Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 22 Evil Elephant

No one expected such a thing to happen suddenly.

This time, there were only 11 groups of black armored knights, which was not enough for a hundred people.

The atmosphere was tense, and the two groups of people held each other without moving.

"There are only eleven groups of knights to distribute food, so..." Anna thought for a while, and said lightly.

"Anna, of course, according to the old rules, it will be divided equally." Rheas smiled.

The atmosphere seemed to relax.

"Okay, Anna, don't be nervous, let's think about how to distribute it." Reyas spread his hands, indicating that he had no malicious intentions.

However, just when Anna relaxed a little, he suddenly let out a loud shout.


The black-robed seeds behind Leias suddenly moved and rushed towards Anna and the others. Many of the black-robed seeds even took out crossbows and fired them at Mo Lin.

The change was too fast and too sudden. Unprepared, Mo Lin and his group of black-robed seeds were in chaos. Many wizard seeds were injured and fell to the ground.

"Anna, you stinky bitch, I have long been dissatisfied with distributing food with you old white-robed rubbish. Now, taking this opportunity, I will naturally take care of you!" Reyasi smiled wickedly.


Rayas suddenly shouted.

On his finger, a ruby ​​ring shimmered, and with a bang, a sea of ​​fire rushed out of his black gem ring and rushed forward.

Ana's face was ugly, she raised her wrist and said, "Usta!"

Her bracelet gave off a green light, but it gave people an icy coldness. Where the green light passed, there were pits and pits, all of which were corroded. The next moment, the sea of ​​​​fire collided with the green light.

Other wizard seeds have also come to grips with each other. In this environment, if you want to get limited food, you can only kill each other.

"Hu~~" Mo Lin took a deep breath, dodged the cross sword that was stabbing, and at the same time flashed his body and slammed into a wizard seed by his side, before the wizard seed stood up. Steady, Maureen came out with a sword from his neck.

"Richard, be careful!"

Suddenly, Mo Lin saw the front and couldn't help but let out a loud shout.

He didn't even think about it, with a wave of his hand, the cross sword turned into a silver light and flew out, nailing the seed of a wizard who wanted to sneak attack on Richard to the wall.

"Warning! Warning! The 30-degree direction of the main body has a major..."

The sound of the chip rang out.

"Damn it!" Mo Lin couldn't help but scolded in his heart. On one side of his body, he dodged a sneak attack planted by a wizard. At the same time, he grabbed a cross sword on the ground, and he would attack him with his backhand. Witcher Seed Kills.

The scene became more and more chaotic, and Maureen was almost injured several times, but fortunately, he finally reunited with Richard Aaron and the others.

"Mo Lin, what should we do?" Lucy looked at Mo Lin with a worried expression.

Maureen didn't speak, and looked around.

In addition to the people brought by Anna and Rheas at the beginning, those originally weak wizard seeds also took this opportunity to join the battlefield immediately, running to stand in front of the black armored knight, waiting for the opportunity to get food.

Many people are fighting, the original white-robed wizard seeds, the original black-robed wizard seeds, the many weak wizard seeds that have been abandoned, and even among the two groups of people, people who already have hatred, also take this opportunity to kill each other. up.

The current scene has become a mess.

"Let's go! Let's step back!" Mo Lin quickly made a decision. There are really too many crises in this situation. Anyone can rush to attack anytime, anywhere.

If you continue to stay here, if you are not careful, you will be injured or even die.

Anyway, they have more or less food, and they can always last for a few days, so there is no need to take such a risk.

Richard and the others listened to Maureen's answer, entered the cabin, and slowly returned to their room.

Hearing the screams and wailing outside, as well as the sound of their bodies falling heavily on the ground, Richard and the others were completely uneasy.

Mo Lin touched the thorn blood seal on his chest, and felt a sense of peace in his heart.

The Blood Seal of Thorns, this is his trump card, and it must not be exposed until the most critical moment.

After a long time, the voices outside finally gradually stopped.

Richard used to be curious about the scene outside, and secretly went out with Aaron to have a look. When they came back, Aaron's face was very ugly, slightly pale. As for Richard, he vomited directly. .

"Okay, it's okay." Maureen comforted Richard and Aaron, then closed his eyes slightly.

He didn't know what exactly happened, but that night, the smell of blood was extraordinarily strong.

Because of the changes in the black armored knights, the amount of food distributed has decreased. All, all the original powerful wizard seeds, the behavior of monopolizing all food has naturally disappeared. After all, the share of food will change. A strong group of people join forces and once again evict others to monopolize food, so will some more people be expelled next time when there is less food?

After all, with the constantly changing food share, no one knows whether they will be evicted tomorrow, so naturally no one wants to continue.

The two groups naturally dispersed, and only Anna and Rheas managed to gather a few followers, but the number was also very limited.

"Everything has become the way it was at the beginning. It's a mess. You can only rely on a team of several people to snatch food."

As expected of a bloodthirsty black robe.

"Mauren, I heard that Anna and Rheas were both injured in the last battle. Anna was seriously injured, and even the magic item was almost taken away." Aaron leaned against On the wall, speaking softly, when he talked about the magic item, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"Magic item?"

Lucy and Alice exclaimed, a look of envy flashing in their eyes.

Maureen smiled, as if he had thought of something, he asked, "By the way, where's Richard?"

"He was outside, he said he wanted to..." Lucy said, with a worried look in her eyes.

Maureen frowned and said, "I'll go out and have a look."

He opened the door, walked in the cabin, and started searching non-stop.

Finally, after turning a corner, Maureen saw Richard, who was clasping his arms and moaning constantly, and blood kept flowing out.

