There were a lot of people who came here this time. In addition to Morinda Dav Gegra and the others, there were also some Gintama sorcerers like Diana. Seeing the scene in front of them, many people could not help but be silent.

Although they felt that the abyss crack in front of them was unusual, who would have thought that it was so terrifyingly corrosive.

A boulder is nothing, but it is enough for them to see the huge thing hidden in it, which makes them jealous, even a little scared.

"How many cracks in the abyss have emerged nearby?"

Maureen didn't feel any surprise. He thought of another thing, so he started to ask.

"There are many abyss cracks found in the nearby area. We only have one of them in the hand of Gintama. For example, other wizard organizations, Maple Leaf Forest, Cold Light Tower, etc., there are at least three abyss cracks nearby." Mo Lin whispered next to him, his brows wrinkled, and he looked very dim, and said, "Mo Lin, the current situation is really not very good."

"Yeah, Mo Lin, but it's not very good. Not only here, but also in other places in the wizarding world, abyss cracks have been found. I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, the abyss cracks have already filled the wizarding world. ."

Gegra was also talking next to her, as if she had thought of something, her voice sighed a little.

Maureen stopped talking.

He closed his eyes to erase some of the information the chip had just detected in the abyss crack.

"Wait for me upstairs, I'll go down and see what kind of creatures exist in the abyss crack." Mo Lin thought for a while, turned around, and looked at Dadaf and the others, and said this.


Dadaf and the others didn't say anything, but Diana and the others were all taken aback.

"Don't worry, it's alright, trust me." The corner of Maureen's mouth twitched, he turned and glanced at them, then moved his body and jumped straight into the crack of the abyss.



Maureen felt that he was falling non-stop, as if there was no end to it.

A black circle swayed around his body, vaguely, and a dark red shadow lingered and danced around him. This was a kind of combination of his two magic absolute airspaces and the shadow of burning. Strong protection is a resistance that Morin carried out for the sake of emergency and safety.

As soon as he entered the abyss crack, Mo Lin could feel a strong corrosiveness constantly passing over, causing his anti-corrosion black light to tremble slightly, and the wizard energy he used also intensified in an instant.

Maureen fell slowly, and finally, like a long time passed, he slowly fell to the ground.

Surrounding is still a surging darkness, constantly surging and undulating, the front is dark and bright, and it is not particularly clear to see.

Mo Lin came to the ground, he looked around, and his thoughts suddenly moved slightly.

The layer of black-red shimmer on his body disappeared all of a sudden, and it completely merged into his body.

Immediately, Maureen felt a corrosive force coming over.

Chi Chi.

He opened his palm, and he could clearly see that on Mo Lin's fair palm, some black spots suddenly appeared. Those black spots spread rapidly, but after a little spread, they quickly disappeared. .

"Sure enough, the abyss crack is very corrosive to many people and many wizards, but to me, it is nothing." Mo Lin slowly held his palm, silently in his heart. thinking.

"The chip, combined with the different degrees of corrosion that I experienced when I came down just now, is judged to be divided into different levels of corrosion."

Mo Lin thought about it and gave the chip such an instruction.

"Ding! The mission has been established!"

"Mission in progress!"

"The abyss devil gas corrosion analysis is in progress... judgment is in progress... calculation is in progress..."

"Corrosion level is being generated..."

"Ding! According to the information collected by the subject,

The degree of corrosion of the abyss demonic energy can be divided into five degrees, of which the outermost one is one degree, and then the concentration gradually increases, and it is now five degrees. "

The cold mechanical voice of the chip kept coming, and it kept ringing in Mo Lin's mind.

Mo Lin didn't speak, his eyes flashed a cold light blue gleam. At the same time, he kept looking around, watching other things. Before he knew it, finally, Mo Lin had To the depths of this abyss crack.

Here is an endless black plain, the sky is dark, the wind is blowing slowly, and there are many black weeds, as if everything has no end.


There were some sharp roars from the demonic energy ahead, as if there was something hidden in front of him that would appear at any time.

"Abyss monster?" Mo Lin was slightly startled, and then a little bit of interest came.


I saw that the black mist in front of him suddenly dispersed, and a monster appeared.

It was a body as huge as a giant tiger, covered with scales, full of cold and terrifying aura, but a strange creature with countless black snake heads growing on its head.

"Hiss, hisss~~" The many cold green pupils of the abyss monsters were staring at Mo Lin, and the snake heads were wandering, as if they would attack Mo Lin in the next moment.


The snake heads suddenly neighed, and then, the abyss monster giant tiger-like body moved and suddenly rushed towards the front, and at the same time, its snake heads bit Mo Lin wildly.

Mo Lin's palms and lips moved slightly, and layers of black light appeared in front of him, resisting the attack of the black abyss monster.

Chi Chi, that abyss monster actually broke through a large part of the black light released by Mo Lin. After a while, the black snake demon hovered in the air, motionless, and there was no other movement.


The abyss monster actually broke free from the shackles of other black lights, its body fell slightly, and the eyes that looked at Mo Lin were full of indescribable vigilance.

Hissing, the abyss monster snorted towards Mo Lin again.

At this moment, beside it, there was a sudden wave of fluctuations in the void, and Mo Lin's arm stretched out suddenly and grabbed the countless snake heads of the abyss monsters.

His palm became very large, and at the same time, there were countless dense black snake scales on Mo Lin's arm.


The abyss monster didn't react at all, and Mo Lin grabbed all the heads. With the slight force of Mo Lin's palm, immediately, the abyss monster fell into a coma.

"Witchcraft has strong defense and destructive abilities, and his physical fitness is also very strong, but his spellcasting ability is not strong, and it seems that he does not have much wisdom." Mo Lin's body slowly emerged, and he looked at the man in his hand The abyss monster in a coma has countless ice-blue glimmers in its eyes, which is the chip being analyzed.

Maureen stretched out his hand, touched his smooth chin, and muttered to himself.

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