Things seem calm.

No waves, not even a hint of other ups and downs and something else.

Maureen and those wizards and warlocks are the leaders and elders who are blocked by various wizards. Their status is noble and their status is extraordinary. They are not comparable to ordinary wizards and warlocks. The warlocks have already carried out a communication before, so, When Mo Lin and the others entered, Un'Goro, the old city lord of Black Purple City, was already waiting for them at the main seat.

Yes, Un'Goro's fifth-level spirit ring is good, but in the face of other leaders, his surface posture still needs to be done.

"Welcome to you." Un'Goro looked very old. There were layers of wrinkles around the corners of his eyes, and his silver-white hair was neatly combed, but there was not much vitality in it. It was only his eyes that were warm and bright. When he looked at the whole person, he was very deep.

"Respected Un'Goro Ring."

The wizards and warlocks, those in charge and elders bowed slightly to Un'Goro, and so did Mo Lin.

"You don't have to be so polite. After all, many of us are old friends, but this is..." Angelo leaned on the high-back chair. He raised his hand slightly and chuckled lightly, but soon, Un'Goro set his eyes on Maureen, he frowned, a little puzzled.

"Maureen, I'm Maureen."

"Maureen Olsen, the master of the Hand of Gintama."

Maureen smiled, and walked towards Un'Goro with the etiquette between wizards, and then he said so.

"Gintama Hand..." Un'Goro's face showed a hint of stunned expression, and he quickly reacted, saying: "The matter of the Gintama Hand is spreading a lot, and I also feel sorry for the new owner of the Gintama Hand. I'm curious, but I didn't expect it to be you, Maureen."

After a brief conversation, Maureen and the wizards and warlocks sat down at their one-person dining table.

There are some exquisite desserts on the dining table. The taste is very delicious. At the same time, it is of great help to the wizard energy of the fourth-level true meaning in the active body. Mo Lin is very impressed. Although this thing looks very simple, but The price is very low.

In addition, Mo Lin also noticed that Un'Goro was very old, and there were two people in charge of entertaining them. One was a tall and thin old man with a clean white beard, and the other It is a stout body with dark blond hair,

Very frantic, like a middle-aged man like a lion.

As if seeing Maureen's doubts, Un'Goro took the initiative to introduce him on the high-back chair. He stretched out his hand, pointed at the old man, and said, "He is my old housekeeper Byron, who followed us both. It's been more than a hundred years, and the other one is my child, Sheloff."


Maureen nodded slightly towards Byron and Sheloff.

"Welcome to our Black Purple City." Byron stood beside Un'Goro, just smiled, but didn't speak, but Serov, who was next to him, bowed slightly towards Mo Lin and said so.

Maureen had a simple exchange with them.

Shelov, the fourth-level true meaning warlock, the bloodline of the night bat.

Byron, the old housekeeper, a third-level peak warlock, can become a fourth-level true meaning with just one foot.


At this moment, Mayne walked in from outside, with a bright smile on his face, very sunny.

"Mayne, my child, you are here, come and sit down, go down." Un'Goro's eyes lit up slightly, as if filled with an extra vigor in an instant, he beckoned Mayne to sit down, Appeared eagerly, and at the same time introduced Mayne to the other wizards and sorcerers in charge.

Shelov didn't seem to have any reaction, just simply watching this scene.

Maureen looked ahead, then withdrew his gaze.

He thought of some information about the interior of Black Purple City from the information collected after Gintama.

The descendants of the Night Bat Bloodline are difficult. Old Un'Goro has only two sons. His eldest son is very outstanding, but later died in an accident, leaving Mayne, and his youngest son, Sheloff. .

Un'Goro is very old now, and the future owner of Black Purple City is determined between Mayne and Sheloff.

Maine is a junior. According to common sense, he can't compete with Sheloff. After all, his strength is not enough, but for some reason, Un'Goro prefers Maine very much. Moreover, the bloodline power in Maine is very pure, far away. far more than Sheloff.

In this way, things that were originally determined become blurred.

Who is the future owner of Black Purple City?

Who doesn't know.

No one is sure.

The surrounding wizards in charge obviously know the relevant situation. After all, this is not a big secret. Therefore, although the current situation seems to be very harmonious, they have become very careful. The atmosphere also became a little weird at this time.

"Respected Un'Goro Spirit Ring." The old wizard who was talking to Maureen outside the door stood up, he bowed slightly towards Un'Goro, and said, "This time, we want to come during the blood moon. Make careful observations and more specific perception of the dark power, what we have paid for this, we have brought over, please check it out."

The old wizard said, very respectful to Un'Goro.

"Pal is in charge, this time the situation is different. According to the information we control, the power of the blood moon this time will be extraordinarily ferocious and powerful, and the source of darkness will be very obvious. You will definitely gain something, so This time, the price you have to pay can't be the same as before, it has to be a little more..." Mayne frowned slightly and wanted to say something.

