"This is the ancient secret realm."

Mo Lin thought so in his heart. He looked around at the wizards who were in charge of guarding, and found that their strength was not weak, and they had reached the level of official wizards, while the captains and the like were illusion wizards.

In the Parsis subcontinent, no matter which wizard organization, official wizards are relatively rare, and now, the team responsible for patrol here is actually composed of official wizards, which shows the importance of the Wizarding College Alliance to the ancient secret realm. .

In addition to the wizard in charge of the guard, Morin also discovered that there are other wizards who are constantly entering and leaving the secret realm.

The strength of those wizards is strong or weak, and they wear different clothes. They do not belong to a certain wizarding organization or wizarding faction. Obviously, they are wandering wizards.

"What, Richard, are you surprised that those wandering wizards are here?" Albert walked over to Maureen and asked with a smile.

Maureen nodded.

"The regional division of the ancient secret realm took a lot of effort from the Wizarding College Alliance. How can wandering wizards be allowed to go in and collect resources?" Mo Lin expressed his doubts.

"It's very simple, because the entire ancient secret realm has just been opened, and we are not familiar with everything inside, so we must explore the path, and the best pathfinders are these wandering wizards." Albert smiled and said: "Allow When they enter the ancient secret realm, we can figure out the distribution of resources in the shortest time, and we can also get the most detailed map."

"The alliance allows these wandering wizards to enter the ancient secret realm, because the alliance has put forward two requirements, one is the various resources collected by the wandering wizards, and the alliance has to divide half of them, and the other is that they explore new inside. Areas must be mapped and then dedicated to the Alliance."

"Of course, for these wandering wizards to pay so much, the alliance will also give some basic guarantees to every wandering wizard who enters the ancient secret realm. This is already the alliance's humanitarian consideration."

Albert said lightly, without the slightest fluctuation in his tone.

Maureen was different. At this time, he thought a lot.

The ancient secret realm comes from the distant ancient times. No one knows what kind of dangers there are in it. At this time, it is the best decision to let wandering wizards act as pathfinders, because it is very cost-effective.

Even if some wandering wizards find resources and want to collect them, how much can they collect without space items? In the end, those resources were just cheap for the Wizarding Academy Alliance.

The so-called guarantees are just some very common potions, the purpose is to allow the wandering wizards to live longer.

It would be bad if the wandering wizards died too quickly, and the area divided by the Wizarding College Alliance had not been explored.

"It's an interesting idea." Mo Lin twitched the corner of his mouth and laughed silently.

He has almost guessed the true intentions of the Wizarding College Alliance.

However, although the leaders of the Wizarding College Alliance have far-reaching thoughts and are very clear about everything, there are some people in the wizarding family who are different.

Like Donk.

According to Morin's own analysis and the conclusions drawn from the chip's observations, Morin found that Tangke was a gentle person, a good person in the true sense, and to a certain extent, in the wizarding world, he was a Uncompromising alternative and heretical.

"Wizard Richard, thank you very much, thank you for your guidance." With a smile on his face, Tangke bowed towards Mo Lin again and again.

"It's nothing, I just said a few words casually."

Maureen shook his head. After he spoke to Tangke again, he turned around and walked outside.

Tangke looked at the back of Mo Lin's gradual departure, with a sincere and simple smile on his face.

Since entering the ancient secret realm, he was amazed at everything, and he has been asking Mo Lin about the knowledge of all kinds of strange witchcraft plants in the ancient secret realm.

And Maureen looked relaxed and answered him one by one.

"Wizard Richard, Wizard Richard..."

"It's amazing that he is so young and has such high attainments in pharmacy."

"And, Wizard Richard, he's really, really good."

Tangke muttered to himself.

He thought of his father, mother and sister in the family, as well as the expectations of his mentor, and suddenly felt that his whole body was full of strength.

"I must become the same potion as Wizard Richard... No, Wizard Richard is too knowledgeable, he is the real master of pharmacy, I... I... As long as I can reach half of Wizard Richard. "

"Yes, I must become a pharmacist half the level of Wizard Richard!"

Tangke smiled, the expression on his face was firm and full of sunshine.

If it was before, Tangke would definitely not have such a firm idea, but now it is different, he knows that it is possible for him.

Everything came from what he had inadvertently obtained before.

Tangke slowly stretched out his hand, and a dark red shimmer radiated out, covering his palm, as if it was a dark red light film.

Not long ago, he accidentally got a dark red energy light group, and then he absorbed the light group into his body. Since then, Tangke has found that his strength has increased rapidly at a speed that he usually dare not even think about. Up to now , he is not far from the official wizard.

When Tangke became stronger, those dark red energies gradually spread in his body, and the flesh, bones, and various organs in his body were slowly dyed dark red.

Although Tangke was puzzled, he didn't take it to heart.

He has become stronger, and he has the hope of his father, mother, sister, and mentor, so that's good, isn't it?

"I will make it!"

"I will definitely succeed!"

Feeling the growing strength in his body, Tangke grinned and smiled happily.

Maureen walked out of the Wizarding Union residence and walked slowly outside alone.

The surrounding trees are very tall, more than ten meters high, and there are some powerful animals flashing in the woods from time to time. These animals are huge, with a fishy smell on their bodies, and their aura is very strong, compared with the same kind outside the secret. , are two completely different species.


A five- or six-meter-high black bear roared and charged towards Mo Lin.

The ground shook slightly, as if a black tank was rushing wildly.


Blood spilled.

A huge wound appeared on the black bear, and blood was continuously sprayed from the wound like a fountain. After shaking for a while, the black bear's body fell heavily to the ground, making a loud noise.

Maureen's hand shook slightly, and blood immediately dripped down the bright sword.

Just now, in order to test the strength and defense of the black bear, he chose to use the cross sword instead of witchcraft.

"This black bear can already be compared with the median knight among humans."

Maureen raised his brows as he looked at the various data analysis about the black bear given by the chip, as well as the final assessment of combat power.

Immediately, the corners of Mo Lin's mouth twitched, and he laughed, saying, "A black bear can become this powerful, tsk tsk, it really deserves to be an ancient secret realm."

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