"Richard, what's the matter with you?" Maureen walked over, took out a little wound medicine that he had with him, and handed it to Richard.

"Ah... Maureen, don't mention it, it's this... this black robe, when I just walked here, he suddenly rushed out, desperately trying to kill me." Richard kicked the ground. of a corpse, smiled reluctantly.

Maureen frowned slightly, helped Richard briefly deal with the wound, and helped Richard up.

"Richard, why did he attack you so desperately?" Maureen asked softly.

Richard was silent.

"I found several mutilated corpses in his room." Richard whispered to himself, looking inexplicable, "I think if he kills me, he wants to eat me and use me as food. Bar."

Mo Lin's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "It's good that you know, so we should all come out alone in the future."

Richard didn't speak. He looked at the corpse on the ground, as if thinking of something, and sighed softly.

"Let's go," Maureen said in a low voice.

Richard followed behind Morin and slowly walked forward.

Not long after they left, suddenly, they heard a strange sound.

As if something was chewing.

"It's this room." Maureen and Richard walked slowly to the door of a room, then stood still.

Maureen looked at Richard, then Richard nodded and slowly drew out the cross sword.


The wooden block splashed, and the door was slashed by a sword.

Richard dodged and avoided, while Morin held the cross sword tightly in his hand, ready to deal with a sudden attack, but what they saw in the room completely shocked them.

A girl with disheveled hair and torn clothes was holding the arm of a young corpse on the ground, biting it non-stop. In the girl's slightly open mouth, there was still hard, cold meat.

"" The girl was completely stunned.

Then she hugged her legs, started crying, and said, "Don't... don't hit brother Kevin... don't hit him... don't take away our food... don't... don't..."

"Niss... Niss is good...good... Niss will take off her clothes...Niss will move by herself...lift her ass...Okay...Niss lifts her ass... "

The girl Niss was crying, slowly crawling to the wooden bed, subconsciously posing an ambiguous posture.

Maureen and Richard stood outside the door, their faces gloomy.

No matter how stupid they are, they understand that something has happened here.

"She's crazy."

Maureen looked at the empty and dull eyes of the girl Niss and said softly.

He glanced around, and found that there were tooth marks on the tables, chairs and even the bed around him.

Obviously, Niss was very hungry, but she didn't dare to go out and could only stay in the room. Later, she finally began to eat the corpse of her former lover.

If what those people did to her back then brought her to the brink of collapse, then she would really go crazy when she started eating her lover's corpse.

What remains here now is not actually a human being, but an animal with only a feeding instinct.

Richard didn't speak, just pursed his lips tightly and clenched his fists, showing how restless he was in his heart.

"Okay, let's go." Maureen patted Richard's shoulder.

"Help her."

Richard suddenly sighed.

He stepped forward and killed Niss with a sword. After thinking for a while, Richard put the corpse on the ground and Niss's body on the same bed, and let them embrace each other to sleep. Then he turned around and met Mo. Lin left together.

Richard returned to the room with an ugly face, but no matter how others asked, he didn't speak.

Maureen had some idea of ​​what the ship looked like now. Strong and confident people came out to snatch food. After all, fragrant food was much more delicious than corpses, while people who were a little weaker would kill people and then use The corpse is used as food so that he will not starve to death. As for the weakest, he can only accept the most cruel arrangements, such as Niss.

There are also women who use their bodies in exchange for food, but no one can guarantee what the outcome will be. Maybe not only will they not get food, but they will also become food for exchange.

However, among the most powerful group of people, some took in some young and beautiful female wizard seeds, and gave them a small part of their food.

Richard and Aaron were a little puzzled, but Maureen just smiled slightly.

"There are beautiful women who can vent, and when there is no food, they can also be used as food, isn't it good?" Someone laughed and said, "As for raising them, it's just like feeding a dog. Just give a little food, but don’t pay much, so it’s a good deal, isn’t it?”

This kind of thing spread very quickly, especially Mo Lin and the others are not bad, so naturally they will soon be able to know the reason.

Maureen knew why, but Richard was silent, but Aaron just smiled and said nothing.

Aaron really changed a lot after killing Kyrie.

Maureen thought silently in his heart.

"Okay, today, we must go out and get food on the deck." In the room, Maureen glanced at Richard and the others, and said, "We don't have much food anymore, and we can only last for two days at most. When it comes to food, then…”

Maureen didn't finish speaking, but the meaning behind the words was clear.

"Okay, let's go, let's go." Lucy and Alice nodded quickly. The news they had learned in the past few days scared them and made them panic all day. They didn't even dare to eat more food, just because they were afraid of Maureen I would also like to treat them as rumored.

Maureen nodded and said nothing.

Then they went out, looked around alertly, and slowly came to the deck.

There were fifteen groups of black armored knights on the deck, a lot more than a few days ago, but Mo Lin and the others looked solemn and looked at the black robe seeds standing in twos and threes all around.

After going through the fights again and again, the black robe seeds who dared to come to the deck to snatch food are not easy to mess with.


The sound of the bronze bell rang suddenly.

Just when Mo Lin wanted to rush up like before, suddenly, a wizard seed next to him let out an exclamation.

"This... what is this?" The seed's voice trembled slightly.

Mo Lin was stunned, turned his head quickly, and saw above the sea surface, there were two-person tall, blue-skinned monsters with fins and strong muscles, stepping on the waves, surging towards him. The giant ship rushed over.

In midair, there was a middle-aged man in a tuxedo, like a nobleman, surrounded by circles of fire energy particles, forming a dark red circle that kept appearing around him.

The loud shouts of the middle-aged man reverberated all around.

"Evans, get out of here!"

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