"Okay Mayne."

Un'Goro waved his hand slightly and stopped Mayne's words. He looked at the old wizard Pal, who had become nervous, and said, "The price you pay is still the same as before, and there will be no change, but May En is right, this time, the power of the blood moon is indeed more ferocious, so if you want to understand, you have to be more careful."

"Also, during the blood moon, some sparse dark night bat bloodline people can't control themselves, maybe they will attack you, you must pay attention."

As Un'Goro said, he shook his head slightly and said, "Although you have paid the price, we do not guarantee safety."


After the change, the old wizard Pal and the other wizards in charge were already frightened. They didn't say anything at all, and they didn't have anything to say, they just kept nodding their heads.

This matter ended here, and just when everyone else thought it was almost over, a tiny bat flapped its wings and flew up.

The bat turned into a fall to the ground, turned into a young man, he approached Un'Goro and whispered something.

"I really didn't expect that since there are guests again." Angelo frowned slightly, but soon, Angelo's brows loosened, he laughed, looked at the people below, and said: " There is a distinguished guest here, everyone, let's welcome it together."

Another guest came?

And also a distinguished guest?

The wizards were stunned for a moment, and Mo Lin was also curious at this time.

Soon, a man walked in. He was tall, about twenty-five or six years old. He was wearing rough armor and holding a large cross sword in his hand. His steps were steady, his eyes were calm, and his temperament was very prominent and distinct. It's like the king who is leading everything.

When he saw the young man, Mo Lin couldn't help being stunned.

"Jace?" Maureen was really surprised.

The man in front of him is none other than the new king Jace of the Holy Thorn Flower Principality.

When Maureen came to the wizarding world and left the hand of Gintama for the first time, he went to the Holy Thorn Flower Principality. He experienced many, many things in the Holy Thorn Flower Principality. Where did he get the lost treasure of the Saint Laurent Empire? City, also got the blood of the ancient phoenix, and the mark of the ancestor of the wizard.

Apart from him, the entire Holy Thorn Flower Principality was in turmoil. It belonged to the Saint Laurent Empire. The second prince, who had a lot of praise, was killed, while the eldest prince, Jess, who had been forbearing and looked ordinary before, was on the board. He took the throne and became the new king of the Holy Thorn Flower Empire.

Although the old king had insight into everything, Jace had arranged it well, very well.

After becoming the new king, Jess has been busy stabilizing the situation in the duchy, taking over power, and adjusting the relationship between all parties. The news that Morin got from Diana in the hands of Gintama is that the duchy of Holy Thorns has recently begun to carry out Expansion, and because Jess, the new king, is well-organized and deep in planning, the Holy Thorn Flower Principality finally kept making moves, winning every step of the way, and there was a faint trend of becoming a powerful country in the northern part of the Wizarding Continent.

Jace shouldn't be here.

"Is it you, Maureen?"

Jace was impressed by Maureen. When he saw Maureen, he recognized Maureen at once.

After nodding towards Maureen, Jess turned around and looked at Un'Goro in front of him. He bowed slightly and saluted Un'Goro.

"Jess, esteemed king, why did you come to our Black Purple City?" Un'Goro didn't speak, but Serov, who was tall and stout like a lion next to him, asked.

"I'm here for something."

Jess took a deep breath. He raised his eyes and looked straight ahead at An'goro, who was sitting on a high-back chair, shrouded in shadows and his body was particularly blurred, and said, "Dear Ango. Luo Linghuan, when the army of the Holy Thorn Flower Principality was in the northern expedition against the Beiyu Rong people, it was smooth sailing at the beginning, but after that, we encountered problems."

"Those Beiyu Rongmen seem to be crazy, their strength has increased rapidly, and the guards of the principality are not opponents at all. It is really difficult for us to deal with Beiyu Rongmen. They have no chance of being injured, and they are very difficult to deal with. Hard to kill."

"Now, those Beiyu Rong people have spread out. They rushed out of the original gathering place and attacked the nearby principalities and the wizarding organization Warlock Heritage. Many principalities and organizations have been affected." Jess said talking.

"Your Majesty, this is something that your royal wizarding group has to consider. You should ask the wizards of your royal wizarding group, instead of coming to our Black Purple City and asking us." Maine slowly put down the goblet in his hand , He looked at Jace, with a half-smile but not a smile on his face, and said, "This has nothing to do with our Black Purple City."

"If it's really just a solvable trouble, I'll have all kinds of ways to disturb it, and I won't come to disturb it."

Jess shook his head and said: "Your Majesty Angelo, and Mr. Sheloff, Mr. Mayne, do you know that the situation of those Beiyu Rong people is very likely to be infected by the blood of your night bats."

Hearing this, the entire hall fell silent.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?" The expression on Serov's face was very ugly.

"I don't mean anything else." Jace thought for a while, and then he said a sentence, "Everyone, you know about the devil, right?"

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