As the time sled slides in the turbulent flow of time, the Baxter Building in the plane behind it gradually leaves the sight of the white night and disappears into the ever-changing time and space.

The postman AI turned to Bai Ye. The holographic image of the old man looked at him with a smile. He adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and asked, "You haven't said where you are going."

Before Bai Ye could answer, the AI's voice sounded in the cockpit again:

"I'm afraid there aren't many places we can go. This fragment of the time stone was amplified by Dr. Richards using technology. If used outside the sled, it can only allow you to briefly fast forward or rewind a few seconds."

There was a hint of helplessness in the AI's words, as if it felt quite powerless against the constraints of time and space.

"Beyond that," the postman AI continued, "I'm afraid we can only go back to the place where you started to tear apart the cracks in time. The time sled needs specific coordinates to coincide with the corresponding time point."

The blue figure shrugged.

The bracelets are things created by the life computer "Supreme Intelligence" created by the Kree. They are called negative son bracelets. They can give the user enhanced strength and speed, the ability to absorb energy, and flight.

"Reed? Dr. Richards? Mister Fantastic?!" He shouted as he walked, and Helby, who was floating in the air behind him, also turned on his searchlight to illuminate the road brighter.

In the center of this space, there is a bed. Lying on the bed were a pair of skeletons embracing each other. Their bones looked unusually white, in sharp contrast to the surrounding technological devices.

The posture of the pair of skeletons seemed to tell a sad story. They hugged each other tightly, as if they still refused to let go of each other in the last moments of their lives.

But now it seems that it is probably just a beautiful but unreal dream.

Bai Ye stepped out of the sleigh and looked at the huge metal oval building in front of him. At the same time, he noticed the faint light curtain on its outer layer, which was obviously built to protect the people inside from the turbulence of time.

Nodding, Bai Ye stepped forward and walked inside.

"If this message starts playing, it means you have found us. I'm sorry that I didn't believe you in time during our first or last meeting."

"For some reasons, Su and I can't leave here, so we decided to give these precious weapons to you. Our future is already determined, but yours is not yet."

Bai Ye leaned down and picked up those things.

"Hello, time traveler, please forgive me for calling you this, because I don't know your real name." Reed Richards in the picture looked at the camera, with a bit of seriousness in his voice.

Instead, he used a piece of building debris that was blown into the crack of time after Bai Ye left to build this building before Bai Ye came.

"After being trapped here, we have enough time to think about the truth of your words." Reed Richards gently hugged the invisible woman Susan beside him, who was also aging. A smile appeared on his face.

Without any hesitation, Bai Ye continued to walk inside. Judging from the dust on the ground, it seemed that no living person had set foot here for several years.

Then, intertwined with the sound of the video playing, a metal box popped out of the floor and slowly opened.

But this is not a problem for him. Firstly, he asked a craftsman to input the coordinates into the protective suit before setting off. Secondly, Mr. Fantastic's location should also have coordinates.

"Based on the architectural style, this building should have been built by Dr. Richards and his wife using the remains of the Baxter Building." Helby floated to Bai Ye's side and made a mechanical sound.

The building's surface is smooth and solid, reflecting the light of time. The most eye-catching thing is that there is an extended platform at the top. The platform is gently swaying in the turbulence, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

Mr. Fantastic's voice was conveyed through the video, and his eyes seemed to be able to travel through time and space, directly touching Bai Ye's heart.

When he reached the end of the platform, just when he was about to reach out and look for the door button, the originally tight building surface suddenly opened, and a deep passage appeared in front of him, and then dozens of small lights lit up at intervals inside, like Instructing him to continue walking inside.

This was not what he expected. The old Star-Lord in the original plot wanted to use the time sled to go back to an earlier point in time to change the past, but he was also told that he could not go there without coordinates.

After listening to the old postman's explanation, Bai Ye nodded calmly, "I know, keep driving forward."

The picture shows an old couple with gray hair and wrinkles on their faces. Their eyes are full of deep love when they look at each other.

"Voice confirmed, start playing." A mechanical announcement suddenly came from above the pair of skeletons, and then, a flat screen lit up and started playing the video.

In the wasteland, civilians have been singing the story that this superhero couple will suddenly return one day and save the world.

The little robot Helby floated over and stopped next to the pair of skeletons. The expression composed of yellow pixels on the screen became very sad.

Not long after walking, Bai Ye turned a corner, walked into a room, and stopped.

The time sled flew through the torrent of time, seemingly passing through countless timelines, until the scene in front of him became stable again. In their field of vision, a huge gray metal building appeared. It was five or six stories high and had a unique shape, like a huge oval.

This little robot was right. I don't know whether it was because the invisible woman was protected by a mental shield or because Reed used some technological means. The two of them did not die directly after being thrown into the crack in the world.

What caught Bai Ye's eyes was a pair of golden bracelets, shimmering with light, which looked somewhat similar to the bracelets of DC Wonder Woman next door.

The time sled landed slowly on the platform, vibrated slightly, and then stopped steadily.

In addition to the bracelet, there was also a palm-sized metal object placed in the metal box, which looked like a weird-looking lighter.

Although it is a robot made of a bunch of metal and electronic parts, it also has simulated emotions in its algorithms and programs. At this moment, seeing the owner who once created it die, it is really difficult to hide the sadness.

Even without looking at the blue tights on the corpses, he knew their identities. They were Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman who had disappeared into the turbulence of time.

The latter is the biggest purpose of his trip.

Known as the 'lighter of the editorial office', a weapon capable of erasing almost anything, the ultimate eraser.

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