The carriage is moving forward.

Maureen was holding a parchment scroll in his hand, and he was squinting and watching it carefully.

This parchment scroll was a gift from Serphis to Morin after he knew that Morin planned to stay away. Big and very precious.

At this moment, Maureen was looking at the map, thinking about the next plan.

"From the Wizard's Tower, go southeast, turn north, and then turn west. After a long distance, turn north again to reach the nearest northern area."

"Where there is a sea, it is boundless."

"The sea of ​​the Arctic, that sea is the sea of ​​the Arctic."

Maureen's finger landed on a large blue area to the north, and then clicked heavily. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Although the size, shape and outline of that place are not the same as those of the Arctic Sea, Maureen had been to the Arctic Sea before and had a good understanding of the Arctic Sea. He knew that the later Arctic Sea had passed through long years. Changes have become like that. Although the sea area is far from the future, it is undoubtedly the sea of ​​the Arctic.

"That's it, follow this route. There are many gods and kingdoms of gods on this route, and there are also many strange races. The last is to reach the sea of ​​the North Pole. If you go this way, you can add a lot of knowledge. That's how I am. out." Maureen quickly made a decision.

With a flip of his palm, he put the map away.

Looking to the side, Rose and Lilac Silver Bracelet were holding a book, murmuring and whispering something, Sophie also came over, her bright eyes were rolling, shining with inspiration, from time to time Nodding, a look that is also very curious. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Mo Lin looked at the gathered girls, smiled, leaned on the carriage of the carriage, went into a state of silence, figured out the information about the gods and divinity, and came to let the chip analyze it.

Of course, the man driving the carriage was Ampam.

That's how they came out.

In the blink of an eye, time passed quickly. Mo Lin and the others had come to a brand new place. At this time, Mo Lin was still wearing a robe that seemed to never change, while Rose and the others were wearing a brand new skin. Armor, it looks valiant when you wear it.

In the forest, the screams of the robbers kept ringing.


"Help, forgive me, we are wrong, we have no eyes, we dare to hit you with our ideas, we must not die, we must die, please let us go."\u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Several robbers in tattered clothes and carrying a few hard wooden sticks knelt on the ground and were crying non-stop.

But his words had no effect and did not change anything.

Swish swish!

Gorgeous silver light flashed, blood flowed, and the robbers fell to the ground, their eyes widened and dead.

Maureen leaned on the carriage, watched this scene, smashed his mouth, and showed no expression on his face at all.

"We cleaned up these robbers." Rose withdrew the cross sword. She looked at Maureen, who was watching everything quietly. She was a little weak and she felt a little annoyed by her appearance.


Maureen nodded, he withdrew his gaze, and said, "Rose, go and copy the book "Gods and Divinities" fifty times."\u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

"I told you to use the cross sword, but I didn't let you vent. You forgot even the most basic calmness."

Just as Rose was about to say something, she was blocked by Maureen's words.

"Copy it!"

The look on Rose's face suddenly turned red, and after she snorted,

She ran towards her own carriage.

"Sir, are you treating her sister..." Silver bracelet came over and wanted to say something.

"Don't worry about her."

Maureen shook his head slightly.

Before they knew it, Maureen and the others had been moving forward for several months. During this period, the cultural abilities of rose lilac and silver bracelets improved rapidly. They passed the initial stage of beginners, and now they are able to watch various Books, they read a lot of books, in some places, they can be regarded as knowledgeable scholars. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

In addition to knowledge of literature and cultural ability, Maureen also began to teach them swordsmanship. They were very obedient and learned very well.

But Rose often went against Mo Lin. Although she would do what Mo Lin said, she looked unconvinced. Mo Lin was stunned for a while at first, but fortunately she didn't care about her later.

The current rose and silver bracelets are no longer ordinary girls, and their strength is almost the same as that of the former caravan Depp's guard leader Sinra.

Maureen thought, very pleased, and at the same time had an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

After a brief rest, Maureen and the others had lunch here, and then continued on their way.

"Brother Morin." Sophie got into Morin's carriage and slowly leaned against Morin's side.

"Sophie, are you okay?" \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

There was something wrong with Maureen now.

Sophie didn't speak, her head on Maureen's shoulder shook slightly.

"Ampam." The look on Maureen's face suddenly sank.

"Mr Green."

The curtain of the carriage was lifted and Ampam walked in, bowing slightly towards Maureen.

Maureen didn't speak, just looked at Ampam coldly.

The old man who bowed his body and looked unusually restrained.

"Sophie is just tired now, but if there is something wrong with her, Ampam, I think you won't want to suffer the consequences." Maureen's voice was indifferent, without the slightest expression.

"Miss Sophie is tired, how is that possible? She, wait, she..."

Ampam was startled. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Sophie who was leaning on Maureen's shoulder. His face showed many emotions such as shock, daze, and confusion. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e


The air was torn apart instantly, and black lights flashed, pulling Ampam over in an instant.

Maureen stared at Ampam, whose whole body was wrapped in black light, without a trace of expression on his face. His eyes narrowed, and a terrifying icy blue shimmer kept flashing in his eyes, and then again. Fly away, unusually splendid.

"Brother Maureen..." Sophie moved, she looked like she was about to fall asleep.


The black light dissipated, and Ampam landed on the ground again and sat on the carriage, but Ampam didn't care about such a thing at all. He looked at Sophie, stunned, and did not recover at all.

"You go down, don't touch Sophie for the time being." Mo Lin said coldly.

"Ok... ok." \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

"Goodbye...bye Mr. Green...Mr. Green."

Ampam said unconsciously, he lost his soul, and walked out slowly towards the outside.

Maureen looked at Sophie who was gradually falling asleep, stretched out her hand, and picked up a silver cross star pendant hanging on Sophie's neck.

Everything works fine with the silver cross star pendant, nothing has changed from before.

Seeing this, Maureen was truly relieved.

"Sophie..." Maureen looked at Sophie who was sleeping on his shoulder and sighed softly.

Sophie, little Sophie.

Maureen thought of the timid little girl who used to be, and thought silently in his heart.

During the past few months, Maureen and the others went to many places, saw different things, different places, different tribes and races, and experienced a lot.

Not only roses, Maureen is also changing.

Along the way, Maureen and the others encountered some mortal beings, and of course, gods and the kingdom of gods on earth.

Maureen killed God.

The reason is no longer important, in short, because of some incidents, he fought with some gods, and then killed the gods abruptly.

"Maybe you should change your name to a different name and use it as a pseudonym when you go out. This will save you a lot of trouble. After all... this is the world of the gods." Ampam persuaded Morin at the time.

"Then... Greene."

Maureen thought for a while and gave himself such a pseudonym.

Similar to the pseudonym that Selphis used when he was out and about, Cerro was the same.

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