oxygen content in the air is 8% higher than the outside world, the hydrogen content is 2% higher than the outside world, and the carbon distribution is 3% lower than the outside world..."

"The concentration of wizard energy in the air of the ancient secret realm is higher than that of the outside world, and it is normally distributed, which can greatly optimize creatures, and creatures have a certain probability of evolutionary mutation!"

Soon, the chip came to a conclusion.

"The element distribution and energy layout of the air are different. It's no wonder that those ordinary animals have almost become another species." Mo Lin listened to the voice of the chip, and such an idea flashed in his heart.

He touched his nose involuntarily.

Maureen looked around, then ran towards the front.

The opening of the ancient secret realm is a very important thing, and it will last for a long time. Mo Lin knows that he will stay in the ancient secret realm for a long time.

Therefore, Maureen must have a clearer understanding of the surroundings.

What he does now is to look around, observe the animals and plants nearby, and see what their biological types and biological characteristics are like.

This may seem incomprehensible, but the reason is very simple. Maureen is a wizard. Although he is good at fighting and fighting, he still observes, analyzes and conducts experiments.

This is the habit and instinct of wizards.

Maureen stood in front of a plant, frowning slightly.

The plant in front of me was as tall as three or four, with dense vines and rhizomes growing. In the center of the plant, there was a huge brown mass. A crack opened on the mass, forming a big mouth. The opening and closing stopped, revealing the teeth as fine as jagged teeth inside.

The slender and smooth tongue kept sticking out from the big mouth, and saliva dripped from the corner of the mouth, corroding small holes on the ground.

A small puff of green smoke rose from the ground.

"This is a piranha, right?

In the outside world, this kind of plant knowledge is only harmful to ordinary people. Unexpectedly, in the ancient secret realm, the piranha has become a witchcraft plant with the strength of a second-class apprentice. Maureen muttered to himself, looking at the weird piranha flower in front of him.

The faint dark energy particles emanated from Mo Lin's palm, forming a translucent black light film, which bound the piranha firmly in place. Even if the piranha struggled desperately, it had no effect at all. .

"Chip, how's it going?" Maureen asked suddenly.

"Ding! Mission completed!"

"The data of the Piranha has been collected!"

The voice of the chip rang in Maureen's mind.

"That's good." Maureen nodded.

He looked at the piranha flower in front of him, and then his heart moved slightly.


The piranha suddenly burst open, the vines flew, the huge clumps shattered, and the black-brown juice spilled everywhere, and in a moment, the piranha was completely dead.

Maureen used witchcraft to collect some scattered materials as specimens, then he turned around and walked in the other direction.

For several days, Maureen kept exploring outside like this. He is very satisfied with this life.

On this day, when Maureen returned to the Wizarding Academy Alliance, he unexpectedly found someone waiting outside his residence.

"Joanna." Maureen was a little surprised.

"Wizard Richard."

Joanna saw Maureen, and then she came over.

"Wizard Richard, we Biye Qinghuan have also entered the ancient secret realm together. We have settled down according to the station assigned by the Wizarding College Alliance. If you don't dislike it, then go and see, how about it?" Joanna explained quickly. her intention.

She looked at Mo Lin with an expectant look in her eyes, looking cautious and nervous, and said: "You are our honorary professor of Biye Qinghuan, and you have a high reputation in Biye Qinghuan. Many wizard seeds who join Biye Qinghuan are very I adore you."

Maureen smiled.

It seems that his reputation as the youngest pharmacy team leader and a famous genius in the Wizarding College Alliance has spread.

"Well, it just so happens that I haven't been to Biye Qinghuan for a while," Mo Lin said.

Joanna was visibly relieved, she smiled, and the smile on her face was beautiful.

Mo Lin and Joanna briefly said a few words, knowing that Biye Qinghuan has been developing well recently, and has received a lot of wizard seeds, which is much better than the previous appearance that was about to collapse.

When it came to this, Joanna thanked Mo Lin, saying that all this was the reason for Mo Lin, Mo Lin simply smiled when he heard these words, noncommittal.

When Maureen asked Joanna about Senge's situation, Joanna's face froze.

"We've hired a lot of wizards, but the situation in charge is still getting worse and worse, and even... whether he can survive until the end of this year is a question." Joanna sighed, her face a little confused.

Soon, Maureen and Joanna arrived at Biye Qinghuan's station.

