The atmosphere was a little dignified.

Also very serious.

At least in Lance's view.

But Maureen was only startled for a moment, and then he felt amused for a while.

He only used second-level strength, but this is not something that ordinary third-level existence can find. I don't know what kind of bloodline Lance is, and he was able to find him. However, Lance came to him. Revealing murderous aura...he is courting death.

Still very quiet.

But Maureen was already thinking about how to deal with Lance's disappearance in the future.

Why don't you use a few witchcraft to manipulate Lance's corpse and make a disguise? Or stop playing, just come and kill and search for everyone? Of course, he can't use his real identity, he has to change his identity, um, replace it with the suddenly appearing fifth-level spirit ring...

Maureen thought so.

Lance didn't know what Mo Lin was thinking at all, and he didn't know that Mo Lin had always regarded him as a mere third-level warlock. He looked at Mo Lin's silent appearance, and felt that he had already told the truth, and pinched Mo Lin. , so a sneer appeared on his face.

"Mauren, I think you should be a smart person. I think you are not bad. You have the second-level strength at a young age. Well, I won't kill you, as long as you are willing to join us in the Eye of Bermus. , and declared allegiance to me, became my secret servant, and I promised to let you go."

"Either die or enter a wizarding organization like the Eye of Bermuse, Maureen, you should choose..." Lance's voice gradually became lower, but the voice became colder and colder. getting fiercer.

Maureen looked at Lance and felt really annoyed.

"I wouldn't choose that," Maureen said.

He has already decided to kill people. Although he will be a little embarrassed when he faces the two thrones later, but... just kill him.

"Lance, Lance? Lance!!" At this moment, a shout rang out, and someone ran over. It was a young girl with a slender body, slim, and soft hair. At first glance, people liked it very much. , She saw Lance, and after a little startled, she ran over.

"Lance, come here quickly, I have something for you."

The girl shouted like that. She is none other than Luna, the granddaughter of Locke who is in charge of the Eye of Bermus in this team.

The expression on Lance's face suddenly turned very ugly.

He stared at Maureen fiercely, and without saying a word, he immediately turned and left.

Maureen was also stunned.

Okay, it's a little embarrassing...

He stretched out his hand involuntarily and touched his nose.

"Luna, Miss Eye of Bermuse, everyone, no, at least those who are here in Eye of Bermuse, all come to thank you." Maureen said.

He looked at Lance's back in front of him, and the expression on his face slowly turned cold.

Mo Lin's eyes were very calm, but there was a giant dragon spinning in them, looming, as if it were an illusion, but also as if it was the real reality.

No one saw that a terrifying phantom of a dragon and snake appeared on Lance's head. The dragon and snake swirled around and suddenly plunged into Lance's body.

All of Lance's lifespans are gone.

By the time he got to the Eye of Bermuse, he was dead.

Even, if Maureen wanted to, Lance could die a little faster.

This is the price of offending a fifth-level spirit ring, even if it's just unintentional, even if it's just a few words.

He be damned.

Maureen thought and looked away.

"I'm getting more and more curious." Mo Lin's eyes flashed an ice-blue glimmer that no one else could see, he muttered to himself, the expression on his face inexplicable.

This team, the blood of virgins,

And that Miss Luna who doesn't seem to be related to anything...

Maureen thought and smiled slightly, but there was no smile in his eyes.

The entire team continued to walk forward, and finally, after a while, the entire team reached the Eye of Bermuse.

The Eye of Bermuse is a large-scale warlock organization. The building is huge, and it is built with silver-gray slate everywhere. I don’t know if it is affected by the Arctic Sea. The buildings all have a kind of soft curve, giving people a very strange feeling.

"Okay, it's a good thing to walk with you all this way. Let's have a rest tonight, and then go to the place that you have arranged and planned." Together, Lance was in front, and he opened his mouth to talk to the others.

"it is good……"


The other wizards and warlocks did not dare to disobey at all, and they quickly agreed.

The rest of the team stayed in a large hotel arranged by the Bermudian Eye Warlock. They had dinner. At night, some wizards and warlocks were meditating, but suddenly their eyes lit up, there was a sharp pain in their throats, and their ears lit up. It was buzzing non-stop.

"What's going on, what's going on..."

"Smoke, smoke, witchcraft smoke..."

Under the horrified gazes of the wizards and warlocks, some writhing white smoke suddenly appeared, and those white smoke turned into ghost figures, grinning strangely, and then swooped towards them.

A scream rang out.

Then it quieted down.

Everyone fell into a coma and fell into a deep sleep.

The edge of a cave.

The surroundings are dim, the fire is shining, and the surroundings are flickering and flickering.

Indistinctly, a terrifying roar came from the cave. Occasionally, a pair of cold and huge eyes could be seen sticking out of the cave, waiting fiercely for the people outside.

The Bermudian warlocks only felt a shudder in their bodies, and they couldn't help trembling.

The eyes just now were too frightening, like a murderous creature before the ancient times, and like a horrible and unknown existence that had lived for countless years, making all of them feel terrible and trembling.

"Throw them all in." Lance took a deep breath and instructed the warlocks beside him.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The Bermudian warlocks next to them nodded quickly, and they made their moves one by one, and all the people who had fainted in the hotel before still entered the cave.

With all these wizards and warlocks, that should be enough.

Lance looked at the stone cave below, and listened to the increasingly restless roar of the things inside, thinking like this in his heart.

When he saw Maureen who was thrown down, he laughed coldly.

"Hmph, I don't know what to do, do you think you can escape, wrong, you're still going to die!" Lance thought fiercely.

He felt extremely happy.

But suddenly, Lance felt that something was wrong. He felt blackness in front of him, and at the same time, something cold was flowing out of his nose.

"what is this……"

Lance was taken aback.

He involuntarily stretched out his hand.

At first glance, it was black blood.


black blood.

"Why is there blood, black blood..."

Lance was stunned. He opened his mouth to say something, but the next moment, he felt a flower before his eyes and fell to the ground, sinking into eternal darkness.

The last thing he heard was the vague and terrifying shouts of the many warlocks beside him.




Diana felt a pain in her head.

"Ah." She moaned, and finally, slowly opened her eyes.

The darkness around her made her a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, there was light ahead.

There was a figure in front. At this time, the figure was looking at something in front of him, and there was a look of interest on his face.

Hearing Diana's voice, the figure slowly turned around.

"Well, Diana, you're awake." Maureen chuckled, and his gentle voice came over.


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