Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 625 World Guardian

The breath from Usdima and Calfino became more and more vast and stronger.

Indistinctly, the auras on their bodies were mixed together, forming an indescribable gigantic aura, convoluting towards the surroundings, like a torrent.

Feeling the breath of Usdima and Calfino, everyone was deeply shocked.

"The wizarding world, this is the breath of the wizarding world..."

"The breath of the wizarding world came from the two thrones."

The wizards and warlocks who were struggling to resist felt the breath of Usdima and Calfino, and had an indescribably familiar feeling. They looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

Yes, the wizarding world, the wizarding world.

Not only the wizards and warlocks, but even the abyss demons afterward felt the same strong and vast aura.

" turned out to be the world guardians of the wizarding world!" A heavy gasp came over, and Hai Kun, who just flew away quickly, vomited blood, came over here, and said: "How is it possible, the wizarding world is What an amazing and huge world, to choose you as the guardians of the world!"

"Nothing is impossible."

Usdima and Calfino were both surrounded by an incomparably thick column of clear light at this time, Usdima shook his head, and his voice resounded.

"You, you are now integrated into the power of the wizarding world, but after that, you will definitely miss the seventh-level legend, for sure!" Hai Kun said fiercely with a grim expression on his face.

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Calfino's leisurely voice also came over.

"It's over."

"It's over."

Usdima and Calfino were talking at the same time.

咻咻咻, the light is blazing, this place has become a group of extremely dazzling and gorgeous light, the bodies of Usdima and Calfino are hidden in the light group, blurred, at the same time, one after another clear light is moving towards the surrounding. The convolution is cut off, as if it will never stop.

Whether it was the abyss demonic energy, the abyss demons, or the abyss demons, they all screamed and disappeared and died under the clear light that kept rushing over.



The screams of the abyss creatures kept sounding, they were afraid, their minds were close to collapse, and the demons couldn't bear it any longer. At this time, they were fleeing frantically.

The surrounding sky was blurry, vibrating, and there was a low humming sound, that was the wizarding world echoing the two thrones, sheltering them, and blessing their attacks.

Whether it was a wizard, a warlock, or a priest, everyone watched this scene in shock.

The scene was extremely quiet.

Mo Lin felt the clear light, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt an indescribable pressure.

"Alan, the two thrones are clearly the guardians of the world, so why are they only now..." Mary looked at Alan next to her subconsciously, as if thinking of something.

Allen smiled at her.

He didn't speak, just shook his head slightly.

Mary was stunned and looked at the two thrones. She pursed her lips and didn't ask Ellen.

The attack of the two thrones became more and more fierce and fierce. After the darkness of the eternal holy light dissipated, the huge light group they transformed into directly rushed into the edge of the outer domain.


call out! !

The blazing clear light slashed forward, and there was a scream from the outer domain, the dark ancestor mirage died, the black light shattered, and many trapped wizards and warlocks reappeared.

"What's the matter, what happened before..."

"Abyss monsters, and those abyss demons, they..."

The wizards and warlocks were pale and their spirits seemed extremely sluggish. When they just came out, they looked around, struggling, trying to get up.

The other wizards and warlocks hurried over and told them the relevant things, which made these wizards and warlocks reluctantly calm down.

"Everyone leaves."

Usdima and Calfino's voices mixed together and rang out at the same time.

"Today, we ban Outland, so that the abyss creatures will never come."

"The wizarding world."

"The great wizarding world."

Usdima and the others said, as if they were singing, but also as if they were chanting.


There was a violent muffled sound from the front, and everyone could clearly see that the outer realm in front was slowly closing, getting smaller and smaller, and finally the entire outer realm was completely closed. The place has disappeared.

There was peace there, without a trace of anything else, as if nothing had happened.


Is it all over?

All the wizards and warlocks who appeared stared blankly, and the expressions on their faces were a little dreamy.

It was a long time before they finally accepted such a thing.

Immediately, everyone cheered.

A grand celebration banquet began to celebrate the departure of the abyss creatures, those terrifying abyss monsters, the terrifying abyss demons.

Wizards and warlocks are somewhat unable to themselves.

The entire eternal holy light is full of joy and turned into a sea of ​​joy. The wizards and warlocks are very happy, and the abyss creatures in front of them have completely left, as long as they can clear other abyss creatures later. , there will be no other problems.

The wizarding world will return to peace, and all suffering and pain will come to an end here.

The smiles on the faces of the wizards and warlocks were bright, they raised their wine glasses high, and they were celebrating, the wine was spilled, and they were saying words of blessing.

Bless all the suffering and pain is over.

Bless them still well with each other.

Just when everyone was celebrating, two figures were walking slowly at the foot of the eternal holy light.

They were all wearing black robes, one of them was tall, with white hair and beard, like an ordinary old man, while the other was a figure with a hunched body, wrinkled skin and palms like chicken paws.

Asdirmanos and his followers Hastur.

"Master, I welcome your awakening, and the whole world welcomes your awakening." Hastur fell behind Asdirmanos and said very respectfully, he did not dare to surpass Asdirmanos by half a point. .

Asdirmanos looked forward, ignoring Hastur at all.

"Master, for your awakening, we have created so many zombies, how should we deal with this?" Hastur thought for a while and asked respectfully.


Asdirmanos suddenly turned around, glanced at Hastur, and said, "Hasta, are you old?"


Are you old?

Hastur's expression changed instantly.

"No, no, Hastur is not old yet. Rest assured, master, I will be able to deal with the other dark species of these zombies. I will let them flood the wizarding world and bring huge disaster and panic to the wizarding world."

Hastur knelt on the ground, his body trembling, his voice trembling.

Asdirmanos withdrew his gaze, he looked forward, towards the eternal light that was gradually recovering.

Before they knew it, they had come to the top of the cliff.

"Although the light is disgusting, but the eternal holy light, the scenery here is really beautiful, much better than the abyss." Asdirmanos looked at the mist-shrouded peaks, the corners of his mouth moved, he laughed, and sighed. .

"Are you right, Hastur," Asdirmanos asked casually.

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