Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 168 Blue Dream Flower

Something big has happened!

Wright was attacked by a high-energy creature, was seriously injured, and fell into a deep sleep, not knowing his life or death.

In an instant, the news spread.

The wizards were amazed and kept talking.

You must know that Wright is not only the genius of the wizard organization White Bird, but also has the strength of liquefying wizards, holds the power, leads the many fighting wizards of the Wizarding Academy Alliance, maintains the order of the secret realm in the ancient secret realm, and cooperates with many high-energy wizards. Biological killing can be said to be famous.

But now, such a dazzling figure has been seriously injured?

Dying from a serious injury?

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the wizard organization Shiratori will definitely not give up. If nothing else, Wright's mentor Jonker will definitely investigate.

It is said that if the fighting wizards led by Wright didn't take action and tried their best to get Wright back, Wright would not only be injured, he could not even return to the residence of the Witch Academy Alliance, and was directly killed by the three lions. The high-energy creature with the head was swallowed in one bite.

Although Wright was sent back to the headquarters of the Wizarding College Alliance, all the fighting wizards under him were almost wiped out.

"Wright, Wright..."

Maureen shook his head, the expression on his face was very indifferent.

Although Wright did not die immediately, his current state is not much better. As far as Maureen heard from Albert, he knew that Wright had only one breath left. In order to save Wright, the whole white bird had been killed. Got devastated.

Maureen didn't think about it anymore.

He sensed his state at this time, and his heart couldn't help but move.

"Chip, call up my current state!"

"Ding! The mission is in progress!"


"Subject scanning!"

"Ding, the scan is over, the main body status is as follows!"

"Mauren Olsen, illusion wizard, strength: 18.4, speed: 18.6, constitution: 18.6, spirit: 23.8, mana: 23.8!"

The cold mechanical voice of the chip then rang out in Mo Lin's mind.

Mo Lin's heart moved, and a smile appeared on his face.

Compared with before, his data has been greatly improved.

There are many reasons for this improvement. It is not only because of Morin's constant ascetic cultivation, but also because of Morin's continuous use of Moon's Dark Flower Spiritual Power Potion to improve himself through the Spiritual Power Potion.

"What I'm taking is the best quality, flawless Moon Dark Flower Potion, which is completely different from the defective Moon Dark Flower Potion that Wright took."

"Furthermore, the proportion of the finished medicines I occupy is 80%, so I can take a lot of the Dark Flower medicine of Chengpingyue."

Mo Lin touched his chin, thinking about the Dark Flower of the Moon Potion he had taken, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

If he told other wizards how many Moon Dark Flower Potion he had taken, those wizards would be scared to death.

After all, the Moon's Dark Flower Potion is a miracle drug in terms of spiritual power. The price is very high, but it is taken by Mo Lin at will. If it is converted into a magic stone, it is estimated to be a dizzying number.

However, even after taking a lot of Moon's Dark Flower Potion, Maureen still did not break through to become a Liquefied Wizard.

He has always had a thin membrane from breaking through the liquefaction wizard. Although the membrane is very thin, it is like a piece of paper, but without breaking through this membrane, Mo Lin cannot truly become a liquefaction wizard.

Maureen was a little anxious at first, but later, he was no longer in a hurry.


He could feel the subtle changes in himself.

"Although I haven't been promoted for the time being, I can feel that the dark flower potions of the moon that I have taken have been secretly hidden, waiting for great changes in the future."

"After I break through to become a liquefaction wizard, I am afraid that my strength will usher in a volcanic eruption period, which will be a huge blowout!"

Maureen smiled.

All he needs to do now is to break through the barriers and obstacles between illusion wizards and liquefaction wizards, and promote himself to become a real liquefaction wizard.

"Chip, is there anything that can help me accelerate to become a Liquefaction Wizard?" Mo Lin seemed to think of something, and his heart moved.

"Ding! The mission has been established!"

"To complete the task, you need to detect the database file!"

"Database file detection..."

The voice of the chip then rang in Mo Lin's mind.

Soon, the chip gave the result.

There was a faint blue gleam in Mo Lin's eyes, and the faint blue data streams flickered endlessly, making him look a little weird.

"Blue Dream Flower." Maureen whispered to himself.

"Ding! Blue Dream Flower, a witchcraft plant, can help the main body to accelerate the absorption of the dark flower potion of the moon, and make the dark flower potion of the moon produce an ink-silver reaction, which is of great help for the main body to break through to become a liquefaction wizard."

"According to the main database, it can be seen that Blue Dream Flower is in the Shuiyue Ice Lake 574 kilometers southwest of the headquarters of the Wizarding Academy Alliance!"

A series of sounds came from the chip.

Maureen nodded, but there was not much surprise on his face.

Before, he had scanned the relevant map into the memory area, so the chip could be called directly based on his data and made relevant route planning.

"Blue dream flower, I remember, this is a very common witchcraft plant, it has no major role in witchcraft experiments and witchcraft analysis, just a small number, it is a magical magical object It's just..."

"I didn't expect that this witchcraft plant would actually be able to help me advance. It's an accident."

"Then, I'll go to the Shuiyue Ice Lake once."

"After all, it's always good to become a liquid wizard sooner."

Maureen thought about it, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

The next day, Maureen went to the pharmacy department and came to Albert's office.

"What, Richard, do you want to leave the pharmacy department and go to Shuiyue Ice Lake?" Albert was stunned for a while, looking a little puzzled.

Maureen nodded and said, "I have some things to deal with."

"Hey, Richard, you..."

Albert just wanted to refuse, but he couldn't help sighing when he looked at Maureen standing quietly in front of him with a flat face.

If it was other wizards or pharmacists, he would have scolded people without even thinking about it.

Don't see when this is? When everything is so busy, you still want to go out without anything urgent?

But there was no way, who let Richard appear in front of him.

"Richard, you." Albert looked at Mo Lin with a helpless look on his face, he agreed to Mo Lin's request.

"Be careful, Richard, there are many dangers outside."

Albert told Maureen.

Maureen smiled, whispered a few words with Albert, and communicated simply.

He simply packed up and prepared for the Shuiyue Ice Lake in front of him.

The wizards were a little surprised by Morin's departure, but they were relieved quickly. They held a dinner and invited Morin to show their respect.

In the early morning, when Maureen mounted his war horse and was about to leave, someone suddenly stopped him.

"Ri... Wizard Richard!"

The figure rushed over quickly.

Soon, the figure stopped, raised his head, and a familiar face appeared under the figure.

That was none other than Tangke.

Sweat dripped from Tangke's forehead, and he was gasping for breath.

However, when he saw Maureen, Tangke laughed, and the smile on his face was bright and full of sunshine.

"Wizard Richard, are you going to Shuiyue Ice Lake? That's a coincidence. I happen to be going to Shuiyue Ice Lake too."


"Can I go with you?"

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