Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 645 Feather God (3)

In the face of God, Anno did not dare to be careless or disrespectful to Maureen, Jeff, the god of storms, and Peter, the god of thieves.

He arranged a residence for Mo Lin and the others. It was the palace of Yushen, rich and noble, and it revealed an indescribable elegant atmosphere. It was very rare. This is the palace of the gods. live in it.

Mo Lin carefully looked at the scenery outside on the palace platform of his residence. The palace platform was very high, so Mo Lin could see far away, and could see many, many different scenery, and the whole city was unobstructed.

After watching for a while, he withdrew his gaze and walked into the banquet hall.

Silver bracelets and lilac roses had never entered such a luxurious palace. Their little faces were flushed red, and they were very excited and excited. They were talking non-stop. At this time, these girls were very difficult to calm down.

Even Sophie kept looking around, watching, her bright big eyes blinking and blinking.

Sophie came from the later generations and was born in Trattle City, a large wizard organization. She is the daughter of Locke, the lord of Trattle City, with extraordinary status and extraordinary knowledge. However, Sophie never came to the palace of the gods of the kingdom of God. In the middle, she was also full of an indescribable curiosity about the surroundings.

Seeing Mo Lin coming, Sophie and the others greeted Mo Lin, Mo Lin smiled, and after he said something briefly, he returned to his room.


Mo Lin's palm glowed, and a faint circle of black light emanated from his palm, shrouding the surroundings and covering everything.

Then Maureen's palm flashed gray light, and a crystal ball that was constantly swirling with gray gas appeared in his hand.

"Respected God, Respected Lord of the Sky, ah, damn it, you see, that damn fellow, my damned slave god, he actually wants to build a god statue, and wants to completely usurp my authority. Ah." As soon as the crystal ball appeared, almost instantly, Shuer appeared, he looked very anxious, a long thick gray gas was dragging behind his head, as if he was a mermaid in the surroundings. Stopped and swam, kept scurrying.

"My esteemed Lord of the Sky, do you remember the agreement between us? You promised me that you would help me regain my authority and make me a Feather God again."

As if thinking of something, Xiuer's head swam in front of Maureen, with a hint of flattery and flattery on his face, and said, "I can't bear it anymore, Your Honorable Lord of the Sky, I'm sorry, I really lost my way just now, please forgive me, please forgive me."

"If you can help me as soon as possible, I have decided to add some other agreements in addition to our agreement, and even, I can even be loyal to you, completely rely on you, and serve you wholeheartedly, even if it is to give up Everything, it's okay to be your God."

"I just want that damn guy, that wicked blasphemer to die like this, die like this!"

While talking to Mo Lin, Xiur couldn't help showing a hideous look on his face.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty Yushen, I will honor our agreement." A smile appeared on Mo Lin's face, he leaned down, and slowly approached the crystal ball that was constantly suffused with gray gas. Said: "You said a lot about your kingdom of God before, which is very good, really good, but this is not enough, I still need some more things."

"In your palace, I felt some divine power sequences, the specific nature, transformation, frequency, intensity, and circulation. Now tell me carefully." The smile on Mo Lin's face remained unchanged.

But the look on Shuer's face froze all of a sudden.

"Okay, Your Majesty the Lord of the Sky, I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything." Shuer struggled non-stop, he was ruthless, gritted his teeth, and then he said this.

As Shuer said, Maureen was listening non-stop by the side. He nodded from time to time, but he couldn't see any other expressions on his face.

after a while,

Maureen put away the gray ball of light again.

He put his hand on his chin and rubbed it gently, thinking, thinking about something.

"The city of the sky, the city of the sky..." Mo Lin grabbed his palm slightly towards the void, and immediately, a slap-sized city that looked extremely huge, but faintly revealed a monstrous aura appeared. Above his palm, floating quietly.

This is Maureen's sorcerer's tool, the city in the sky.

Mo Lin quietly looked at this slap-sized city, as if it were real, but also illusory.

This is his magic weapon.

When the avatar of Asdirmanos, the head of the far-reaching demon god, was fighting back before being sealed, Mo Lin and Xilan Allen were exiled. Mo Lin subconsciously brought the city of the sky over. It's his wizarding tool, and in a way, Sky City is a part of him.

It was only during the time and space travel that the city of the sky was damaged. Mo Lin has been using his wizard origin to nourish the city of the sky. Now, the city of the sky has recovered a lot. It cannot be said that it has been completely repaired, but at least able to function.

It doesn't matter if it's an attack or a defense.

This is the crystallization of Maureen's hard work and wizards.

"I don't know what happened to Dadav and Gegra..." Mo Lin's heart moved, and he suddenly thought about Dadav and Gegra, two small but lively and amiable old people.

They witnessed the era of ancient wizards, the glory and the end of ancient wizards, and accompanied Mo Lin through many, many things. In many cases, they gave Mo Lin help and advice, and also helped Mo Lin build the city of the sky. For Maureen, they were like two elders.

Sadly, they are now separated.

"The city of the sky was forcibly taken by me, and the news after that, as well as the re-emergence of the outer domain and more abyss monsters, I don't know what happened to Da Dafu and the others." Mo Lin thought, feeling a little miss. Someone in the wizarding world.

Immediately, he shook his head and laughed.

After all, he is still far in time.

Maureen calmed down and walked out of the room. At this time, it was already night.

Sophie and the silver bracelet Lilac Rose were looking out on the palace platform. From time to time, the girls made exclamations and whispered, and their faces also showed envy and yearning.

"Let's go out for a walk together." Seeing this scene, Maureen couldn't help laughing.

"it is good!"


Sophie and the others cheered immediately. Before, they dared not go out because they were afraid of danger and caused Mo Lin to worry, but now it is different. If Mo Lin goes out with them, it will be very good, and there will definitely be no danger.

At this point, even Rose, who seemed not to deal with Maureen, was very firm.

In fact... In fact, Sophie and the others are all very good and sensible girls.

Maureen and Sophie went out and walked on the streets of the kingdom of God.

The sky is clear and blue like a piece of pure night, the feathered people are flying in the air, they sing dreamy babbling songs, every now and then a little bit of light falls down, falling on their faces, lips, and glasses , on the wings.

At this time, they seemed to be a race that the creator had forgotten in the world.

The streets are clean, the bluestone slabs are shimmering, and people come and go, talking and walking, very happy, and laughter overflows.

All this is really like a kingdom in heaven.

Sophie and the others walked and watched, laughing happily, they were new to everything, and, obviously, they all liked it.

"God, it is God."

"The front is already a temple."

"Someone in the temple is worshipping the Feather God!"

Sophie and the others exclaimed and found the liveliness of the temple, so the girls ran over happily.

The crowd was crowded and lively, and it seemed that the icy and solemn statue also felt the breath of the world at this time, with warmth and warmth.

Of course, Maureen knew that the statue in the temple was not the same as the statue being built.

With Maureen by his side, Sophie and the others naturally didn't have to worry about being squeezed by others. People unknowingly separated a wide road and let Maureen and the others walk in.

The girl looked at the people who were worshiping Yushen, some were pious, some were solemn, and some were sad.

They look at those people.

Maureen looked around, and similarly, looked at them.

At this time, in the temple, under the countless brilliance, in the crowded and lively crowd, Sophie and the silver bracelets Lilac Rose and the others, a few girls are as beautiful as angels.

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