Bi Ye Qinghuan is a member of the Wizarding College Alliance. Although it is only a very small wizarding organization, according to the standards in the Wizarding College Alliance, it is still divided into a separate area as a resident.

"According to the previous quota, the number of people we can come in is limited, only a dozen people."

"Wizard Richard, everyone is waiting for you at the station."

Joanna said, she pushed open the gate of the station, and couldn't help being stunned.

In the station, two groups of people were constantly arguing.

The people in Biye Qinghuan looked excited, their faces flushed red, and they could do something at any time, while the other group of people stood lazily. They looked at the eyes of the people in Biye Qinghuan with disdain and contempt that could not be concealed. arrogant.

"What's the matter?" Joanna's face sank.

"It's like this, Joanna, these people, they are members of another wizard organization, they..." The wizards of Biye Qinghuan saw Joanna, their eyes lit up, and they ran over and explained to Joanna. .

Maureen listened by the side, and quickly gained a general understanding of the matter.

It's very simple, but a wizard organization slightly stronger than Biye Qinghuan saw that Biye Qinghuan was weak, so they arranged a blackmail event and wanted to make a good deal of Biye Qinghuan.

"How can you do this, listen, I will file a complaint with the league, and the league's people will investigate everything."

Joanna looked at the foreign wizards with an ugly face, and said, "Get out of here right now!"

"Let me go? Just because of you Biye Qinghuan? Joanna, you Biye Qinghuan used to be brilliant, but now, what are you Biye Qinghuan?"

A burly middle-aged man in a silk shirt laughed coldly and said, "Let's get out, Joanna, dare to say this, you really have the guts... ah!"

The middle-aged man was sneering and kept talking, but suddenly, he let out a scream.


Like a broken sack, the middle-aged man slammed heavily on the wall next to him, motionless and completely unconscious.

Maureen appeared where the middle-aged man had just stood, and was slowly withdrawing his feet.

The wizards next to him who came with the middle-aged man were stunned for a while, then shouted and rushed towards Mo Lin.

The results are of course obvious.

Those people said they were wizards, but they were just wizard apprentices. How could they be Maureen's opponents? Facing Maureen, they were nothing.

Mo Lin used a few zero-level witchcraft at random, and the wizard apprentices completely lost their defenses. They fell to the ground, their eyes were white, and they didn't know their life or death.

It happened so fast, whether it was Joanna or the other wizard apprentices of Biye Qinghuan, they were all stunned.

"These flies are very annoying, so let's solve it directly."

Maureen turned around and quietly looked at the stunned wizard apprentices, and said, "Oh, by the way, I'm Richard, the head of the pharmacy team in the Wizarding College Alliance, which is what you've always wanted to see. people."

The wizard apprentices looked at each other in dismay, and suddenly an unspeakable strange emotion arose in their hearts.

It was Joanna who saw the opportunity quickly, she quickly regained her calm and airy feeling, and introduced Mo Lin to the wizard apprentices with green leaves and green rings.

Maureen's attention was caught.

He frowned as he looked at the middle-aged man who had been knocked out by his kick earlier.

"Joanna!" Mo Lin suddenly stopped Joanna, who was constantly introducing, and said, "Set up an empty room for me."

Joanna was a little puzzled, but nodded and agreed.

Soon, the empty room was arranged. Joanna found that Mo Lin's expression was wrong, so many wizards from Biye Qinghuan who were very knowledgeable walked to the front court, far away from the room.

Maureen carried the middle-aged man into the room.

"Just now, I felt a strong dark energy particle aura on his body that was difficult to detect. What's going on..." Mo Lin thought about the abnormality he found on the middle-aged man just now, and his heart couldn't help moving.

He set up several magic circles to isolate everything.

Just when Maureen turned around and wanted to check, he found that something was wrong.

The middle-aged man suddenly sat up straight from the bed.

His body moved, looking very stiff, as if he was not used to his current body.


The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and twisted his body forcibly, followed by a crackling sound like frying beans.

"This body is really bad, but it's finally better now." The middle-aged man sighed.

His voice has changed, it has become old and sharp, and it is not the voice of the middle-aged man before.

A faint green light appeared in the middle-aged man's eyes.

"There's another little guy here." The middle-aged man turned his head and looked straight at Mo Lin, with a smile that was not a smile in his eyes.

Maureen stood on the spot without much movement.

He felt the rich bloody aura on the middle-aged man's body, as well as the deep, surging dark energy like a sea tide, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The person in front of him is a dark wizard, a very powerful dark wizard!

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