The holy city is very big, and it looks particularly majestic from a close distance. When Maureen and the others walked into the holy city, they saw an almost magnificent scenery. A knight came over, the Candace family and Pamlando. The knights of the family, they came to meet Oren and Clea.

The Scovilles had no knights.

"Let's go." Oren returned to his cold and arrogant look, he glanced at Fei Lin and Willis, and said lightly.

Claire didn't speak, only a slight smile appeared on her face.

She looks pure, clean, clear, like a clean girl, so beautiful, like a crystal, and like a cluster of slowly blooming flowers.

There was an indescribable aura from her body, like a poppy, which made people tempted and frantic.

Oren looked at Clea from the side, the corners of his mouth twitched, a smile appeared on his face, determined but with a happy arc.

"Huh?" Mo Lin turned his head and looked at the poppy-like girl over there, his eyes narrowed subconsciously.

For some reason, Maureen felt an indescribable strange taste in Clea.

"Mr. Maureen, let's go, to our Scoville family." Phileen whispered beside him.

Maureen smiled and nodded.

The Scoville family is a large knight family in the holy city. It has a huge knight manor. Ferrin and Willis brought Mo Lin to the Scoville family's knight manor, which was verified by the guardian knights. After that, they entered the knight's manor.

The head of the Scoville family is Aldrich, a middle-aged man with a well-trimmed mustache. He has beautiful blond curly hair, a tall body, a gentle temperament, and a noble aristocratic smell all over his body. , but the aura revealed by him is very strong.

"Peak Blue Knight, very close to the Moon Knight." A faint blue light flashed in front of Mo Lin's eyes, which was the chip scanning Aldrich.

Looking at the data in front of him, Maureen silently made an evaluation of Aldridge's strength.

Fei Lin walked into the hall and went to see Aldridge alone. She came out not long after that. It was not apparent that Fei Lin had changed on the surface, but her slightly pale complexion and slightly trembling body showed that. Out of her true feelings.

"All right,

Mr. Maureen, let's go. ” Fei Lin raised her head, a stiff smile appeared on her face.

Maureen followed Fei Lin towards the Scoville family's guest room. When they were walking on the road, they met some people from the Scoville family. Those people saw Fei Lin, and their eyes showed contempt. sneered.

"Miss Feline, didn't she leave the Holy City, why did she come back?"

"Miss? Che, what kind of lady is Fei Lin? She's just a prostitute, and she deserves the title of Miss?"

"Yes, just a prostitute..."

Everyone laughed loudly, and made no secret of their contempt and sarcasm. At the beginning, it was just some Scoville family teenagers and girls wearing luxurious clothes. Later, with their lead, the servants began to laugh along with them. .

Looking at the scene in front of him, Maureen raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.

"Mr. Morin, it's okay." Fei Lin's face was a little ugly, she turned her head and smiled at Mo Lin, and then she wanted to continue with Mo Lin.

At this moment, a young girl in a gorgeous robe with bright red lips stood in front of Fei Lin.

"Fei Lin, you've been out for so long, and you're finally willing to come back." The girl covered her lips with her hands and smiled.

"Hello, Lina."

Fei Lin looked at the girl in front of her, her expression stiffened, and after taking a deep breath, Fei Lin began to take the initiative to say hello to her.

"Oh, well, of course I'm fine." Lina looked at Fei Lin, her eyes kept rolling, and said, "It's just, Fei Lin, after you started to say hello to me, I became bad."

"There's no way, who told your mother to be a maid, right? If it wasn't for your father who accidentally vented his desire on your mother after being drunk, how could there be you, right?"

"Handmaid, hehe, lowly handmaid, Fei Lin, did you know that your mother is a lowly handmaid!"

While talking, Lina kept laughing. She laughed happily, as if she was watching an interesting circus, and Feline was the clown she made fun of at will.

"Lina, you're blocking my way, please get out of the way."

When Fei Lin said this, her voice didn't change much, but she spoke very slowly, just like a cassette tape, saying word by word.

"Yo, let me get out of the way, Fei Lin, what do you want to do, is it because you are in a hurry to steal \\/\\/ love from others?" Lina laughed and said, "Do you also Do you want to be like your mother, being shameless and hanging out with someone?"

"Haha, it's really interesting, really interesting."

"Well, let me think, what's that man's name, Hill? Yes, it's Hill. He was a gardener back then, but unfortunately, he was killed by a knight sent by his father, haha."

Lina kept teasing and insulting Fei Lin with her words. She was very reckless, but also very presumptuous. From the beginning to the end, Fei Lin was just enduring it.

Finally, when Lina finished speaking, she hummed and left with a look of satisfaction and pride.

Fei Lin didn't say a word, she was silent, bowed her head, and walked towards the guest room area with Maureen.

After bringing Maureen to the guest room, Fei Lin suddenly raised her head and said, "Mr. Maureen, you may not know about the Scoville family, but my mother didn't, she just had a relationship with that Hill, and she didn't know about it. She didn't do anything wrong to her father, really, she didn't."

"Really do not have."

"I know."

Maureen was slightly startled, then he laughed and nodded.

Fei Lin left, and Mo Lin entered the room. After he checked the surrounding area, he confirmed that there was no problem. Then Mo Lin arranged some magic circles to ensure that the surrounding area was safe and correct, and began to meditate on a daily basis.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door of the room.

Maureen opened the door of the room and saw that it was Willis who appeared outside the door.

"Mr. Maureen, Mr. Maureen, this is the information given to you by Miss Fei Lin. It is about the information and distribution map of the dark beast species in the Sanctuary, as well as the comprehensive analysis and cracking of them over the years. , and there are ways to deal with it." Willis said in a low voice, "This is part of the transaction between Miss Ferrin and you."

"Have a heart."

Maureen stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, and grabbed the information in his hand.

Mo Lin briefly flipped through it, and then nodded with satisfaction. Yes, these materials are all very good, and they are what he needs to know now.

"Mr. Maureen!" Willis stopped Maureen, he suddenly bowed to Maureen, and said, "Miss Feline is not easy, this time you can come to help Miss Feline in the trial, really Thank you."

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