Thorne was silent.

He was wearing leather armor, and at this moment, he was sitting on a hardwood chair, watching the news in his hand.

Under the candlelight, the expression on Thorne's face was half-light and half-dark, and it changed.

"Phew~~" After a long while, Thorne slowly put down the communication document in his hand, and exhaled softly.

"Red Maple Forest Principality, and our Tusuo people, Tusuo people..."

Thorne muttered to himself, talking.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

After becoming the king of the Tusuo people, Thorne took the Tusuo people to the road of rise and began to fight non-stop, but, among them, it was really too difficult.

Not only was the Principality of the Red Maple Forest recovering, it began to urgently instigate all resources to deal with the attack of the Tusso people, but after the initial shock, many elders of the Council of Elders gradually began to have some other ideas in their hearts. With the exception of a few elders and clans who are close to Thorne, the other elders are all united, and they are extremely dissatisfied with Thorne, a slave-born person, as they are Tusuo people. Thorne's orders were violated.

Thorne has the heart to deal with it, but he doesn't have much to do yet.

His time as king was really too short, not much accumulation, not much real authority, and not many people to use.

This is the problem he will face and deal with in the future.

Thorne understood, and at the same time, very clearly.

He already has some vague plans, although it is still unclear, but Thorne believes that after a while, he will be able to change this unfavorable situation for him, truly grasp the power, and become the new king of the Tusso people. .

However, what happened down there was beyond his expectations.

The abyss crack appeared, the legendary black age was coming, all the extraordinary people in the world united together, formed the wizard alliance, and divided the area, and began to carry out comprehensive rule and management.

What an unexpected turn of events.

That's not all, just now, Thorne also received a summons, saying that the inspector of the eleventh district where the Tusuo people are located will come to the largest city here later, that is, the capital of the Red Maple Principality. It's like coming over to investigate something.

"Inspector, in the eleventh region, the inspector with great power..."

Thorne raised his eyes and muttered to himself.

He looked forward and knew that no matter what, he should go to see it. After all, it was the Ombudsman who came, and all the supernatural forces nearby, whether it was a wizarding organization, a warlock inheritance, or something else, all had to go over and go. Meet the inspector.

This is the most basic etiquette.

"I am the king of the Tusso people, so this time, I still have to go." Thorne said softly.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and in the end, he just sighed.

"Come on!" Thorne regained his calm, as if he was a real king, he shouted, and as he shouted, soon two attendants in light armor walked in, they Kneeling toward Thorne, head bowed, in their own respect.

"Get ready, let's set off and head to Red Maple City, the capital of the Red Maple Forest." Thorne stood up, walked to the front, and said lightly.

blah blah blah.

The crisp sound of hooves sounded, and Thorne appeared outside with many Tusso knights.

He turned his head, glanced at the city where the Tusos lived in front of him, smiled, and then he greeted and whistled, and rushed out with many Tusos knights.


Thorne and the others kept moving forward. After a long and long journey, Thorne and the Tusso knights came to the Red Maple City.

"Tusuo people..."

The guards along the way had already received the summons. No one intercepted Thorne and no one shot at them, but the guards of the Red Maple Principality looked at Thorne very wrongly.

It is full of an indescribable coldness and murderous intent, as if it will attack him at any time.

"If it weren't for the special circumstances, I had to come to meet the inspector, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to enter the city at all." Thorne looked at the surrounding city with a sighing expression on his face.

Hongfeng City, the capital of the Principality of Hongfenglin.

Because of their special status, Thorne and the others did not settle down by themselves, but accepted the arrangement of the Principality of Red Maple Forest and unified accommodation.

This is the condition after the agreement between Tusuo and the Principality of Hongfenglin.

The people who came to greet Thorne and the others were some officials in charge of etiquette from the Principality of the Red Maple Forest. They took him to the residence. Although their behavior was very good, there was no problem at all, but when they looked at Thorne. Their eyes were very bad.

The Tusuo people were a little restless, because they found out that the place where they were arranged was actually next to the Imperial Guards of the Royal City in the Red Maple Forest. It seemed that the Imperial Guards might come to suppress them at any time.

"Ah, these people, you are Tusuo people. I have heard about you Tusuo people long ago, but I didn't expect that you Tusuo people look like this."

At this moment, a middle-aged aristocratic man next to him, dressed in gorgeous satin clothes and with gemstone rings on his fingers, walked slowly by. He was fair-skinned and quite handsome, but his voice was a bit mocking. , said: "Tusuo people, oh, so you look like this, you are Tusuo people."

