Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 166 Requirements

The silver scroll floated in the air, wrapped in countless tiny silver flames, burning quietly, with an indescribable mysterious feeling.

Under the control of Mo Lin's mental power, the silver scroll slowly unfolded like a picture scroll.

There was a faint blue gleam in Maureen's eyes, and thoughts flickered in his mind.

Finally, the blue light in his eyes slowly dimmed.

Almost at the same time, the sound of the chip also rang.

"Ding! Mission completed!"

"The ancient spiritual power potion formula, the dark flower potion of the moon has been analyzed!"

"Will it be sent to the subject's memory area?"

"Yes." Maureen immediately affirmed.

Immediately, he felt a slight swelling in his mind, his head was heavy, and the whole person was groggy.

This is because there is too much information in the ancient spiritual power potion formula.

Maureen gently rubbed his eyebrows, allowing himself to recover slowly.

"Ancient medicine, it really is an ancient medicine." Mo Lin carefully read the information about the dark flower medicine of the moon in his mind, and couldn't help sighing.

The Dark Flower Potion of the Moon in his mind was more complicated than any formula he had seen before, even the two complete ancient potion formulas obtained from Gregory were far from inferior. After all, the dark flower potion of the moon is a potion of spiritual power.

When the chip was analyzing the recipe of the Dark Flower of the Moon, it also combined the database to optimize the recipe of the Dark Flower of the Moon. This was the order that Mo Lin gave the chip before.

"So it's like this..." Maureen muttered to himself.

Looking at the numerous materials on the ground, the corner of Maureen's mouth twitched.

Mo Lin sat down in the pharmacy room of his residence. He has a very different status in the entire Wizarding College Alliance. Therefore, the residence belonging to Mo Lin is very large, with complete layout and facilities. Naturally, it has comprehensive functions. pharmacy room.

Time passed quietly.

Maureen was secretly refining the potion, and at the same time, he was also working in the potion department.

The situation in some ancient secret realms also gradually spread.

"Wizard Richard, do you know that recently, our Wizarding College Alliance discovered a very broad area with a lot of rich resources." Wiska approached Moline and whispered.


Maureen slowly shook the test tube in his hand, and said lightly without raising his head.

"Yes, that's true." Viska nodded and said, "Even the witchcraft plant with the characteristics of a witchcraft animal we saw last time came from that area."

"It is said that it is the central area of ​​the ancient secret realm."

Viska thought about it and said so.

Central region?

The central area of ​​the Ancient Rift?

Hearing this, Maureen raised his eyebrows involuntarily.

"Indeed, this news is known to many people, and it is spreading everywhere." Viska shrugged.

Tang Ke was standing next to him. He saw Mo Lin's eyes falling on him, and nodded quickly, indicating that he also knew about it.

"It turns out that we're almost at the central area..." Mo Lin nodded with a thoughtful look on his face.

The pharmacist next to them talked excitedly. When it came to the central area, how many strange witchcraft materials they could get, and they could start to conduct research on some witchcraft creatures that had long been interested in them.

Those witchcraft materials and the flesh and blood of high-energy creatures are simply not available in the outside world, so these things are basically priceless and very precious.

"It turned out that Wright was in charge of that area,

Besides, he is very famous..."

"That's right, it has the strength of a liquefying wizard, and it is the genius of the wizard organization Shiratori. The halo on Wright's body is too much."

Maureen couldn't help being surprised when he listened to the conversations of the other pharmacists.

Immediately, he laughed. With Wright here, it would not be too simple for him to obtain all kinds of strange witchcraft materials.

When the young man in the delicate armor brought materials to Mo Lin again, Mo Lin stopped him.

"Tell Wright, I not only want the materials, but also attach these things." Mo Lin thought slightly, and a piece of paper flew out of his sleeve and landed on the young man's hand.

"What, these things..."

The young man just looked at the things on the paper, and his expression changed suddenly.

Because what was newly listed on that piece of paper was what Maureen added, some magic materials unique to the outside of the central area.

"Wright recently went to the center to develop, and he can get a lot of resources, so he must have all the things I listed." Mo Lin said lightly.


The young man in the fine armor wanted to say something else.

"Just tell Wright the materials I want."

"He will agree."

Mo Lin said a word again, took the box away, and left the dumbfounded young man outside the door.

Sure enough, Maureen guessed right. When the young man sent the materials next time, in addition to the materials he asked for for refining medicines, there were also precious witchcraft plant specimens and the flesh and blood of witchcraft creatures that belonged to the central area. .

The young man in the delicate armor had a very ugly expression. He didn't say a word, just stared straight at Maureen.

Several times in a row, among the materials sent by Wright, there are more and more witchcraft materials in the various central areas, and their value is also increasing.

Because again and again Maureen has added all kinds of central area witchcraft materials he wants.

Finally, this time, when Maureen returned to his residence, the person who appeared outside his residence was not the young man, but another person.


"Wright, I didn't expect you to come here." Maureen raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Wright stood quietly, he was wearing bronze armor, the armor was stained with blood, and there were large and small cracks. On his body, there was a strange smell mixed with blood and sweat.

Wright looked tired, but his eyes were clear, which showed the determination in his heart.

"Mo Lin, I am supplying the potion for you to refine the Moon's Dark Flower Potion, not for you to extort me!" As soon as he saw Mo Lin, Wright's face twitched, saying: "The central area Do you know how precious the witchcraft materials are! If you want some, I can give it to you, but look, how much do you want? Almost all my share is gone!"

"Listen, Maureen, if you..."

Wright took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

But he just opened his mouth, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Two tubes of medicine flew over, Wright was startled, and subconsciously grabbed the two tubes of medicine in his hand.

"This is……"

Wright looked at the medicine test tube, there was a faint blue light, like a blue star sea of ​​medicine, a little dazed.

"This is the finished potion of Moon's Dark Flower Potion." Mo Lin's voice came over in a faint voice, and said, "Wright, I have already refined it."

Wright was silent.

He probed his perception into the test tube, and sure enough, he felt at ease, which was the same as describing the induction effect of the Dark Flower Potion of the Middle Moon.

"Wright, I still ask you to provide all kinds of witchcraft materials in the central area, how about you, okay?" Maureen walked over slowly, he looked at Wright with a half-smiley expression on his face.

Wright's face changed.

However, he looked at the Dark Flower Potion of the Moon in his hand and was silent again.

Turning around, Wright strode into the distance.

"I'll have someone deliver it on time." Wright's voice came over.

"By the way, Wright, I heard that there is a lot of esoteric knowledge of witchcraft in Shiratori. I want to borrow your authority to learn it. How about it, no problem?"

Maureen looked at Wright's back and suddenly said this.

Wright's body trembled and froze involuntarily.

He didn't say anything, just breathed heavily, the blue veins burst out on the back of his hand, and he clenched the bronze broad sword around his waist.

Then, Wright strode away again.

Looking at Wright's back, the corner of Maureen's mouth twitched slightly.

"Wright, Wright, Wright, do you think you can become a solid wizard?" Maureen said in a low voice, he laughed, and said, "How is that possible..."

"It's almost over, it's time to end..."

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