Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 575 Doctor Strange


ding ding.

A crisp voice came.

Mayne is standing in front of the giant full-length mirror, finishing his make-up.

He was wearing a precious handmade black dress with gorgeous gold threads tattooed on it, which made this dress even more noble and extraordinary.

"It's so beautiful." Mayne stretched out his hand and gently moved the delicate rose-colored collar at his throat. He looked at himself with a hint of satisfaction on his face.

Very good, really good, he is in very good shape now, very suitable to leave here.

But before that, Mayne still has some things to deal with.

"Okay doctor, come out quickly, to be honest, you're not hiding very well, I can feel your breath." Mayne shrugged slightly, he stretched out his hand, and gently caressed his hair, while speaking softly to himself.

"Master Mayne."

A soft voice sounded, and there were fluctuations in the void, and soon, a figure emerged.

This is a strange man wearing a white coat and a face like a disinfection mask. He is very tall, and there is a smell of disinfectant from his body, which makes people feel a little bit. A strong sense of discomfort.

This figure appeared, and he bowed slightly towards Mayne, showing his respect.

In fact, this person is not a human or other race in the wizarding world. He is Doctor Strange, from a completely different world, where science and alchemy are advocated. Under the soul brand, so, from then on, he became Mayne's slave.

"Doctor, tell me, how's your recent experiment going?" Mayne turned his head and quietly looked at the strange-looking Doctor in front of him, and he asked.

"I'm sorry, Master Mayne, regarding your bloodline conditioning and fusion purification experiments, you have encountered several big problems now, and I can't solve them for the time being... No... I, I need some time, I just need some time to Okay."

As Doctor Strange said, he felt Mayne's gradually cold eyes, his body trembled, and he said so quickly.


You better hurry up, I'm going to marry my bride on the blood moon day, I don't want to wait too long. "Mayne said lightly, neither sad nor happy, but made Doctor Strange tremble, very frightened.

Seeing that the matter had passed temporarily, Doctor Strange breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Mayne, thought for a moment, and said, "Master Mayne, in fact, this time, the things sent by your guests are very good, right? My research has been very helpful."

"My guest? You mean Maureen, and something from Jace and the others?"

Mayne was slightly startled, and then he understood what Doctor Strange was talking about, so he couldn't help laughing.

From the heart, Mayne is still quite satisfied with Maureen and Jace, because in Mayne's opinion, they are very knowledgeable, know how to advance and retreat, very good, very good.

After he welcomed back his bride, Maureen wisely didn't mention his remuneration or anything, and didn't ask him to help find anything, instead he sent a lot of precious materials to some that had been lost. He gave him the ancient magic circle, and Mayne could tell at a glance that what Morin loosed was very valuable, so he was very satisfied with Morin.

Originally, he wanted to suck the blood of Mo Lin later. This was his plan. After all, as the master of the hand of the warlock who inherited the Gintama, Mo Lin must have an extraordinary bloodline. Now that Mo Lin has done so, Mei En has decided that after drinking Morin's blood, he will barely leave Morin alive.

It's a reward for his fun.

Mayne shrugged indifferently, thinking so.

In addition, that Jace is also very good. After all, Jace is the king of a duchy, and giving him a gift really satisfied Mayne's heart to a large extent.

"The things they sent are very good, right? Well, then, I'll let them send another batch." Mayne said lightly. He said it very naturally, and he didn't think there was anything wrong. He is only Un'Goro's grandson, and he is also the pure blood of the Night Bat. As long as it is long enough, he also has a high chance of becoming a spirit ring, but Mo Lin and the others are incomparable.

This is Mayne's thoughts and perceptions.

Mayne turned his head, looked at Doctor Strange next to him, and said, "My doctor, do you have anything else to do?"

"And this thing."

Doctor Strange thought for a while, he stretched out his hand, swiped slightly in the void next to him, and immediately pulled out a huge transparent vessel. Inside the vessel was the appearance of a pink octopus. The octopus was squirming and looked very cute. , but there is a disgusting psychedelic feeling.

"Master Mayne, this is something I accidentally got in Black Purple City. I suspect that this is an unknown creature. If I can study it well, maybe there will be some huge gains." Doctor Strange said. , He looked at the pink octopus, his tone fluctuated a little.

"Doctor, I don't have much time. You think you should study it, so let's study it. Don't bother me with this kind of thing, you know?"

Mayne said lightly, his tone didn't change much, but Doctor Strange's body suddenly trembled, and he quickly retracted the idea he wanted to explain.

He didn't dare to wait any longer, he said goodbye to Maine and returned to his research room.

There was a loud noise outside, and countless bats neighed and flew into the sky. Doctor Strange knew that Mayne had left, and today was the blood moon, and he wanted to marry his bride.

"Before my dissection of this octopus was temporary, and it was not fully carried out. Now... I will analyze it thoroughly!" In the research room, there are countless lights, indicator lights, glass tubes, and silver reaction tanks. The scattered distribution is placed, emitting bright and dark light.

Doctor Strange's expression changed under those lights, which made him look very strange. Finally, he looked at the glassware and octopus in front of him, as if he had made up his mind.

The doctor took a deep breath. He didn't dare to be careless about this strange octopus. He put on a chemical protective suit, rubber gloves, and a special scalpel in his hand, and planned to conduct a thorough analysis. .

But when Doctor Strange turned around, he couldn't help being stunned.

I do not know when, in the place where the glassware was placed, there appeared a young man wearing a black robe, black black eyes, and a handsome face.

The young wizard smiled at the Doctor as if he had noticed the Doctor's gaze, and then gave Doctor Strange a light scratch.


Chi Chi Chi!

Countless thick black silk threads emerged, as if they were transparent and illusory, intertwined and intertwined constantly.

Doctor Strange was subdued in the blink of an eye, and he was completely unconscious.

Maureen slowly withdrew his hand, he looked at the horrified octopus in the glass vessel in front of him, whose body was trembling violently, he smiled slightly, and said, "I gave you Mayne's gift, which was originally intended to keep Some of the next steps, but I didn't expect it, I found you directly."

"I found you very hard, Mr. Octopus."

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