"This person... is the Grand Duke of Flowers of the Red Maple Forest."

Thorne looked at the figure in front, and his heart moved slightly. According to the information and information he had learned, he immediately knew who the middle-aged noble man in front was.

"I didn't expect that someone from Tusuo knew about me. It's an accident, haha, it's really an accident." Grand Duke of Flowers Luosol was startled, and then he laughed, looking quite happy, and said, "Could it be that my Has the fame gone to the Tusos? Scared the Tusos? Huh??"

"Ah, if that's the case, then, I'm really amazing."

As Rossol said, his face couldn't help showing a look of pride, and the many dog-legs next to him immediately sent a lot of praises.

Rossall is even more proud. It seems that he is extremely proud.

Thorne couldn't help laughing.

Among the information obtained by the Tusuo people, Rossall is a person who relied on flattering the superior, and he has no real ability at all. What he does the most is probably to help the king of the Red Maple Principality to collect information by unscrupulous means. Lots of beauties.

"I am the king of the Tusso people, my name is Thorne." Thorne said lightly, introducing himself.

"Thorn? The legendary king of the Tusso people, oh, is that you? You are Thorne, I've heard of you, so you look like this."

There was a look of surprise on Rossall's face. He looked at Thorne, tsk tsk praise, and his eyes couldn't hide the surprise and surprise.

But when he saw Thorne's eyes, his body trembled.

Thorne's eyes were very calm and indifferent, and the meaning in it was like a violent sharp knife, which suddenly stabbed, making Rossall feel a little unbearable.

"You... Thorne, you..." Roselle, the Grand Duke of Flowers, was a little panicked. He subconsciously took two steps back to avoid Thorne's gaze, but after that, he seemed to be aware of this action and felt a kind of Like an unspeakable insult, Rossall became angry all of a sudden, and said: "Thorn,, you wait, the inspector is coming, we are red The Principality of Fenglin has already contacted His Majesty the Inspector, and by then, you Tusuo people will not have good fruit to eat."

"I want you to look good!"

Rossall said in a sharp voice, and then a smug look on his face, after glancing at the numerous Tusos and Thorne, he hummed and left.

Has the Principality of Red Maple Forest contacted the Inspector?

The Tusso people around were a little uneasy, and Thorne couldn't help but sink.

"Okay, stop talking, let's go in." Thorne glanced at the many Tusos behind him, then greeted them and walked in.

But he couldn't calm down.


The inspector who came here.

Thorne sighed silently in his heart.

The next day, Thorne set out with a few Tusso cronies to attend the welcome banquet.

The place where the banquet was held was the palace of the Red Maple Principality. The palace occupies a large area. On the way, Thorne sat in the carriage and could see that the surrounding streets were under martial law. At the same time, there were other The transcendent took a carriage to the palace.

At the gate of the palace, Thorne saw the Grand Duke of Flowers again.

The Grand Duke of Flowers, Rossall, snorted softly at Thorne. He said softly to Tusor, and then tidied up his clothes. Like a duck with makeup, he raised his chest and raised his head. , and walked towards the inside in a majestic manner.

Thorne stood still, looking at Rothall's back, a cloud of darkness shrouded his heart all of a sudden.


Could it be true that the inspector is crowned...

So what should they Tusso do?

Thorne was in a heavy heart, and after a while, he slowly walked forward.

He came to the door of the hall.

Suddenly, as if something was triggered, the surroundings suddenly quieted down.

damn it!

Thorne scolded inwardly, although the Tusuo people have been very popular recently, but it is not like this.

Yes, yes, it must be Red Maple Forest, those damn nobles in the Principality of Red Maple Forest, it is them, they are paying bribes to the Inspector and promising a lot of benefits, that’s it, it’s definitely true!

Thorne bowed his head, he had no front, and when he was at the door, he knelt directly on the ground.

"Meet Your Honorable Inspector." Thorne put his hand on his chest, showing great respect.

"My esteemed Inspector, this is what I call the Tusso people. They are despicable and shameless. They are damn thieves and hooligans. They..." Rothall's voice sounded, but it was as if something had happened. His voice gradually became lower, and soon disappeared.

Then, a voice came over.


this voice...

very familiar.

Miss it too.

Thorne raised his head subconsciously and looked forward.

He saw a very familiar figure who had appeared in his dreams countless times, a figure he respected very much.

"Morlin...Mr. Morin!"

Thorne suddenly lost his voice.

Mo Lin ignored Rossall and the king of the Red Maple Principality who had been stunned beside him for a long time. He smiled slightly and said, "That's right, it's me."

"Son, long time no see."

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